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I no longer hate the Utah Jazz


Well-Known Member
2018 Award Winner
A new chapter has begun, and as much as we are going to not be complete ting for much at all, I’m excited to watch the team this season. Time to turn the chapter. I no longer have a reason to despise the team. You should all be glad. We had chemo, and the cancer is gone and never coming back. Time to get back to an enjoyable brand of basketball and a franchise free from the cancer it has had for a few seasons now.

Truly, I am more excited for this season than the last few. Markkanen and Sexton I’m interested to watch. Plus who cares about wins anyway, we’re back on a journey, and finally an enjoyable one again. Will also probably be buying league pass to watch the Wolves. Good luck Rudy, hoping to watch you prosper!
I honestly haven’t felt this disinterested in the team… maybe ever

hopefully that’ll change once the season starts, but the fall from best record in the league to a 3-5 year bottom-dwelling tank was way too abrupt for me. We had a generational talent, and a player that many of us thought would be a face of the nba no more than a year ago..

I still think I would’ve been more excited with a shakeup and keeping our generational talent to try to win in our window. But oh well, here we are.
A new chapter has begun, and as much as we are going to not be complete ting for much at all, I’m excited to watch the team this season. Time to turn the chapter. I no longer have a reason to despise the team. You should all be glad. We had chemo, and the cancer is gone and never coming back. Time to get back to an enjoyable brand of basketball and a franchise free from the cancer it has had for a few seasons now.

Truly, I am more excited for this season than the last few. Markkanen and Sexton I’m interested to watch. Plus who cares about wins anyway, we’re back on a journey, and finally an enjoyable one again. Will also probably be buying league pass to watch the Wolves. Good luck Rudy, hoping to watch you prosper!
The Jazz may be complete ting for more than you think.

The Jazz may be complete ting for more than you think.
Yes, according to St. Cy’s reporting of yesterday’s presser, Ainge said that he’s too old for a tank, and much was made of the best Jazz teams being comprised of mid- first round picks.

I’m excited about our future primarily because Snyder is gone and I think he factored into the playoff futility equation more than anyone wants to let on. But also because Ainge did so amazingly well in crafting these trades not only for the pick cache but also the impressive young talent he’s brought to town. (After the way that Markkanen has gone off in FIBA, it’s hard to imagine Cleveland brass not experiencing some buyer’s remorse.)
Personally, I'm excited to see what the future brings. Hopefully guy's who play hard and a coach who's a motivator and understands personalities as well as talent. I was so over last years team and knowing they were headed for the cliff they eventually drove off. I'm also going to enjoy seeing how it works out for Rudy. As much as I want the Wolves pick to be a good one, I'd like to see Rudy excel and get another dpoy or two.
I honestly haven’t felt this disinterested in the team… maybe ever

hopefully that’ll change once the season starts, but the fall from best record in the league to a 3-5 year bottom-dwelling tank was way too abrupt for me. We had a generational talent, and a player that many of us thought would be a face of the nba no more than a year ago..

I still think I would’ve been more excited with a shakeup and keeping our generational talent to try to win in our window. But oh well, here we are.
Agreed. Had season tickets in the family for over 30 years and this is the first time when I am struggling to want to go to any games. I have realized that I was as much a fan of the organization as I was the team and that has all changed. Donny wanted out and breaking up Rudy and Donny needed to happen. I still see no reason for trading Rudy instead of moving Don and whoever else you could move and bring in some young talent. Would love to have seen Rudy with a good stretch 4. I hope we get players who identify with the fans and want to be here but right now the cupboard is bare. There is a good spin of a quick rebuild and I hope it happens but it will take some luck. I have no confidence in the current owner or in the current approach.
Agreed. Had season tickets in the family for over 30 years and this is the first time when I am struggling to want to go to any games. I have realized that I was as much a fan of the organization as I was the team and that has all changed. Donny wanted out and breaking up Rudy and Donny needed to happen. I still see no reason for trading Rudy instead of moving Don and whoever else you could move and bring in some young talent. Would love to have seen Rudy with a good stretch 4. I hope we get players who identify with the fans and want to be here but right now the cupboard is bare. There is a good spin of a quick rebuild and I hope it happens but it will take some luck. I have no confidence in the current owner or in the current approach.
Frankly I think Rudy with the haul we got from Cleveland would be enough to push us higher in the standings than we were before, with a few other tweaks, like adding Fonteccio, or however you spell it. Too bad we couldn't see that. But I think Ainge just wants to put his mark on the team and clean everything out and start anew.
Frankly I think Rudy with the haul we got from Cleveland would be enough to push us higher in the standings than we were before, with a few other tweaks, like adding Fonteccio, or however you spell it. Too bad we couldn't see that. But I think Ainge just wants to put his mark on the team and clean everything out and start anew.
Agreed on all points. And a very high risk move to trade a perennial all star and dare I say future HOF guy who is still improving (and wanted to be here) just to leave your mark. I guess if this doesn't work in an arbitrary time frame we just keep blowing it up?
Agreed on all points. And a very high risk move to trade a perennial all star and dare I say future HOF guy who is still improving (and wanted to be here) just to leave your mark. I guess if this doesn't work in an arbitrary time frame we just keep blowing it up?
I really think this is Ryan and Ainge wanting to make their own mark, so blow it all up so it is all theirs. I think that played into this at least as much as simply what was best for the team.
I think blowing it completely apart also buys Ainge, the FO, and coaching staff more time. Not that Ainge necessarily needed it with his track record though.

Overall I'm pretty excited. The idea of a fresh start is appealing. I believe with all the unprotected picks Ainge can basically get whoever he wants in the next few drafts with the likely exception of Wemby as I doubt the team who wins #1 next year would consider dealing him. Ainge should also be in the conversation for any future star players that come available thru trade as well.
I really think this is Ryan and Ainge wanting to make their own mark, so blow it all up so it is all theirs. I think that played into this at least as much as simply what was best for the team.
I think Ryan wanted to keep Donny and Danny talked him out of it. Nothing good has happened to the Jazz with Ryan's fingerprints. At least he now seems to be letting basketball people do the basketball thing.
I think Ryan wanted to keep Donny and Danny talked him out of it. Nothing good has happened to the Jazz with Ryan's fingerprints. At least he now seems to be letting basketball people do the basketball thing.
Wasnt the whole story that prior to DA that Donovan was getting whatever he wanted organizationally but DA came in and reversed all that BS.
Agree with OneEye. Last year was painful to watch looking at a unhappy group, merely doing a job. Im pretty sure this year will be more exciting. And i agree with old Danny, too old for tanking. A quick tank and rebuild will be perfect for me. Go Jazz!!