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Is Russia Helping Trump?

[MENTION=1988]Stoked[/MENTION] I forgot to mention that yes we need South Korea to get scared an finally take action to unify. We need to evacuate everyone within 100 miles of the DMZ an support there invasion.

Far as Japan goes they have nothing to lose only to gain in NATO. We MUST let them re-arm. How long has it been FFS? Obama increases US-Cuba relations before US-Japan? Give me a break these liberal policies. Japan needs to rearm an scare the hell outa China. US-UK-Japan-Isreal that is are future alliance. Everyone else is wimps. Japan will be called second arm of US Armed forces they will be that strong to rival us. I want another pitbull in the ring this world dominance is getting boring.

Glad to see you sticking to your mimicking tactics. I won't bring attention to your camouflage. Carry on Boris.
It does not have to be an either or. We can be unhappy with the DNC for this and still unhappy that Russia is hacking American systems and trying to meddle with American politics.

The uncovering of this does not negate what Russia did anymore than robbing a store and uncovering child labor negates the robbing of said store.
Helluva post
Also for the record Trump stated he will let Russia have the old USSR that is why Putin wants him.

Trump has a plan. Push them up against are full missile defense system. Now they have something to lose. Get rid of these stupid proxy war zones. They are ridiculous. Next we cut off all there oil and gas exports to NATO an kick em out of G37 an new world order. Next we tarrif China 35% so there only customer is USSR. Then we tell Russia good luck giving China your jobs and no more oil revenue.

Both countries collapse in months. Brilliant plan, Mr Trump. You alone can save us from WWIII
No seriously. When Japan has there millitary to rival USA we can usher in world peace. Think on it. First we collapse China an Russia an demand OPEC kicks Iran out. They will do it they can get higher oil prices an increase production.

Wait 2 years.

Israel invaded Palestine an Iran. Easy victories.

Japan mows over China. Easy.

USA finally gets are revenge on Russia. Easy peasy.

Britian sails there ships around the world pretending to still be relevant per usual.

India sees the writing on the wall an finally gives up the cast system.
No seriously. When Japan has there millitary to rival USA we can usher in world peace. Think on it. First we collapse China an Russia an demand OPEC kicks Iran out. They will do it they can get higher oil prices an increase production.

Wait 2 years.

Israel invaded Palestine an Iran. Easy victories.

Japan mows over China. Easy.

USA finally gets are revenge on Russia. Easy peasy.

Britian sails there ships around the world pretending to still be relevant per usual.

India sees the writing on the wall an finally gives up the cast system.

This is a terrible policy. It does nothing to compensate for Madagascar. If you are going to continue this charade of interventionist you have to cover all your bases. Be better than this.
This is a terrible policy. It does nothing to compensate for Madagascar. If you are going to continue this charade of interventionist you have to cover all your bases. Be better than this.

Lol that is just dumb. Africa is no threat everyone knows we can handle them last.

Maybe Madgastar should build a nuke to so that they can start getting attention an economic benefit to like Iran. Yeah! Let us pull out the world an watch it blow! Hehe hehe get the pun?
Isn't pointing the finger of shame at Russia a net negative at this point.

DNC 4 months ago: "We're keeping it fair."
DNC 3 months ago: "We're keeping it fair. Honest!"
DNC 2 months ago: "Sanders, we kept it fair, get your voters in line"
DNC 1 month ago: "Told you we were fair. Sanders is even telling you to back us"
DNC 2 weeks ago: "Ok, so we weren't entirely fair and honest"
DNC last week: ".. it was DWC that wasn't fair and honest! Step aside[and get brought into Hillary's fold]"
DNC Sunday Morning: "The Russians caused all of this strife. Everyone get your pitchforks!"

When Bernites didn't want to pass quietly into the night was a question of leadership. Not Sanders leadership, DNC leadership. They failed to bring those that had concerns into the fold.

There are now emails out there showing how skewed the table actually was, and no one is denying them.. this is a leadership issue too. An issue that overlaps the first.

So far, the response is lackluster at best.

Yeah. I totally see how repeating we are keeping it fair over an over means something. Cross eyed liberals
Are there really people who learn about this scandal and feel angry that the Russians might have been involved in revealing the truth, rather than being angry that the Dems were trying to deceive them?

Oh my goodness, absolutely. One has to do with DNC dirty tricks. The other has to do with foreign interference in American elections. Something we were warned about by George Washington. They are two different issues. You can be as pissed as you want to be about Clinton and the DNC. Doesn't mean you have to overlook or ignore foreign interference. She may be a bitch, but she's our bitch, stay the hell out of our elections!

Here's another take you won't like at all, since DNC dirty tricks are more important then Putin trying to steer our election to his desired outcome.


And another article you can criticize for not sticking to DNC dirty tricks....
From Washington's Farewell Address:


One can easily, and correctly, say it is Hillary's and the DNC's fault that Putin had anything to leak. But if you don't understand the gravity of foreign interference in our elections, actually trying to help the candidate friendliest to Putin, well, glad I don't think that way. It's something we should be concerned with every day of the week and twice on Sunday. And there is every likelihood Putin plans an even more devastating release in October. So our October surprise will be delivered by a foreign government, with a view toward determining the outcome of our election. Nobody, at least not I, is saying let's overlook the nature of the leaks. But if you don't understand the gravity of the actions taken by a foreign government, I guess you don't care at all about that. I do.
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And BTW, unlike previous GOP candidates, the Trump team did not express one iota of interest in the party platform. Not in the least. Except for one item. Alter the clause on the Ukraine to make it clear we would not arm rebels unfriendly to Putin's aims. Might seem like a real good idea to some, but the GOP strategists drafting the platform fought the Trump team not to change the language, which basically altered the GOP position on the issue. The only change Trump's team insisted on was the one change Putin would appreciate the most. People can see that as a good decision, or a bad decision. And think what they want as to why Trump insisted on it.

Funny how no American banks will loan to Trump anymore, but he has no problem borrowing from Russian banks.

Trump's business ventures depend on Russian money, and his two top advisors have very close ties to the Kremlin. That would be his campaign manager Manafort, who worked for the past 10 years for the pro Putin leader in the Ukraine, and top Trump advisor, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who met with Putin and had dinner with him last Dec. in Moscow. Gee, I wonder what they talked about? George Washington was the first to warn of foreign interference in American elections. All Americans should understand these facts to understand how tight Trump really is with our good buddies, the Russians. Do I sound like another conspiracy nut? Well, how can these questions not be asked, under the circumstances?

I don't have to be a biased Hillary supporter( my bias is simply because I view Trump as, by far, the more dangerous choice for the health of our body politic, not because I'm swept away by her charms, lol.)to wonder what the hell is going on here??

And, believe it or not, foreign interference in OUR elections is not somehow an inconsequential thing, simply because the DNC and Hillary engaged in dirty tricks. Am I supposed to send a thank you card to Putin? Of course I should, I know some will suggest. Damn....

How about Trump releases his tax returns?? Do we need Wikileaks to get our hands on those as well? Would his followers be happy to see his tax returns I wonder??
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I should also point out, if only to not appear to be naively overlooking history, that I could ask the question "has the CIA interfered in the politics of other nations?" and spend the rest of the week reading about just that subject alone. So some can take a "what's good for the goose, is good for the gander"approach to what Putin appears to be doing. I'm aware of that. But that too does not mean I have to accept foreign interference in our election as OK. It may, however, become a permanent fixture of future elections. Given the fact that hackers are really, really good at what they do. And given the fact that political dirty tricks are par for the course. I've known that, we've all known that, since the Plumbers of Watergate lore. Though I'm sure it's been endemic for a lot longer then that.
One last(?)addition to my rant. What would History judge to be the bigger story here? The fact that a politician engaged in political dirty tricks(OMG, has that ever happened before?? Quick, Martha, get the smelling salts!!)or the fact that Vladimir Putin interfered in an American Presidential election to help insure a victory for Donald J. Trump?? But I get it. If ya hate Hillary more, Putin did you a big favor. And if you hate Trump more, Putin helped foist a national nightmare on us, should his gambit bear the fruit he desires.
One last(?)addition to my rant. What would History judge to be the bigger story here? The fact that a politician engaged in political dirty tricks(OMG, has that ever happened before?? Quick, Martha, get the smelling salts!!)or the fact that Vladimir Putin interfered in an American Presidential election to help insure a victory for Donald J. Trump?? But I get it. If ya hate Hillary more, Putin did you a big favor. And if you hate Trump more, Putin helped foist a national nightmare on us, should his gambit bear the fruit he desires.

If true, History will remember Russians. I'm not convinced that can be proven.

Even if it's true, more important to the current generation is who we're about to elect president.
If true, History will remember Russians. I'm not convinced that can be proven.

Even if it's true, more important to the current generation is who we're about to elect president.

Maybe the most important of any of our lifetimes. And certainly ironic that Sanders, during the primaries, was consistently shown in the polls as being able to beat Trump easier then Clinton could. So if the DNC got what they wished for, it may have been a huge mistake anyway....
Oh my goodness, absolutely. One has to do with DNC dirty tricks. The other has to do with foreign interference in American elections. Something we were warned about by George Washington. They are two different issues. You can be as pissed as you want to be about Clinton and the DNC. Doesn't mean you have to overlook or ignore foreign interference. She may be a bitch, but she's our bitch, stay the hell out of our elections!

Here's another take you won't like at all, since DNC dirty tricks are more important then Putin trying to steer our election to his desired outcome.


And another article you can criticize for not sticking to DNC dirty tricks....
From Washington's Farewell Address:


One can easily, and correctly, say it is Hillary's and the DNC's fault that Putin had anything to leak. But if you don't understand the gravity of foreign interference in our elections, actually trying to help the candidate friendliest to Putin, well, glad I don't think that way. It's something we should be concerned with every day of the week and twice on Sunday. And there is every likelihood Putin plans an even more devastating release in October. So our October surprise will be delivered by a foreign government, with a view toward determining the outcome of our election. Nobody, at least not I, is saying let's overlook the nature of the leaks. But if you don't understand the gravity of the actions taken by a foreign government, I guess you don't care at all about that. I do.

You claim to be unbiased yet you say nothing of all the monies the clintons have accepted from Saudi Arabia an Iran through there super pacs. What are your thoughts on that?
I should also point out, if only to not appear to be naively overlooking history, that I could ask the question "has the CIA interfered in the politics of other nations?" and spend the rest of the week reading about just that subject alone. So some can take a "what's good for the goose, is good for the gander"approach to what Putin appears to be doing. I'm aware of that. But that too does not mean I have to accept foreign interference in our election as OK. It may, however, become a permanent fixture of future elections. Given the fact that hackers are really, really good at what they do. And given the fact that political dirty tricks are par for the course. I've known that, we've all known that, since the Plumbers of Watergate lore. Though I'm sure it's been endemic for a lot longer then that.

The Brits caused an funded are Revolutionary war. Sense then we have been under the control of imperial British banking interests. They got there claws entrenched when the Federal Reserve Act was signed. Everything we do these days is under fielty to the crown.