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Dennis Lindsey promoted to VP of basketball operations. Justin Zanik promoted to GM

What does this mean exactly??? Like who was the executive VP of whatever the hell title DL just got before?

Is DL passing the buck to Zanik? I have a hard time believing that DL isnt the guy ultimately calling the shots.

This is kinda weird to me...
Lindsey the used car saleman 4D chess maestro.

There is something weird about this... feels like he can say “look at all the flexibility I gave Zanik and he couldn’t even sign Tobias... he really kinda effed this up”

Maybe they had to adjust titles to keep Zanik and give him a raise...

It’s like the double rainbow... what does it mean?
There is something weird about this... feels like he can say “look at all the flexibility I gave Zanik and he couldn’t even sign Tobias... he really kinda effed this up”

Maybe they had to adjust titles to keep Zanik and give him a raise...

It’s like the double rainbow... what does it mean?
Based on potentially unreliable sources on twitter it appears they wanted to keep Zanik and this was the best way to do it.
I’m gonna go optimist and say maybe the move is because DL is too attached to his guys to make the hard calls and Zanik is the hatchet man that brings in change... Zanik does sound like the name of the guy that would be a hatchet man... “oh **** guys... did you see who corporate brought in... Zanik! Gonna be some layoffs. Update your resumes.
In fairness, DL has been at his best in making these type of moves. I still think DL should be in charge of the draft. Hopefully Zanik’s new role allows him to reshape the team better in FA and trades, because DL clearly wasn’t great in those areas.
In fairness, DL has been at his best in making these type of moves. I still think DL should be in charge of the draft. Hopefully Zanik’s new role allows him to reshape the team better in FA and trades, because DL clearly wasn’t great in those areas.

Why would you want Lindsey in charge of the draft?

Look what he has done in the draft:

DL draft:

2012: Kevin Murphy

2013: traded 14 and 20 picks for Trey Burke. Could of had Giannis and Gobert. Jazz bought in to the first round for Gobert.

2014: Exum, Hood

2015: Lyles (traded for Mitchell), Hanlan, Diez,

2016: traded pick to Atl for Hill.

2017: Denver offered Mitchell to Utah for Lyles and a first. Traded the pick that became Josh Hart for Bradley.

2018: Allen

Out of 13 picks he has two players. Gobert and Mitchell who are amazing players. But, if not for Sloan we wouldn’t have Gobert and if DL thought Gobert was going to be this good he would have drafted him at 14 or 20 and not traded those picks for Burke.

And Denver called us and offered us Mitchell for Lyles and DL said yes.

So his two good picks were more luck than skill.
Fresh outlook, refreshed perspective...
Something to be excited about

I think it is kinda just a new title and paycheck... I'm guessing not a lot changes day to day... maybe in a year or two more responsibility transfers. I think that they both get new business cards but very little changes.
Why would you want Lindsey in charge of the draft?

Look what he has done in the draft:

DL draft:

2012: Kevin Murphy

2013: traded 14 and 20 picks for Trey Burke. Could of had Giannis and Gobert. Jazz bought in to the first round for Gobert.

2014: Exum, Hood

2015: Lyles (traded for Mitchell), Hanlan, Diez,

2016: traded pick to Atl for Hill.

2017: Denver offered Mitchell to Utah for Lyles and a first. Traded the pick that became Josh Hart for Bradley.

2018: Allen

Out of 13 picks he has two players. Gobert and Mitchell who are amazing players. But, if not for Sloan we wouldn’t have Gobert and if DL thought Gobert was going to be this good he would have drafted him at 14 or 20 and not traded those picks for Burke.

And Denver called us and offered us Mitchell for Lyles and DL said yes.

So his two good picks were more luck than skill.

Some of this isn't fair. He laid all the groundwork for the Denver trade... not like that came out of the blue sky. Can't pass off his good picks as lucky and bad ones as being a bad drafter.

I will say that some of this is fair criticism... I'd add he's sold off a **** ton of second rounders on draft night for cash because "there wasn't anyone they liked"... He seems to narrow in on the guys he wants to early and doesn't "like" enough guys.
Another positive here... with renewed contracts these guys may be willing to be more bold... they have job security now make some boss moves.