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The official "let's impeach Trump" thread

It is our broken political system. Not one Democrat Senator voted to impeach Clinton when the evidence was clear. The precedent was set then. I have no doubt if the tables were turned Democrats would not vote to impeach a Democrat president. Well, they might vote against Bernie. :)
I agree.

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I will strongly disagree here. Only the very best of the Native American speeches would have been preserved by white historians (selection bias), and there is no such thing as a common Native American culture to begin with, so there is no common notion of "speak from the heart". This is benevolent racism.

Truthfully, I'm most familiar with what was recorded here, southern New England, in the 17th century. The speeches or words I were not recorded by historians, but by Pilgrims, Puritans, and most notably, Roger Williams. Very few of the natives recorded would be familiar names to most Americans today. Canonchet, Canonicus, Ninigret, Miantonomi. Massasoit, Metacom(King Philip), yes, Americans might recognize their names, but not many others. In that instance, the selection bias is really just recordings by 17th century English leaders of the words of sachems they were forced to deal with. And, really, most of the speeches recorded through the era of the Indian Wars of the late 19th century, were recorded by participants in the events, not by historians.

Just in North America, there were hundreds of tribes/bands at the time of Contact, and major language groups. If there was not a monolithic culture, there was broad connections in language group and culture across broad areas of North America. The Eastern Woodlands was one such. Many tribes. Broad agreements in beliefs, customs, myths. A Narragansett would not feel like he was in another universe anywhere in the Eastern Woodlands.

Otherwise, I'd at least go with overly romanticized and simplistic in criticizing myself, and I do understand where you are coming from, and I do see your point.
Yeah, see the difference is that I'm biased toward the right side of history, and you're biased to an authoritarian regime. Or, if it's easier to understand, I am right, and you are wrong. Maguire did not undermine Trump's authority. He had a briefing delivered to the House Intelligence Committee, which is what we should want to take place. I'm not into dictators, get it? I don't care if you have chosen to support a would be dictator. Again, you are clueless. I do not want to put you on ignore, have never done that yet with anyone. You just need to understand that, in addressing me, you are addressing someone who has a way better handle on what is going on than you do. Sounds pretty arrogant of me, no? Well, tough.
Frankly, unhinged would be a better word. I realize that people on the left can't see it, but they are very much in an echo chamber. It is astounding how much of the frantic claims they make apply directly toward the people who they believe in.
I wouldn't vote for either. But if you put a gun to my head and force me to vote for one, I guess I'd pick Bernie.
Colton, why wouldn't you vote for Bernie? He's nothing like Trump. I doubt a guy as intelligent as you would be affected by the socialist label. So, there must be some other reason that Bernie is not acceptable to you? I myself think the centrist Democrats are little better than Trump. More respectable, yes. But as corrupt, yes, just as corrupt.

While they may be better human beings, their interests lie in supporting the establishment and elites who run the country and won't make the changes that take the power away from the corporate elites and give power back to the people. You may not agree with all of Bernie's policies, but they all have been developed in consideration of the best interests of the people, with providing the greatest good to the greatest number.
He is probably right though. Those republican senators could have had video evidence of trump personally murdering everyone in their families and they still wouldn't have removed him from office.

Trump's defense in the hypothetical scenario?..... The same defense as in the real life impeachment trial. "I felt like their murders were a good thing for me and therefore they were also a good thing for the country so I was just doing what's in the best interest of America"
Boom, acquitted.

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Oh, he is definitely correct in his assessment.

Just to recap
Mueller: Russia put their paw on the scale of our election to help Trumpy.

Dems: Trumpy caluuding wit em?

Mueller: most likely.

Dems: you gots a smoking gun?

Mueller: nope, Trumpy is a wiggly fish. He obstructed my investigation seven ways from Sunday. Here's a bunch of evidence to impeach him with, but no smoking gun.

Dems: better not peach im then, he too wiggly.

Whistler: here's a smoking gun fer ya.

Dems: Tanks. Let's peach his stinky bum!

Trumpy: darn it, dey gots me. Hide the evidence!

Repubs: too late yu already twittered out to da world.

Trumpy: darn it. Halp!

Repubs: yes boss, don't worry we gots you.

Dems: show us da goods.

Repubs: nope. Take it to da korts.

Dems: nope, takes tu long. Lection is next week, can't wait fer da korts. We got enough goods on Trumpy anyways. He guilty o sellin us out.

Repubs: dis don't look good, what we gonna do?

Mitch: don ya woory boys i gots dis.

Dems: look it here at all dis evidence. If you want more proof, just ask Trumpy ta give it up.

Mitch: any o you Repub knuckleheads ask fer any proofs I'll burn yer toes an make ya walk on salt the rest o yer days.

Rommy: now wait just a minute. They do have some very convincing evidence. What are my progeny going to think?

Mitch: Rommy yu quit cher 'dultin, ya hear me? Yu is making da rest o us look bad.

Bolty: I gots sumpin a say.

Trumpy, Mitch, an da Repubs: shut yer trap!

Rommy: We should probably hear what the man has to say.

Repubs: We don't need no mo evidences. We already know Trumpy did it. Why let everybodies see da truth? We gots a get dis overwit quicky quik.

Rommy: I can't be a part of this travesty. He is guilty.

Repubs: Ha! He is innocent if we says so. Rommy you go soak yer head in horsey sauce.

Dems: Trumpy gonna do mo bad stuff now

Repubs: nah, Trumpy learnt his lessons. He gonna be a good prez now.

Trumpy: ha ha ha. I'm King o 'Murika now! Let me squash dem little bugs dat been biting ma bum.
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Oh, he is definitely correct in his assessment.

Just to recap
Mueller: Russia put their paw on the scale of our election to help Trumpy.

Dems: Trumpy caluuding wit em?

Meuller: most likely.

Dems: you got a smoking gun?

Mueller: nope, Trumpy is a wiggly fish. He obstructed my investigation seven ways from Sunday, but here's a bunch of evidence to impeach him with.

Dems: better not peach em then, he too wiggly.

Whistler: here's a smoking gun fer ya.

Dems: Tanks. Let's peach his stinky bum!

Trumpy: darn it, dey gots me. Hide the evidence!

Repubs: too late yu already twittered out to da world.

Trumpy: darn it. Halp!

Repubs: yes boss, don't worry we gots you.

Dems: show us the goods.

Repubs: nope. Take it to da korts.

Dems: nope, takes to long. Lection is next week, can't wait fer da korts. We got enough goods on Trumpy anyways. He guilty o sellin us out.

Repubs: dis don't look good, what we gonna do?

Mitch: don ya woory boys i gots dis.

Dems: look it here at all dis evidence. If you want more proof, just ask Trumpy ta give it up.

Mitch: any o you Repub knuckleheads ask fer any evidence I'll burn yer toes an make ya walk on salt the rest o yer days.

Rommy: now wait just a minute. They do have some very convincing evidence. What are my progeny going to think?

Mitch: Rommy yu quit cher dultin, ya hear me? Yu is making da rest of us look bad.

Bolty: I gots sumpin a say.

Trumpy, Mitch, an da Repubs: shut yer mouth !

Rommy: We should probably hear what the man has to say.

Repubs: We don't need no mo evidences. We already know Trumpy did it. Why let everybodies see da truth. We gots a get dis overwit asap.

Rommy: I can't be a part of this travesty. He is guilty.

Repubs: Ha! He is innocent if we says so. Rommy you go soak yer head in horse piss.

Dems: Trumpy gonna do mo bad stuff now

Repubs: nah, Trumpy learnt his lessons. He gonna be a good prez now.

Trumpy: ha ha ha. I'm king o da world now. Let me squash dem little bugs dat been biting ma bum
Hell of a recap.

Possibly the best post I have ever seen about Trump's administration.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
Frankly, unhinged would be a better word. I realize that people on the left can't see it, but they are very much in an echo chamber. It is astounding how much of the frantic claims they make apply directly toward the people who they believe in.

And you're clueless. The day you wake up and realize you've been brainwashed, well, actually, that day will never arrive. You'll just keep on keepin on making a fool of yourself.
Frankly, unhinged would be a better word. I realize that people on the left can't see it, but they are very much in an echo chamber. It is astounding how much of the frantic claims they make apply directly toward the people who they believe in.

The really unfortunate thing here is that all of the "blindness" inferred above applies to yourself. You lap up the alternate realities being offered up by Trump and Co., fully embracing his lies about Ukraine, all in an effort to protect his ego, and of course you can't see that. It's as clear as clear can be for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, and yet it all goes right over your head. And you'll never wake up. In your own echo chamber, one built on lies and alternative facts, and you will never find your way out of that prison. And that's fine with me, you belong there.
I can see it's problematic to expect that you know anything good about Trump, ...

I knew about this stuff. Some of it is not good for workers, the rest is not by Trump.

Lessee.... reduction of regulatory burdens for business, getting better trade agreements.... programs to help certain areas of poverty...… so businesses can profitably hire more folks..... you know.... those folks who used to depend on stingy guv handouts...….

Reducing regulations helps the wealthy but does little to help workers, especially since they are the ones who have to live downstream or downwind. Still waiting on the better trade agreements; Trump new agreements don't differ all that much from what we had. To which anti-poverty programs do you refer? There were more jobs created in Obama's last three years in office than in Trump's first three.
While it is just human to believe we know the "Truth" with a capital T, or diss it with a smug insult as "oxymoronic", making skepticism or some other damn attitude of self-infatuation our own unique "oxymoronic" Truth which everyone else should ooh or aah about, perhaps kneeling in prostration before the grandness of our way, there is nevertheless, independent of everything we can imagine, an Ultimate Truth that holds sway in reality. It is truly a foolish ambition laced with every kind of imbecility, to imagine I can lay it all out for the idle amusement of distracted sports fans.

I don't recall asking anyone to be impressed by my way of thinking, nor to adopt it themselves. I understand why you would assume that, because that's the way you seem to think.

Whatever is Ultimately True is a chaotic, ill-defined, messy conglomeration that we humans can only ever understand some basic notions about. I agree it's foolish to imagine we can lay it out; it's foolish to imagine we can ever understand it.

Liberals, like yourself, today are often proposing to enforce their beliefs upon the populace, whether they like it or not, for their own good, or to "save the Planet" or whatever. This attitude is the first clue to the insanity behind those beliefs.

Liberals like myself appreciate engaging with people who have a variety of different beliefs. Of course, there are liberals not like myself. It is a fundamental error to think all liberals approach different opinions in the same way.

I reserve the right to say what I think, as crudely as I please. I don't really care to follow the twists and turns of your discussions anymore, because of the smugness behind your insults. I used to wonder if there was something I could learn from JFC folks, but the intolerance, hate, anger, etc etc has proven well enough that the discussion is headed downhill. Amazing to me, every day, to see what new depths can be found in the murk of false ideologies people are believing.....

Of course you have the right to say what you want, how you want. I'm sure you agree I have the right to encourage you to engage more constructively. I don't know why you think anyone was questioning the right of someone else. Where do you think that thought came from?

"Progressivism" has proven to be an unsustainable system of governance. The whole movement from the early 1800s, was the intellectuals' ( of Europe) scrambling to diss the ideas of human rights and the kind of limited government once envisioned, or designed, as a bar against unrestrained power in the hands of a clique or elite set of "nobles" or "experts".

If you mean the notions of limited government found in America, those were designed by our title-less nobility, the land speculators and slave owners, the American equivalents of the Rothschilds, the 18th century American progressives, to keep the landless, the workers, the slaves in check and keep all the government power in the hands of the wealthy.

Concentrated governance, whatever you call it, is bad governance.

I agree. Unfortunately, dissolute governance is also bad governance, and no governance is also bad governance.

Nature uses all kinds of strategies for survival and propagation, but the most general and most successful model seen in nature is not top-down regulation, like a beehive or anthill, but free-ranging individuals doing what is their own best interest so far as they know it.

You don't think bees and ants are successful?

So, what are some of the animals in this free-ranging paradigm you see as more successful than bees and ants?
And you're clueless. The day you wake up and realize you've been brainwashed, well, actually, that day will never arrive. You'll just keep on keepin on making a fool of yourself.
I'm confident I will never hear an apology from you when the apocalypse which you are predicting does not strike. It's truly sad what is happening to you and people like you on the left.
Oh, he is definitely correct in his assessment.

Just to recap
Mueller: Russia put their paw on the scale of our election to help Trumpy.

Dems: Trumpy caluuding wit em?

Mueller: most likely.

Dems: you gots a smoking gun?

Mueller: nope, Trumpy is a wiggly fish. He obstructed my investigation seven ways from Sunday. Here's a bunch of evidence to impeach him with, but no smoking gun.

Dems: better not peach im then, he too wiggly.

Whistler: here's a smoking gun fer ya.

Dems: Tanks. Let's peach his stinky bum!

Trumpy: darn it, dey gots me. Hide the evidence!

Repubs: too late yu already twittered out to da world.

Trumpy: darn it. Halp!

Repubs: yes boss, don't worry we gots you.

Dems: show us da goods.

Repubs: nope. Take it to da korts.

Dems: nope, takes tu long. Lection is next week, can't wait fer da korts. We got enough goods on Trumpy anyways. He guilty o sellin us out.

Repubs: dis don't look good, what we gonna do?

Mitch: don ya woory boys i gots dis.

Dems: look it here at all dis evidence. If you want more proof, just ask Trumpy ta give it up.

Mitch: any o you Repub knuckleheads ask fer any proofs I'll burn yer toes an make ya walk on salt the rest o yer days.

Rommy: now wait just a minute. They do have some very convincing evidence. What are my progeny going to think?

Mitch: Rommy yu quit cher 'dultin, ya hear me? Yu is making da rest o us look bad.

Bolty: I gots sumpin a say.

Trumpy, Mitch, an da Repubs: shut yer trap!

Rommy: We should probably hear what the man has to say.

Repubs: We don't need no mo evidences. We already know Trumpy did it. Why let everybodies see da truth? We gots a get dis overwit asap.

Rommy: I can't be a part of this travesty. He is guilty.

Repubs: Ha! He is innocent if we says so. Rommy you go soak yer head in horsey sauce.

Dems: Trumpy gonna do mo bad stuff now

Repubs: nah, Trumpy learnt his lessons. He gonna be a good prez now.

Trumpy: ha ha ha. I'm King o 'Murika now! Let me squash dem little bugs dat been biting ma bum.
WTF? Imagine if Trump (or anyone on the right) posted something like this. The cries of racism would explode every eardrum in the nation.
WTF? Imagine if Trump (or anyone on the right) posted something like this. The cries of racism would explode every eardrum in the nation.
Racism? Really?
Why would you think that's racist? Do you think of a certain race as not being able to spell very good or something?

I thought he was just posting in a childish, simple and silly manner. I didn't think of any particular race when reading his post.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
Racism? Really?
Why would you think that's racist? Do you think of a certain race as not being able to spell very good or something?

I thought he was just posting in a childish, simple and silly manner. I didn't think of any particular race when reading his post.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
It read to me like the kind of text that often accompanies memes of people's pets.
It read to me like the kind of text that often accompanies memes of people's pets.
Yep. Being 100% honest I didn't think of racism in the slightest when I first read it. And if it was written by jazzy painting Obama and the Democrats in a bad light then I still wouldn't have thought of racism one bit if written in that style.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
Racism? Really?
Why would you think that's racist? Do you think of a certain race as not being able to spell very good or something?

I thought he was just posting in a childish, simple and silly manner. I didn't think of any particular race when reading his post.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
Have you seen the sorts of things that people on the left are calling racist these days? Recently Trump was called a racist by numerous pundits for praising Gone With the Wind. I guarantee that if he wrote or said something remotely similar to the post I responded to the chants of racism would be overwhelming.
Obama's whistleblower into his crazy ties with Radical Islam and terrorism found murdered(assassinated) unsurprisingly.

"Odd (surreal reality) that I was a highly visible whistleblower ... that virtually no one listened to, while this guy remains invisible, but is treated like an anointed oracle from above," Haney said in the Nov. 11 text, referring to alleged Ukraine whistleblower Eric Ciaramella. "However, my story is still live, i.e., there's still more to come. It'll be called 'National Security Meltdown.'"

Haney added, "I have a severely hyper-organized archive of everything that's happened since See Something, Say Nothing (SSSN) was published in May of 2016. The National Security Meltdown sequel will pick up right where SSSN left off. My intention is to have it ready by early-to mid-Spring of 2020 (just before the political sound wave hits), then ride that wave all the way to the Nov. elections."
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Have you seen the sorts of things that people on the left are calling racist these days? Recently Trump was called a racist by numerous pundits for praising Gone With the Wind. I guarantee that if he wrote or said something remotely similar to the post I responded to the chants of racism would be overwhelming.

Weird way to frame that. Are you sure he wasn't being called racist because he was ******** on a foreign film made by Asians?