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El Paso Shooting

Yeah, this is all totally normal. Gotta have that well-regulated militia, eh?

I have my CWP but admit that I see little reason civilians should have AR’s as you can’t hunt with it, can’t conceal it and the general use of it is to take human life.
People just turn to explosives. I have very little faith in the effectiveness of a gun ban.

What's stopping these guys from just going straight to bombings now? If the (ugh) cost/benefit of bombing is so much greater then they'd already be doing it.

They don't because it takes a lot more practical knowledge to pull something like that off, and procuring the ingredients necessary is much more likely to bring attention to authorities.

I just don't buy the idea that taking guns away from these nuts is going to lead to an increase in more deadly bombing attacks in the future. It hasn't happened in the UK, Australia, Canada, you know countries with similar political stability as ours who have enacted stricter gun control.

Pointing to examples of bombings in countries with vastly different political situations rife with sectarian violence doesn't really make sense.

i dunno about Canada but the UK and Australia are certainly better more stable countries than the US. Without getting into details the consumption and use of certain chemicals is very heavily monitored here. It is a nonsense that people will turn themselves into bombs, maybe use cars as weapons sure, bombs require a level of technical proficiency that most people don't have and you can't research on the internet like we used to do when i was growing up. Its a simple fix get rid of guns.
Counting every single gun accident as a "mass shooting" is basically trolling, stirring the pot, opening a can of worms..

Thats not what occurred. There are way more than 249 gun accidents in this country.
You are not very good at this

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But you never hear about the shootings that were stopped by someone with a gun. Saving 1 or more lives in the process.

I hear about them. They just simply dont happen as often as you want them to.

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I think this is one of the dumbest comments I've seen on Jazzfanz in years. If we do nothing, then we are idiots. We may not be able to stop every single one, but I suspect, most of them.

Doesnt even need to be most. If we stopped even one mass shooting then that would be nice.

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Private ownership of machine guns made after 1986 is banned by federal law. All pre-1986 automatic weapons must be registered with the ATF and require extensive background checks before private citizens may own them.

Gun nuts don’t complain about this or sue under the second amendment to be able to own these military weapons, and they don’t complain about bans on other arms such as rpgs, surface to air missiles, chemical biological nuclear, etc. and they are not up in arms about trump’s bump stock ban, then why do they say that semi automatic weapons are sacredly protected by the second amendment?

Clearly there are limits on the types of arms protected by the second amendment.
I definitely lean D and think that minority misbehavior goes unnoticed. It’s a dialogue that perhaps can’t be had. If it is, people will be called racists, lose jobs, and tensions might escalate.
And another mass shooting just happened in Ohio

So sad.

But apparently we all better get used to this because if we dare enact gun regulation legislation used in literally every other industrialized country, then people will become bombers and start a civil war (as if there already isn’t one being waged).

So there’s nothing absolutely nothing that we can do but just take it. Take it at Walmart, movie theaters, churches, and schools.


That’s what I’ve learned on these forums. We must all pander to some gun nuts.
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Doing nothing is not acceptable anymore but we as a nation continue to do nothing. No laws are going to stop everyone but doing nothing certainly has proven to be a failure. Our whole nation should be embarrassed with all these shooting. We put people on the moon etc. but we can't figure this out. Come on it is beyond ridiculous.