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Donald Trump


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I hate to even give this man the legitimacy of a thread in the General Discussion Forum of Jazzfanz, but the dumb *** is leading in the polls.

Please say it ain't so.

This person can not be attractive to breathing, feeling human beings.


In the last election remember that Herman Cain lead even more strongly than this. What you get in these early polls is the extreme right or extreme left most often who come to strong opinions. The majority is seen in the fact that the leading category in the polls is usually "Undecided".

The scarier to me is that the extreme left, more often than not, is representative of the left as whole moreso than the extreme right.

Either way, I worry more about him being a dark horse candidate like Ross Perot in 1992. It would splinter the right enough that Billary would get elected, which would be the worst thing that could happen this election cycle. If the left chooses a different candidate than Billary then it might be that this would be a good thing, considering the right isn't bringing much to bear in terms of candidates this time around. They may as well run Romney again for the candidates we have seen so far.

So so sad how far we have devolved in terms of political leadership in this country.
In the last election remember that Herman Cain lead even more strongly than this. What you get in these early polls is the extreme right or extreme left most often who come to strong opinions. The majority is seen in the fact that the leading category in the polls is usually "Undecided".

The scarier to me is that the extreme left, more often than not, is representative of the left as whole moreso than the extreme right.

Either way, I worry more about him being a dark horse candidate like Ross Perot in 1992. It would splinter the right enough that Billary would get elected, which would be the worst thing that could happen this election cycle. If the left chooses a different candidate than Billary then it might be that this would be a good thing, considering the right isn't bringing much to bear in terms of candidates this time around. They may as well run Romney again for the candidates we have seen so far.

So so sad how far we have devolved in terms of political leadership in this country.

DT is a blowhard nothing. He thinks if he ran healthcare he could manage it more economically. TrumpCare, we'd call it, too. He doesn't even understand the concept of limited constitutional government. But hey, he's a fake populist who can get away with big talk with a feel-good air. He's the only man big enough to blow off criticisms of his wish to deport criminal illegals. Obama would say the same thing for two votes, if he needed them, and the Press would chime right in. I guess there's a lot of folks who would vote for any man big enough to have his own Strip resort with his name on the tower.
well america had 8 years of OBEEZY, im sure it will survive 8 years of Hillary or trump.

Israel on the other hand better nuke iran first!
Absolutely love the guy. Don't trust him much though, but what Mark Cuban said about him is 100% accurate:

I don't care what his actual positions are," Cuban wrote. "I don't care if he says the wrong thing. He says what's on his mind. He gives honest answers rather than prepared answers. This is more important than anything any candidate has done in years."

He is America's Nigel Farage, the only other politician I've seen in the English speaking world that doesn't hold back(Christie is up there too, but he doesn't rock the boat as much as he should). Doesn't worry hurting feelings or being PC. Precisely because neither of them are politicians. The world needs people leading that tell it like it is:

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My coworker and I have talked about this quite a lot. He is a 63 year old Puerto Rican hippy dem.

He mentioned that Donald Trump used to be a democrat back in the day. Then he went on to say that Trump has done an excellent job of alienating latinos. So much so that betwwen 7 and 8 out of 10, at one point, viewed him negetavily. He wonders if Trump is a plant for Hillary to win the general election. Hillary is losing in the polls in Colorado, Iowa and Virginia to Walker and Bush. But is a landslid winner over Trump.

I don't buy into conspiracy theories that much but this one made me wonder. Trump is playing the far right like a drum and alienating the left and minorities in a phenominal fashion at the same time. I am just waiting for Trump to say that blacks are lazy and women should be at home.
Trump is a an epic buffoon who speaks idiocy (Great! He's an honest idiot, Duck!), sucks at business, and is the epitome of the loud, obnoxious American.

If he was to be elected, one quote comes to mind. "My suspicion is...we get the world we deserve." - Ray Velcoro
I always thought Michael Bloomberg would make a good candidate. He started a successful business and grew it to be huge. He was mayor of one of the biggest cities in the world. He seems bright and Presidential.
Trump is a an epic buffoon who speaks idiocy (Great! He's an honest idiot, Duck!), sucks at business, and is the epitome of the loud, obnoxious American.

If he was to be elected, one quote comes to mind. "My suspicion is...we get the world we deserve." - Ray Velcoro

he cant be worse then obummer.

save America vote for RICK PERRY
My coworker and I have talked about this quite a lot. He is a 63 year old Puerto Rican hippy dem.

He mentioned that Donald Trump used to be a democrat back in the day. Then he went on to say that Trump has done an excellent job of alienating latinos. So much so that betwwen 7 and 8 out of 10, at one point, viewed him negetavily. He wonders if Trump is a plant for Hillary to win the general election. Hillary is losing in the polls in Colorado, Iowa and Virginia to Walker and Bush. But is a landslid winner over Trump.

I don't buy into conspiracy theories that much but this one made me wonder. Trump is playing the far right like a drum and alienating the left and minorities in a phenominal fashion at the same time. I am just waiting for Trump to say that blacks are lazy and women should be at home.

If a democrat says something like this it's no story.

I noticed the context in this discussion about Trump being a breath of fresh air, more or less, for speaking the truth, and then you say you expect him to say this. . . . .

If a democrat says something like this it's no story.

I noticed the context in this discussion about Trump being a breath of fresh air, more or less, for speaking the truth, and then you say you expect him to say this. . . . .

Did I ever say he was a breath of fresh air? Did I laud him for speaking the truth?

So what if others feel that way? They answer for their posts and I will answer for mine. All I was doing was relaying a discussion I had on trump that would account for why he seems to intentionally alienating voting blocks.
If he was to be elected, one quote comes to mind. "My suspicion is...we get the world we deserve." - Ray Velcoro

The problem with you bringing a quote up like this in the context of Trump.....is you seem to think we haven't already received what we deserve. And that's scary. Because I don't see a decent president looking back over my lifetime. Hate the lot of them.

It doesn't matter, we're getting Bush or Clinton unless they die or something before the election. The game is rigged. My betting window is open to any and all that want to take field while I take Bush/Clinton.
Absolutely love the guy. Don't trust him much though, but what Mark Cuban said about him is 100% accurate:

He is America's Nigel Farage, the only other politician I've seen in the English speaking world that doesn't hold back(Christie is up there too, but he doesn't rock the boat as much as he should). Doesn't worry hurting feelings or being PC. Precisely because neither of them are politicians. The world needs people leading that tell it like it is:


Did you just favourably compare Trump to UKIP leader Nigel Farage? L-m-a-o.
The board commie doesn't like Farage? Shocking.

Fortunately, neither do the Brits. How many seats did UKIP win in the parliamentary elections again?? ;)

FWIW 1) I'm not a Communist; 2) My major beef with Farage isn't his economic policies-- it's his very racist stances on social issues. If that equates me to a Commie, that speaks to your level of intelligence, education, and knowledge.