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US Economy

The Thriller

Well-Known Member
Soooo many indicators show our economy is on the rise. I even read an article today that it's ready to take off. So why does it still feel like it's crappy? Why does it still feel like we're in a recession? Does anyone else just roll their eyes when the Obama administration tries to put a positive spin on the unemployment stats? So many folks have been unemployed so long that they've given up trying!

Mitt Romney campaigned on his "job creationisity." The GOP seems to desire to beat Obama down on certain issues like the economy. Yet... Since the election... Hardly anything is being said about it.

From the Democrats? I can understand. They like to focus on lil stats and put a positive spin on it.
From the GOP? Why have they suddenly gone silent on this issue?

Why are we talking about Libya, gay marriage, Egypt, and immigration and not the economy? Have both political parties essentially just, "given up" on this issue?
Well the recession is "over" as soon as it hits bottom and starts going back up, but we're all still at that low point. **** still sucks all over.
I think people are going to come to the realization that this is the new norm. Unfortunately, without major reform or some kind of leap in technology I don't see this getting too much better.
Soooo many indicators show our economy is on the rise. I even read an article today that it's ready to take off. So why does it still feel like it's crappy? Why does it still feel like we're in a recession? Does anyone else just roll their eyes when the Obama administration tries to put a positive spin on the unemployment stats? So many folks have been unemployed so long that they've given up trying!

Mitt Romney campaigned on his "job creationisity." The GOP seems to desire to beat Obama down on certain issues like the economy. Yet... Since the election... Hardly anything is being said about it.

From the Democrats? I can understand. They like to focus on lil stats and put a positive spin on it.
From the GOP? Why have they suddenly gone silent on this issue?

Why are we talking about Libya, gay marriage, Egypt, and immigration and not the economy? Have both political parties essentially just, "given up" on this issue?

The economy won't feel better until labor is back in demand and everyone can start negotiating real raises again.

Question: Why do you think the republicans spent four years obstructing every jobs plan and highway bill Obama pushed forward, and went on that nonsense tax cut mantra followed by cut the tax cuts mantra?

Answer: To keep everyone miserable so Obama would lose.
I think people are going to come to the realization that this is the new norm. Unfortunately, without major reform or some kind of leap in technology I don't see this getting too much better.

Oh come on. Just ask Pearl about nanotechnology. That should save us.
I think people are going to come to the realization that this is the new norm. Unfortunately, without major reform or some kind of leap in technology I don't see this getting too much better.

Oh come on. Just ask Pearl about nanotechnology. That should save us.

I hear this line around the office all the time. It's bizarre since we're in the middle of the greatest technological boom ever. The internet alone is the printing press on steroids, supercharged, and rocket boosters on top.
Soooo many indicators show our economy is on the rise. I even read an article today that it's ready to take off. So why does it still feel like it's crappy? Why does it still feel like we're in a recession? Does anyone else just roll their eyes when the Obama administration tries to put a positive spin on the unemployment stats? So many folks have been unemployed so long that they've given up trying!

Mitt Romney campaigned on his "job creationisity." The GOP seems to desire to beat Obama down on certain issues like the economy. Yet... Since the election... Hardly anything is being said about it.

From the Democrats? I can understand. They like to focus on lil stats and put a positive spin on it.
From the GOP? Why have they suddenly gone silent on this issue?

Why are we talking about Libya, gay marriage, Egypt, and immigration and not the economy? Have both political parties essentially just, "given up" on this issue?

It sounds like you're upset about something.

Please, tell us more about how you're feeling.
I hear this line around the office all the time. It's bizarre since we're in the middle of the greatest technological boom ever. The internet alone is the printing press on steroids, supercharged, and rocket boosters on top.

I hope you picked up on my sarcasm.
It sounds like you're upset about something.

Please, tell us more about how you're feeling.

Fair enough.

I'm upset that our country is still in a crap hole. This isn't a R vs D issue. But an American issue. I read the employment reports and just laugh. What unemployment at now? 7.6%? But even the bluest democrat knows that many Americans have completely fallen out of the workforce. We are creating new jobs!!! Yay!!! But it's at a rate that is barely keeping up with population growth. And the jobs being created are either part time, suck, or aren't good paying jobs... Or all 3!

I'm just wondering if we are becoming "content" with this crappy state of the economy, of high unemployment, low benefits, low paying, and no job security.

Perhaps this is being felt globally and isn't just an "American" Phenomenon?

I don't care who it is. Obama or d bag cp3, bring back the early 2000s or 90s! Most of this century has sucked!
Fair enough.

I'm upset that our country is still in a crap hole. This isn't a R vs D issue. But an American issue. I read the employment reports and just laugh. What unemployment at now? 7.6%? But even the bluest democrat knows that many Americans have completely fallen out of the workforce. We are creating new jobs!!! Yay!!! But it's at a rate that is barely keeping up with population growth. And the jobs being created are either part time, suck, or aren't good paying jobs... Or all 3!

I'm just wondering if we are becoming "content" with this crappy state of the economy, of high unemployment, low benefits, low paying, and no job security.

Perhaps this is being felt globally and isn't just an "American" Phenomenon?

I don't care who it is. Obama or d bag cp3, bring back the early 2000s or 90s! Most of this century has sucked!

Oh man. Don't get me started on why the 80's - 2000's was so "good". The "foundation" upon which that economic strength was built upon was an illusion comprised of debt instruments.
Oh man. Don't get me started on why the 80's - 2000's was so "good". The "foundation" upon which that economic strength was built upon was an illusion comprised of debt instruments.

At least in the 90's you had prosperity based on innovation (over-speculated of course, but at least it was something tangible).

Agree on the 80's and 2000's though. 2000's will be looked upon by historians as essentially our point of no return
At least in the 90's you had prosperity based on innovation (over-speculated of course, but at least it was something tangible).

Agree on the 80's and 2000's though. 2000's will be looked upon by historians as essentially our point of no return

What do you mean?
Oh man. Don't get me started on why the 80's - 2000's was so "good". The "foundation" upon which that economic strength was built upon was an illusion comprised of debt instruments.

This. We, in our current state, are what we get for coddling the rich when the mentality of the population is built on simple, human concept: Greed.

I'm no economist, but I will say that until we move away from personal Greed as the driver to get people to work, and work harder, we are doomed to end up in the same position we're in now, possibly worse. We need to happy with ourselves, and where we're at. That will naturally get people to be more productive.

Everyone asks why is the Economy stagnant when any talking head worth their salt says it's going to kick off any second now? If you made your fortune sucking the teet of Reaganomics your entire life, and someone finally said "Yeah, this isn't getting us anywhere. Lets change tactics!", how quick would you be to adopt change?
Oh man. Don't get me started on why the 80's - 2000's was so "good". The "foundation" upon which that economic strength was built upon was an illusion comprised of debt instruments.

That's why we need another great leader like Reagan: to convince us by saying all the right things to cover the illusions. :rolleyes:

At least in the 90's you had prosperity based on innovation (over-speculated of course, but at least it was something tangible).

Agree on the 80's and 2000's though. 2000's will be looked upon by historians as essentially our point of no return

Meh. Chicken little is for the commoners.

This. We, in our current state, are what we get for coddling the rich when the mentality of the population is built on simple, human concept: Greed.

I'm no economist, but I will say that until we move away from personal Greed as the driver to get people to work, and work harder, we are doomed to end up in the same position we're in now, possibly worse. We need to happy with ourselves, and where we're at. That will naturally get people to be more productive.

Everyone asks why is the Economy stagnant when any talking head worth their salt says it's going to kick off any second now? If you made your fortune sucking the teet of Reaganomics your entire life, and someone finally said "Yeah, this isn't getting us anywhere. Lets change tactics!", how quick would you be to adopt change?

You can't be serious.
This. We, in our current state, are what we get for coddling the rich when the mentality of the population is built on simple, human concept: Greed.

I'm no economist, but I will say that until we move away from personal Greed as the driver to get people to work, and work harder, we are doomed to end up in the same position we're in now, possibly worse. We need to happy with ourselves, and where we're at. That will naturally get people to be more productive.

Everyone asks why is the Economy stagnant when any talking head worth their salt says it's going to kick off any second now? If you made your fortune sucking the teet of Reaganomics your entire life, and someone finally said "Yeah, this isn't getting us anywhere. Lets change tactics!", how quick would you be to adopt change?

I don't think what you are saying is correct at all. I don't agree with any of it.
I'm no economist, but I will say that until we move away from personal Greed as the driver to get people to work, and work harder, we are doomed to end up in the same position we're in now, possibly worse. We need to happy with ourselves, and where we're at. That will naturally get people to be more productive.

This is confusing. You're condemning a social phenomena, not an economic theory, practice, or indicator.

If my earning as much as I do so as to enjoy life in comfort constitutes greed, then I'm greedy, and refuse to apologize for it. This is my life, it's the only one I've got, and ultimately I'm in it completely alone (please, let's not get into theological debate here - I am an agnostic, albeit a hopeful one). I appreciate your Utopian perspective on reasons for being productive, but... we are talking about human beings, after all. The vast majority of us are basically selfish and largely function with mostly selfish motives - just like any other "animal" on this earth, more or less.

Marxian economics is proven to have failed. Capitalism has not. In fact, capitalism is the perfect structure for greed as well as charity to co-exist. That's the top two motivators for trying to be more productive right there.