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Sorry gun advocates, you'll just have to suck it up

I think mass shootings is one of the smallest issues when it comes to gun violence. The huge spike shows just over 100 mass shooting deaths. While tragic, that's not the low hanging fruit that will lead to an overall decrease in gun violence.

Which means that mass shooting rates have tripled in less than 10 years. I'm not sure there is a single violent crime trend in all of North America that is more alarming. Who's to say it will stay at 100? Haven't you noticed the macabre positive-feedback loop that's occurring in America right now with these mass-shootings?

1) mass shooting news covered across America
2) prospective delinquents realize how much publicity these villains are receiving. Establishes a cult of personality for every murderer
3) prospective delinquent decides to be the next one with 15 minutes of fame.

Key to this recipe: unfettered access to firearms, as you said.
This is a good point.

Why isn't there a huge black market for hand grenades and rocket launchers in this county?

From what I hear, if you make something illegal then suddenly all the criminals have it and cartels push it into the usa.

I have not seen allot of news stories of people blowing **** up with rocket launchers and hand grenades. Why not?

Exactly. Guns are easier to make than grenade launchers, but still harder than growing weed. If you take away the capacity for someone to
quickly order an assault rifle on the internet it will prevent SOME deaths. Some people are determined, and will find the weapon they need no matter what.
However some will obviously change their mind(so many murders are heat of the moment mistakes that could have been different), or use
lesser impact weapons like hand guns/knifes. Id take someone coming into a movie theater/school/mall with a hand gun and knife any day over an assault rifle.

The pro gun argument of "they will just use a knife, should we ban all knifes" is retarded. We arent trying to prevent killing/the impossible. We are trying to lessen/deter it.
And comparing it the whole pack is irrelevant. Comparison should only be to developed countries.

Did I miss something there? It seems to me it's still data on America that can be compared to others, but can stand alone.
I'm not disregarding anything you've said, you know me better than that.

Right, even though you told him that he's probably an alt of mine. Which is pretty much as disregarding as you could possibly go.

I also think something must be done about the gross negligence leading to vehicular deaths. Mass shootings are tragic. Vehicular homicide is tragic. Why do we focus so much on the one we cannot control while nonchalantly dealing with the one we easily could?


cute seeing you ignore my posts btw, stanklin.
Also, some of those events are suspicious of being staged, and if not, exploited to feed the anti-gun agenda.

Columbine lol, the event that Fat ******* exploited like no other. I hope Michael Moore is not who you look up to when processing info.

well, Jamezz about to get the Dutch treatment. You're not worth engaging. Ciao.
As bad as Jazzfanz gets sometimes it pales in comparison to other message boards. Especially football NFL ones. We are able to talk about sensitive issues better than most (sad I must say).
Right, even though you told him that he's probably an alt of mine. Which is pretty much as disregarding as you could possibly go.


cute seeing you ignore my posts btw, stanklin.

Did you see how he went towards gun safety, thinking that the offenders purposely turn the safety off?

I thought it was cute.
I also think something must be done about the gross negligence leading to vehicular deaths. Mass shootings are tragic. Vehicular homicide is tragic. Why do we focus so much on the one we cannot control while nonchalantly dealing with the one we easily could?

Ban vehicles?

I do think that would decrease homicide by vehicle

But if we ban vehicles only criminals would have vehicles
"Do you think parents like myself don't want our children to understand firearm safety?" Do you honestly think I dont think that? Why on earth would that even enter your brain. I dont think everyone
is against my arguments. I think we are A LOT closer to compromise than we realize. Of course I think you want your children to understand firearm safety.

I think the training would be in part to catch, and help lift up the people that dont have the knowledge you have. This whole training idea only handles part of the problem. I think its geared at helping
the accidental gun deaths, and also the people protecting themselves in a gun fight.

I dont love guns. I dont want to have one in my house, but wouldnt be completely against it. I do want the gun owners out there to be better trained because they arent going away, nor do I want them to.

Is it ok to talk about where the draw the type of line in guns we sell? Thats all Im doing, and I think I'm being very fair in this debate. Its healthy to talk this out right?

The point is accidental deaths by firearms are a very small portion of gun related deaths and accidents. I doubt you are going to make a meaningful reduction by educating everyone. As many people literally die by falling out of bed every year than by accidental discharges.

I'm not against your notion as much as I don't see it making a difference. However, I am all for trial programs like this to find out if it's worthwhile or not. I think you're at minimum looking down the right path (solutions) rather than barking at a problem.
Did I miss something there? It seems to me it's still data on America that can be compared to others, but can stand alone.

Well, he said that "America is in the middle of the pack", implying that the situation isn't that bad, right? I was saying that America is really bad when compared to other countries in a similar position. Who cares if Syria is doing worse? I apologize if I misunderstood. There is a lot of discussion going on, and I can't keep up.
Well, he said that "America is in the middle of the pack", implying that the situation isn't that bad, right? I was saying that America is really bad when compared to other countries in a similar position. Who cares if Syria is doing worse? I apologize if I misunderstood. There is a lot of discussion going on, and I can't keep up.

Ah. Understood.

But it's not going to do any good with foxy and rotgut. They're going to superimpose their opinion onto any facts we put up anyway.
It's so obvious that when some NRA-boosting neoCon says "gun violence is only the system of a systemic problem!" that they're doing so with absolutely zero legitimacy.

Here's how you know: what programs, acts, bills, amendments, motions, or movements are being proposed to address the systemic problems that are leading to gun violence?

Revoking the war on drugs has already been mentioned (as well as its shortcomings).

No solutions to addressing mental health.

No legitimate solutions to address gang violence, or crime in black communities.
I also think something must be done about the gross negligence leading to vehicular deaths. Mass shootings are tragic. Vehicular homicide is tragic. Why do we focus so much on the one we cannot control while nonchalantly dealing with the one we easily could?

Gun violence just happens to be the prevalent meme nowadays. Tomorrow it'll be something else. Nothing malicious about it. Issues fall in and out of public consciousnesses, and there is no harm in taking the opportunity to analyze them.

BTW, vehicular homicides have had their chance in the light as well. For example, drunk driving wasn't taken seriously at all when I was a kid. And it still isn't in a lot of places outside the US. But once the issue entered public consciousness, it turned into a moral one. Very few people are publicly comfortable bragging about their drunk-driving skills. :)