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Upside down


Well-Known Member
If things go well this year we will be starting the youth every game.
This means we are paying far more for our second string than for our starting 5.
According to my estimates we are around $18 mill for the starting 5 and about $30 mill for the secind unit.

I wonder if there are any other teams paying their second unit more than their starters?

I didn't say I don't like what we are doing. I totally understand and agree with the strategy of the FO.
I just wondered if any other team was paying their second unit significantly more than their first unit.

For that matter... Do we now have the youngest (and lowest paid) starting 5 in the league?
I didn't say I don't like what we are doing. I totally understand and agree with the strategy of the FO.
I just wondered if any other team was paying their second unit significantly more than their first unit.

For that matter... Do we now have the youngest (and lowest paid) starting 5 in the league?

Assuming our starting 5 is Favors, Kanter, Hayward, Burks and Burke. (I think that is a more than reasonable assumption)

Favors - 22
Kanter - 21
Hayward - 23
Burks - 22
Burke - 20

Starting 5 average age is 21.6 years. That is exceptionally young. Nice thing is that they already have 10 years experience combined at positions 2-5. So lots of experience considering their age.
I'm pretty sure Tom Gugliotta made about the same money as the whole starting 5 combined on the 2003-04 team.
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Different sport, but what about the Yankees, isn't A-rod making like a billion dollars while sitting out?