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If you can't celebrate, mas, I mean watch porn.

and who knows how much it might have spiked had the Bruins won!

Interesting that they didn't report finding a similar occurrence in San Antonia after the Spurs lost the final game to the Heat.
Most of the porn traffic comes out of Utah.

Why is that?

Seriously. Why is that?

Judging by our birth rate, it isn't because people aren't having sex.

It's pretty easy to date around here. And the universities here feature in both numbers and hotness, the hottest girls in the nation. You can go weeks in other states without seeing as many hotties as a 5 minute stroll down LA Hall at UVU.

I don't get it.
Because LDS culture is sexually repressive. Most of it is prolly married Mormon guys.
Anyone have this urban legend study about Mormons n porn? I'd love to shred that b.s. Has to be b.s. yes?

Utah: Online Porn Capital of America?

For most of my life I have lived in the cauldrons of sin - first New York, then California. These Bluer than Blue states are the source of most of our society's ills, or so we are constantly told.

When it comes to online smut, though, it appears I've been living in the wrong places. Thanks to Harvard researcher Ben Edelman, we now know the most avid consumers of Internet pornography live in the heartland -- the "real America," I believe someone once called it.

Edelman, a lawyer-geek who made his bones hunting down spyware and adware firms, has published a report titled "Red Light States: Who Buys Online Adult Entertainment?" [PDF] in the ponderous sounding Journal of Economic Perspectives.

For his report Edelman analyzed subscriber data from an unnamed "top 10 seller of online adult entertainment," broken down by ZIP codes, demographic data, and the speeds of users' Internet connections.

One key finding: The biggest consumers of online adult entertainment live in the great state of Utah. An average of 5.47 people per 1000 broadband subscribers pay for porn in Orrin Hatch's home state. (Utah also leads in porn consumption among the general population and dial-up users, in case you're wondering.)

It must have been all those Osmonds Gone Wild videos that sent them over the edge.

Close behind Utah with just over five porn subscribers per thousand is Sarah Palin's Alaska. California and New York, on the other hand, average between 2.4 and 2.9 subscriptions per 1000 broadband users, smack dab in the middle of the pack. Overall, eight of Edelman's top 10 porn-consuming states voted for McCain last fall, while six of the least smut-crazed states went for Obama.

It appears the Red states are also the Red Light states.

Notes Edelman:

Subscriptions are slightly more prevalent in states that have enacted conservative legislation on sexuality. .... subscriptions are also more prevalent in states where surveys indicate conservative positions on religion, gender roles, and sexuality. In states where more people agree that "Even today miracles are performed by the power of God" and "I never doubt the existence of God," there are more subscriptions to this service. Subscriptions are also more prevalent in states where more people agree that "I have old-fashioned values about family and marriage" and "AIDS might be God's punishment for immoral sexual behavior."

Here's another fascinating tidbit:

... adult escort sites are more popular in "blue" states that voted for Gore in 2004, while visitors from the "red" states that voted for Bush in 2004 are more likely to visit wife-swapping sites, adult webcams, and sites about voyeurism.

Thus explaining the whole Eliot Spitzer fiasco last March.

Edelman adds that as education and income go up, so does porn consumption. Younger people also tend to get more of their naughty bits over the Net. But that doesn't explain why Florida is in his top 10 and California isn't.

It also doesn't address why the strongest proponents of anti-porn laws tend to live in the states where online smut is most popular. You could argue Red staters oppose adult content so vocally because they know the problem intimately -- first hand, so to speak. You could speculate people who live in these states use online porn more because traditional venues like adult bookstores and peep shows are harder to find. You might even stake a claim Blue staters are more likely to get their porn through illegal means such as file swapping networks. (I'm a little dubious about that last one.)

As they say in academic circles, more research is needed.
why do some posters (or rather, one in particular) always feel compelled to share TOO MUCH INFORMATION??????

Because LDS culture is sexually repressive. Most of it is prolly married Mormon guys.

How so? After marriage, it's on! You can have all the sex you want. I get it being sexually repressive for the unmarried folks. For those RMs, single young adults, divorced, etc i can understand. Turn to porn because you can't get any without being excommunicated or disfellowshipped.

But the married folks? Why?

Even the obese couples are getting it on. I see some "sweet spirits" at church sometimes and am amazed that they are pregnant. It's like, "how the heck did that happen?"

Is it something deeper? Does the repression create a need to act out later in life? Do the porn addictions begin when they're younger and just never goes away? Do many couples only believe in certain forms, positions, etc so it leaves a drive unsatisfied? Because Mormon males are taught abstinence does that mean that they suck at lovemaking thus leaving the women unhappy with their sex lives so they turn to porn?

I truly just don't understand this stat on so many levels.

We have beautiful girls here.
It's extremely affordable to live here. Education is pretty easy to obtain. Stable economy.
A culture which emphasizes family and conditions (seen above) encourage marriage and family relationships.
Once you're married why do you need porn?

I just don't get it

Utah: Online Porn Capital of America?

For most of my life I have lived in the cauldrons of sin - first New York, then California. These Bluer than Blue states are the source of most of our society's ills, or so we are constantly told.

When it comes to online smut, though, it appears I've been living in the wrong places. Thanks to Harvard researcher Ben Edelman, we now know the most avid consumers of Internet pornography live in the heartland -- the "real America," I believe someone once called it.

Edelman, a lawyer-geek who made his bones hunting down spyware and adware firms, has published a report titled "Red Light States: Who Buys Online Adult Entertainment?" [PDF] in the ponderous sounding Journal of Economic Perspectives.

For his report Edelman analyzed subscriber data from an unnamed "top 10 seller of online adult entertainment," broken down by ZIP codes, demographic data, and the speeds of users' Internet connections.

One key finding: The biggest consumers of online adult entertainment live in the great state of Utah. An average of 5.47 people per 1000 broadband subscribers pay for porn in Orrin Hatch's home state. (Utah also leads in porn consumption among the general population and dial-up users, in case you're wondering.)

It must have been all those Osmonds Gone Wild videos that sent them over the edge.

Close behind Utah with just over five porn subscribers per thousand is Sarah Palin's Alaska. California and New York, on the other hand, average between 2.4 and 2.9 subscriptions per 1000 broadband users, smack dab in the middle of the pack. Overall, eight of Edelman's top 10 porn-consuming states voted for McCain last fall, while six of the least smut-crazed states went for Obama.

It appears the Red states are also the Red Light states.

Notes Edelman:

Subscriptions are slightly more prevalent in states that have enacted conservative legislation on sexuality. .... subscriptions are also more prevalent in states where surveys indicate conservative positions on religion, gender roles, and sexuality. In states where more people agree that "Even today miracles are performed by the power of God" and "I never doubt the existence of God," there are more subscriptions to this service. Subscriptions are also more prevalent in states where more people agree that "I have old-fashioned values about family and marriage" and "AIDS might be God's punishment for immoral sexual behavior."

Here's another fascinating tidbit:

... adult escort sites are more popular in "blue" states that voted for Gore in 2004, while visitors from the "red" states that voted for Bush in 2004 are more likely to visit wife-swapping sites, adult webcams, and sites about voyeurism.

Thus explaining the whole Eliot Spitzer fiasco last March.

Edelman adds that as education and income go up, so does porn consumption. Younger people also tend to get more of their naughty bits over the Net. But that doesn't explain why Florida is in his top 10 and California isn't.

It also doesn't address why the strongest proponents of anti-porn laws tend to live in the states where online smut is most popular. You could argue Red staters oppose adult content so vocally because they know the problem intimately -- first hand, so to speak. You could speculate people who live in these states use online porn more because traditional venues like adult bookstores and peep shows are harder to find. You might even stake a claim Blue staters are more likely to get their porn through illegal means such as file swapping networks. (I'm a little dubious about that last one.)

As they say in academic circles, more research is needed.


There are so many flaws with this "study" that it's hard to believe the Journal of Economic Perspectives would even publish it.

..........►Ben Edelman used only one website, and may have data mined to make the numbers fit a narrative.

..........►There's no accounting for absence of porn in more conservative states, or pay-per-veiw subscriptions. Online porn is just one option of many.

..........►No regression for customers who signed up for broadband in order to access previously outlawed porn. At 5.47 per 1000 broadband subscribers (not residents), the numerator is so small in comparison that very tiny statistical adjustments would change the numbers dramatically. If just 2 out of every 1000 signed up for broadband just for porn, the number is inflated by nearly 50%.

..........►If 1/3rd of residents had broadband back then, that's only 5,000 out of 2,855,000 residents -- a pretty damn low. I guarantee the % that watches porn in every state is higher than this. Hell, there's a good chance a higher % of the population is directly involved in the porn industry.
How so? After marriage, it's on! You can have all the sex you want. I get it being sexually repressive for the unmarried folks. For those RMs, single young adults, divorced, etc i can understand. Turn to porn because you can't get any without being excommunicated or disfellowshipped.

But the married folks? Why?

Even the obese couples are getting it on. I see some "sweet spirits" at church sometimes and am amazed that they are pregnant. It's like, "how the heck did that happen?"

Is it something deeper? Does the repression create a need to act out later in life? Do the porn addictions begin when they're younger and just never goes away? Do many couples only believe in certain forms, positions, etc so it leaves a drive unsatisfied? Because Mormon males are taught abstinence does that mean that they suck at lovemaking thus leaving the women unhappy with their sex lives so they turn to porn?

I truly just don't understand this stat on so many levels.

We have beautiful girls here.
It's extremely affordable to live here. Education is pretty easy to obtain. Stable economy.
A culture which emphasizes family and conditions (seen above) encourage marriage and family relationships.
Once you're married why do you need porn?

I just don't get it

I think you may not understand the extent to which young girls are conditioned to think of sex as bad. Just plain bad. To enjoy sex or want sex means you're a whore or a slut. To be sexually aggressive is unacceptable. To want your partner to do more than a pump-and-roll (pump a few times until finished and then roll over and go to sleep) is dirty. To talk to your partner about what you want and what you like is unheard of.

Many of these girls have no idea how their own bodies work. They have no idea how to pleasure themselves, let alone how to get their man to pleasure them. For guys in that culture they're likely going to assume that what works for them (vigorous pumping) is what works for her, when that's usually not the case.

So, women who are disinterested in sex and only do it out of sense of marital duty are not the best partners, imo. I'd rather take care of myself then have a girl "let me" use her body for sex. If she's not into it and not taking an active role then I have better things I could be doing, too. Namely, watching healthy young women at least pretending to be eager for sex.

And if any of you guys have lived your life thinking that the old pump-and-roll is good enough for you so it should be good enough for her...you're wrong.