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Legalize It (Colorado just did)

Already talk of federal problems in regards to the marijuana passage in CO.
Does anyone think the federal government won't challenge this in the courts? If that happens, does anyone think that the federal government wouldn't be successful in that challenge?

Let them. The Feds can enforce this for all that I care. I'm not sure they want this battle. I'm not sure an Obama Administration will fight it either.
Let them. The Feds can enforce this for all that I care. I'm not sure they want this battle. I'm not sure an Obama Administration will fight it either.

They fought Arizona over immigration law. On the other hand, Obama doesn't have to do things to win voters now, so maybe his administration won't do much about it.
I think a federal challenge to this would ultimately lead to national legalization. Americans are tired of fighting against a substance as benign as pot.
I'm not so sure about that.

If they aren't already tired of it they're getting more and more tired of it every day.

I think marijuana prohibition enforcement is one of the greatest tragedies of our time. I'm not being over dramatic. Good people, often productive people supporting their families, are in prison, some on very long mandatory minimum sentences, for nothing more than possessing marijuana. Their "crime" is no more significant to society than me possessing a 12 pack of beer.

I value human freedom very highly. To take that away from a person and lock them in a cage because they recreated differently than society feels they should is horrific. Truly horrific. And it's happening right now.
Oh, I forgot the part about marijuana prohibition being overwhelmingly enforced against minorities and poor people. Marijuana use is not particularly high amongst minorities and poor people. Well to do white folks smoke plenty of pot, they just don't get arrested and tried and put in prison for it. If it already wasn't a tragedy now it takes an even more sinister turn.
Wouldn't the Feds pretty much not contest this just like they have looked the other way on the medical mj dipensaries, which are legal by Colorado law but not Federal law?
Wouldn't the Feds pretty much not contest this just like they have looked the other way on the medical mj dipensaries, which are legal by Colorado law but not Federal law?
I think so unless they're looking to make a stand and put an end to all marijuana legalization measures across the country, take a huge step backwards and probably provide the final motivation to get something done at the national level. The writing is on the wall as far as I'm concerned. We're moving towards legalization, not away from it. Those who oppose that are on the wrong side of history, as they say.
I think a federal challenge to this would ultimately lead to national legalization. Americans are tired of fighting against a substance as benign as pot.

The problem is, many americans still buy into the reefer madness hype. Disabusing the country of the notion that marijuana is a dangerous drug has been a slow process, and there's still a long way to go.