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Fesenko close to deal with Ukrainian team

Isn't he good enough to field offers from the bigger Euroleague clubs? This isn't even a Euroleague team right? I understand the being home thing, but his body could go Yao Ming on him sooner or later so he might as play with the best he can for right now.
Isn't he good enough to field offers from the bigger Euroleague clubs? This isn't even a Euroleague team right? I understand the being home thing, but his body could go Yao Ming on him sooner or later so he might as play with the best he can for right now.
Apparently 30 GM's in the NBA and who knows how many owners/GM's in Europe are either blind or just stupid. Haven't they been reading this board? All Fes needs is just playing time. Give him 30 mins and he'll have an astronimical +/-. KOC is such a loser. He wasted the Deron trade by getting Favors. FES >>>>>>>> Derrick. And he threw away the #3 pick this year on Kanter. FES >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enes.
Apparently 30 GM's in the NBA and who knows how many owners/GM's in Europe are either blind or just stupid. Haven't they been reading this board? All Fes needs is just playing time. Give him 30 mins and he'll have an astronimical +/-.
Silly GE; as if it were all about Fesenko.

K-Fes wasn't the first poster child personifying the coaching staff's ineptitude in developing players, identifying effective matchups, enforcing performance, and managing minutes.

Here's hoping that KF is the last, but I'm not putting my hopes too high.

KOC is such a loser. He wasted the Deron trade by getting Favors. FES >>>>>>>> Derrick. And he threw away the #3 pick this year on Kanter. FES >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enes.
Assessment: tangential rant.
K-Fes wasn't the first poster child personifying the coaching staff's ineptitude in developing players, identifying effective matchups, enforcing performance, and managing minutes.

Yes, the list of players who were released from the binding chains of The Jazz coaching staff and went on to have great careers is quite extensive.
Apparently 30 GM's in the NBA and who knows how many owners/GM's in Europe are either blind or just stupid. Haven't they been reading this board? All Fes needs is just playing time. Give him 30 mins and he'll have an astronimical +/-. KOC is such a loser. He wasted the Deron trade by getting Favors. FES >>>>>>>> Derrick. And he threw away the #3 pick this year on Kanter. FES >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enes.

I've always equated Euroleauge with being about mid-tier NCAA basketball because of course you're missing the stars. A lot of good players that just quite aren't NBA players, with a few exceptions. And of course some rule dynamics that make the game a little different. Am I wrong in that assessment? Maybe a little maturity/experience of the Euro players puts it into a higher category than mid-tier NCAA, but I think Fesenko could easily play there as I think he would've destroyed high level NCAA had he had a chance there. It's hardly a leap to be suggesting Fez should be getting better Euroleague contract offers. I don't think he was a total whiff, probably just not a NBA player that teams feel like would develop into something more. He's good enough to be a career 12-15 NBA roster player if that's what you want him for.
The likes of Millsap and Hayward are laughing at this
The coaching staff didn't develop Millsap as much Millsap developed Millsap.

I have no evidence that the coaching staff did anything special to develop Hayward, either, and it appears that he started to produce early, suggesting further that the Jazz coaches didn't have much to do with it (although his college coaches might have).

There's no denying that Fesenko could've worked harder, but that can be said for all kinds of players--some who were elite anyway. My underlying point here, though, is the lack of effort and insight that the Jazz coaching staff has made to develop those crucial role players in critical spots (especially the C spot and the 2 spot). Game after game, the coaches tolerated (or ignored) damaging performances by players--Boozer, Okur, Jefferson, sometimes Miles, Derek Fisher (who was probably putting forth top effort) come to mind--and let them stay out there, even when their net contribution to the team was close to zero (or worse). Meanwhile, Fes had his off-court antics (which were damaging to his career, but less of an impact on the team performance) but did not affect the team success when he was on the court (except for not meeting his potential), and yet he was not even rewarded when he did well, much less being given a minimal amount of time to get into rhythm and develop on the court--an essential ingredient that the likes of Millsap and Hayward were granted.

Some players have the self-motivation that lunchpail Jazzfanz crave; others don't come ready made. Of COURSE this conversation would be moot if Fesenko had had better self-discipline, but his was contributing enough on the court to not be relegated to fewer minutes in four years than Greg Ostertag (another notoriously poorly self-motivated player) in one or two. And that's what differentiates Gregg Poppovich from Jerry Sloan (and likely his successor); a case can be made that Rick Carlisle and maybe Tom Thibodeau was able to motivate and unify a team in a way that Ol' Jer never did. I fear that a coach such as Ty with far less experience (and not even the hard-nosed demeanor as a semi-substitute for effective leadership) will be less capable than his predecessor. May TC prove me wrong.

This is about strategy and coaches' ability to be consistent leaders and reward positive performance and minimize poor performance. There doesn't appear to be much analysis by the Jazz coaching staff on matchups and individuals' impact on team success (or lack thereof), even when an interior presence was so lacking; the same thing happened when Fish's "character" wasn't enough to compensate for near-40% shooting and being pwned night after night at the 2 spot. With Jerry, it was coaching by the gut, and that gut never achieved a title, which a more capable coach could've accomplished--as well as developing and disciplining more players that make up a title contender along the way.
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The coaching staff didn't develop Millsap as much Millsap developed Millsap.

I have no evidence that the coaching staff did anything special to develop Hayward, either, and it appears that he started to produce early, suggesting further that the Jazz coaches didn't have much to do with it (although his college coaches might have)..

That could be said for most players. Most players who develop and shine put in their own work a lot during offseason. So extending your (il)logic NO coach should ever be credited for a player's development.

Rest of your post is the same nonsense you have been vomiting here since forever. That is, if a coach doesnt run the top 2 or 3 lineups that YOU want him to run based on the great flawless 82games.com database, then that coach is an idiot, who hasnt developed any player and deserves to be fired. Anything else new?