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Donald is about to go through some things...


"You actually wore that T-shirt on your TikTok last week?" Blanche said.

"I did," Cohen said.
Damn... One second they lie that they hate liars, the next the love it. Hypocrites in literally every stance they have ever had. Ever. #fishcares

Cohen's Former Lawyer Accuses Him of Lying in Trump Trial

Michael Cohen's one-time lawyer accused him on Wednesday of committing perjury during his testimony the day before in former President Donald Trump's New York trial.

Longtime criminal defense attorney Robert Costello told a House Weaponization Subcommittee hearing that Cohen was lying when he took the stand on Tuesday and accused Costello of strong-arming him to stay quiet about Trump in 2018.

"I read Michael Cohen's testimony from yesterday's trial in New York on the way down on the train, and virtually every statement he made about me was another lie," Costello told the panel, according to the Washington Examiner. "The story he told yesterday was that Rudy Giuliani and I were somehow conspiring to try and keep him quiet, to try aad keep him from flipping … and that's ridiculous."

So when The Rapist is found guilty then what? Will it move the needle? How does America stop this madman?
Or he drops dead of a heart attack or something. We can always hope.
You guys wishing death on people again? At least it's not me this time, thanks guys. You're model citizens. Not really it's just another coin in the pot of you guys being garbage. I strongly dislike Biden but I would never wish death in him like you. Anyways... I understand why you're always so hateful and wish death on others. Things are falling apart and it's your guys only way to cope. This violence is in your partyline blood. You historically can't escape the need for death. It's you...That's not trolling, you're here literally wishing death on people. A true Democrat...

While testifying before a House committee on Wednesday, Robert Costello, a lawyer who previously represented Michael Cohen, spilled the beans on a number of things that seriously damaged the unprecedented “hush money” case against Donald Trump.

Among the things he revealed included the allegation that Cohen told him “I swear to God, I don’t have anything on Donald Trump."

Costello criticized Cohen’s testimony on the stand as “full of lies,” stating “I read Michael Cohen’s testimony from yesterday’s trial in New York on the way down on the train and virtually every statement he made about me was another lie."

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You guys done wishing death on people? Sorry but it really grosses this place up when you guys continuously do this. Again that's not trolling, that's is me calling grotesque behavior out time and time again. You said it...don't blame me for pointing it out again.

Anderson Cooper nails it here. This outta male you're blood boil.

View: https://rumble.com/v4vmx48-anderson-cooper-visibly-stunned-by-destruction-of-michael-cohen-on-stand.html?mref=22lbp&mc=56yab&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2FOZMG_v3cNC1UXzcU0je0WLum5L5Lr_ku8ltdhYx9h5ytuUF7f_UHJkE_aem_AQ1nx--vauZNfyTA4s8uZOhdM0lRu24dcfU2x_CPB8aYZGu1oV2nhAsV5m9rpyNl2GWX9mQisEWVsNjTHheRMeua
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So when The Rapist is found guilty then what? Will it move the needle? How does America stop this madman?
I don’t think it’ll do much but we still need to ask people what they think. We still need to pressure people into knowing clearly that if they support him that they’re supporting a completely trashy person. We still need to show to our fellow Americans that this type of character is repulsive. The worst thing we can do is take our fellow Americans off the hook by normalizing Trump and his criminality.
Good grief talk about screwing the pooch. This New York trial is an embarrassing farce. Are they trying to help the Don get re-elected again ??
This New York trial is an embarrassing farce.
Agreed. Sleeping with pornstars and paying them hush money and then falsifying the business records of the payment is embarrassing. I dont think presidential candidates should do things like that. It's very embarrassing. I'm glad we have laws for things like that though. Hopefully the laws get enforced.

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Agreed. Sleeping with pornstars and paying them hush money and then falsifying the business records of the payment is embarrassing. I dont think presidential candidates should do things like that. It's very embarrassing. I'm glad we have laws for things like that though. Hopefully the laws get enforced.

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Dude. They should’ve just concentrated on the cases in Georgia and Florida that actually have merit. Unfortunately this one is a nothing burger clearly designed to embarrass Donald. It’s a ridiculous convoluted case with little legal merit and the key prosecution witness is an incredible liar and thief by his own admission under oath.
This was clearly politically motivated and unfortunately is going to fall flat on its face and if anything help the clown get elected again
Dude. They should’ve just concentrated on the cases in Georgia and Florida that actually have merit. Unfortunately this one is a nothing burger clearly designed to embarrass Donald. It’s a ridiculous convoluted case with little legal merit and the key prosecution witness is an incredible liar and thief by his own admission under oath.
This was clearly politically motivated and unfortunately is going to fall flat on its face and if anything help the clown get elected again
This is the most obvious guilty one. I mean his lawyer literally partially went to jail over this.
We know he slept with stormy. We know he paid her to keep quiet (along with magazine owners) and we know he falsified the payments.

As to you saying they should have focused on Georgia and Florida...... Not sure why these prosecutors, who are prosecuting trump for falsifying his porn star hush money payments, would focus on trials that they have nothing to do with. Those are different prosecutors. And those prosecutors would LOVE to focus on those trials but trumper judges are making sure that they can't and won't happen prior to the election.

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This is the most obvious guilty one. I mean his lawyer literally partially went to jail over this.
We know he slept with stormy. We know he paid her to keep quiet (along with magazine owners) and we know he falsified the payments.

As to you saying they should have focused on Georgia and Florida...... Not sure why these prosecutors, who are prosecuting trump for falsifying his porn star hush money payments, would focus on trials that they have nothing to do with. Those are different prosecutors. And those prosecutors would LOVE to focus on those trials but trumper judges are making sure that they can't and won't happen prior to the election.

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At least in Florida, the prosecutors are still trying to prosecute him. The problem is that the Trump judge is successfully filibustering it until after the election hoping that he can win and pardon himself. It’s pretty damn obvious what she’s doing for him.

It’s kinda hard to prosecute someone if the judge openly wants the criminal defendant to win. It’s been speculated that she wants to be on the Supreme Court. Given how right wing judges are acting and Trump’s history with bribes, it makes perfect sense.
This is the most obvious guilty one. I mean his lawyer literally partially went to jail over this.
We know he slept with stormy. We know he paid her to keep quiet (along with magazine owners) and we know he falsified the payments.

As to you saying they should have focused on Georgia and Florida...... Not sure why these prosecutors, who are prosecuting trump for falsifying his porn star hush money payments, would focus on trials that they have nothing to do with. Those are different prosecutors. And those prosecutors would LOVE to focus on those trials but trumper judges are making sure that they can't and won't happen prior to the election.

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legally it's not. It's not illegal he slept with her, it's not illegal to pay hush money. And linking him to the payment fraud is now muddied because Cohen is of such despicable character. Even if he's found guilty there there's zero chance it'll hold up on appeal. There's a reason the federal prosecutors declined to go ahead with this case.

Clearly "they" isn't referring to this particular prosecutor specifically.

I mean i understand the whole not wanting someone of such despicable character to become President again but he's cunning enough to keep enough distance to maintain reasonable doubt whether you like it or not. The zeal of this prosecutor to get a conviction is going to backfire.

Just run a ****ing decent candidate who isn't a Weekend at Bernies corpse and the world would be finished with Don.
legally it's not. It's not illegal he slept with her, it's not illegal to pay hush money. And linking him to the payment fraud is now muddied because Cohen is of such despicable character. Even if he's found guilty there there's zero chance it'll hold up on appeal. There's a reason the federal prosecutors declined to go ahead with this case.

Clearly "they" isn't referring to this particular prosecutor specifically.

I mean i understand the whole not wanting someone of such despicable character to become President again but he's cunning enough to keep enough distance to maintain reasonable doubt whether you like it or not. The zeal of this prosecutor to get a conviction is going to backfire.

Just run a ****ing decent candidate who isn't a Weekend at Bernies corpse and the world would be finished with Don.
Where are you getting your information from? Why are you so confident in your views of American politics when you live in Australia and have proven multiple times before to be clueless? Just a few months ago you admitted to not knowing who some of the leading GOP candidates were in the primary and yet you continue to post almost daily about American politics? Why? You don’t see us talking cluelessly about Australian politics daily.

It’s illegal to use campaign funds to reimburse your fixer for paying off a porn star. He didn’t want the information about sleeping with her leaked on the heels of the Access Hollywood tape being released on oct 7, 2016. So he used Cohen to pay her off and then reimbursed him with campaign funds. That is illegal in the United States of America. Otherwise, candidates would use campaign funds to hide anything. That is the case being tried here.

As far as your backfire analysis, I’ve listened to 12+ hrs of podcasts with former prosecutors and defense attorneys about this case and I’ve never heard what you just said. Where are you getting your information from? Could you post it here? Or is this just speculation on your end? What is your professional background?

Furthermore, those other two cases in Florida and Georgia are still being tried. Prosecutors haven’t dropped the ball. Those cases are still happening although one of them has been successfully delayed by a Trump judge. Yet again, you show that you don’t know anything about what’s going on yet you continue to post confidently about it as if you do.

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