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Trade Rumors Involving the Jazz

Donny knows the plan... but the plan does not guarantee he gets what he wants if Danny doesn't get what he wants. Donovan will likely start getting more vocal (through CAA and other back channels). It will get worse so that hopefully Danny settles... we need to keep up the facade that we will just walk away if we don't get what we want to create additional leverage.
Also... based on the tea leaves... Lakers are a little hesitant to do the Kyrie move because they don't want to include picks unless Lebron extends his deal and he wants his options open.

Those Lakers picks might be gold.
No new updates on the Utah front as far as conversations with their management all things stay as is. Although there are rumblings that Donovan has requested a meeting this week with the front office to discuss the team and its future outlook, we don't know when this meeting will take place, but the league will surely know Donovan's mindset of where he stands in the future of the Jazz by end of the week.

Brooklyn, things are cooking as something happened yesterday which has completely changed Brooklyn's front office approach. They are way more involved as of this morning, with new conversations now starting to brew across other teams of them trying to offload Ben Simmons. Its seems Miami has made it known they cannot find a team willing to take Ben on as a third team without wanting picks. If they resolve the Ben situation internally then Miami can move Bam to them as that is their top choice.

Brooklyn is now involved personally in trying to fix that problem as previously their expectation was the team receiving Durant to do the leg work. The Miami front office feels this could also relax a bit the asking price if Brooklyn gets some assets out of Ben Simons. Also it sounds like Kirie is adamant about the team he wants to go to, and right now Brooklyn wants more flexibility on that end, if they offload Ben & Durant they feel kirie will give in and be willing to go to a contender but at least give them more options. As of now nobody wants to take on a 1 year rental and give assets in return for a player committed to only one franchise.

Miami knows Brooklyn is fighting a war on three fronts, the needs of the Owner, the wants of the players, and the limitations of the teams willing to get them something in return. They know going into the season with this team will be disastrous