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The Non-Jazz NBA Thread in the Jazz Section

On my opinion, we could tank hard this year but keeping Lauri. If he can accept that. I'm afraid he got the same feeling that some of us get here, meaning he lose 2 years here for nothing. It's time to move in a clear direction. I have been disapointed with DA . If you don't go full tank, we should at least have keep Don or Rudy and build around that considering that Rudy-Don was not working. If we had today Lauri-Rudy-Mike, the question is becoming a good team should have been much more easy. Let's hope we got some good surprise soon. I'm not ready to look another season like the last 2. Go Jazz!
And hope to get players who are half as good as Lauri and Sexton in the draft.
I love Lauri and Sexton but they aren't irreplaceable world beaters otherwise we would already be a contender. If we try to enter win now mode I expect the result to be mediocre. Let's tear this bitch down and give ourselves a real shot of building something special.
A 10% chance at finding better players (5% chance that it’s a significant upgrade), a 20% chance at getting equivalent value, and a 70% chance of getting less returning than you’re sending out.

Just my estimation but it doesn’t look too ****ing good.
I'm not buying what you are selling. Particularly with the likely bidding war that we could see with Lauri.
I love Lauri and Sexton but they aren't irreplaceable world beaters otherwise we would already be a contender. If we try to enter win now mode I expect the result to be mediocre. Let's tear this bitch down and give ourselves a real shot of building something special.
Man you are something. We were a .500 team without a superstar level player on the roster in a highly competed West, before the FO blew the wheels.

Two years in a row of that happening yet you repeat in every thread how Hardy and our key players suck.

And at the same time Houston who made win-now moves and failed to even reach play-in is in great position and you also love the situation Detroit is in.

Lauri is really underappreciated on this board. He is a guy you can build around and win at a really high level and maybe if lucky win it all. He isnt a clear cut #1 guy but he is close and probably one of the best #2 guys you can build around. The #1 doesnt even have to be a top 5 player he just needs to be able to create well for himself and the team. Then you need the normal athleticism, length, defense, and shooting around him.
Lauri is really underappreciated on this board. He is a guy you can build around and win at a really high level and maybe if lucky win it all. He isnt a clear cut #1 guy but he is close and probably one of the best #2 guys you can build around. The #1 doesnt even have to be a top 5 player he just needs to be able to create well for himself and the team. Then you need the normal athleticism, length, defense, and shooting around him.
7'er (or near) who shoots like Klay Thompson but people want to deal him for 12% better chance on mystery box options. It's ludicrous.
Man you are something. We were a .500 team without a superstar level player on the roster in a highly competed West, before the FO blew the wheels.

Two years in a row of that happening yet you repeat in every thread how Hardy and our key players suck.

And at the same time Houston who made win-now moves and failed to even reach play-in is in great position and you also love the situation Detroit is in.

Say it louder.

IDK how many times he has spouted off about how happy Houston is with their tank. Well they were so happy they fired their coach and went out and overpaid for as many starting vets as possible (including failing to get Brook Lopez, the guy who plays the same position as one of their young up and coming players)
7'er (or near) who shoots like Klay Thompson but people want to deal him for 12% better chance on mystery box options. It's ludicrous.
12% seems a little high to me as well. Even if they end up being better that will be 5+ years down the road.

I would much rather keep him and fix up the roster a bit around him and if there is a good trade go for it. If not keep drafting and developing wherever the picks are. Land the next Giannis, Gobert, Mitchell, Jokic, Haliburton, Brunson, Jalen Williams and so on that were all 12th pick or later who are a big part of the playoffs right now and one of those type on our team would completely put us in the picture as a contender if we can build around them well. We also have a few young players with big potential. Even Sexton improved a lot last year and could make another jump next year.
12% seems a little high to me as well. Even if they end up being better that will be 5+ years down the road.

I would much rather keep him and fix up the roster a bit around him and if there is a good trade go for it. If not keep drafting and developing wherever the picks are. Land the next Giannis, Gobert, Mitchell, Jokic, Haliburton, Brunson, Jalen Williams and so on that were all 12th pick or later who are a big part of the playoffs right now and one of those type on our team would completely put us in the picture as a contender if we can build around them well. We also have a few young players with big potential. Even Sexton improved a lot last year and could make another jump next year.
No, I mean if we traded Lauri this year our odds would be 12% higher on getting the #1 pick.

You can easily continue the retool process and still lose games around Lauri and have a solid top 10 pick w/ a good chance of moving into the top 5, which to me is a way better option than dealing Lauri.
No, I mean if we traded Lauri this year our odds would be 12% higher on getting the #1 pick.

You can easily continue the retool process and still lose games around Lauri and have a solid top 10 pick w/ a good chance of moving into the top 5, which to me is a way better option than dealing Lauri.
Oh gotcha. Yeah I'm fine if no decent trades/moves come along and let the team tank a bit again. Although if some of our young guys including Sexton make a jump next year that might go out the window and we should embrace that. The team can't take another feeling good and winning just to have the rug pulled out. The team completely quit after the deadline.
Oh gotcha. Yeah I'm fine if no decent trades/moves come along and let the team tank a bit again. Although if some of our young guys including Sexton make a jump next year that might go out the window and we should embrace that. The team can't take another feeling good and winning just to have the rug pulled out. The team completely quit after the deadline.
I think you can do it another year, especially if you have Lauri under a long-term deal.
Lauri is really underappreciated on this board. He is a guy you can build around and win at a really high level and maybe if lucky win it all. He isnt a clear cut #1 guy but he is close and probably one of the best #2 guys you can build around. The #1 doesnt even have to be a top 5 player he just needs to be able to create well for himself and the team. Then you need the normal athleticism, length, defense, and shooting around him.
Agreed. He's strong enough that if you even had 2 more #2 guys with him you could 2004-Pistons that bitch.
No, I mean if we traded Lauri this year our odds would be 12% higher on getting the #1 pick.

You can easily continue the retool process and still lose games around Lauri and have a solid top 10 pick w/ a good chance of moving into the top 5, which to me is a way better option than dealing Lauri.

I think that's possible, but I would want Lauri to be on board, and I'm not sure he would be (putting myself in his shoes).
If we try to enter win now mode I expect the result to be mediocre.

And this sense of entitlement and expectations of greatness are coming from where exactly?

We're the Utah Jazz, in case you've missed the name of the forum.
Pacers tied with Celtics at halftime.

I feel like the Rudy, Donovan, Conley, Royce, bogey, Clarkson, jingles team was as good as this pacers team.

Pacers have a shot at the finals.

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