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Hayward has agreed to an offer with Hornets

What pisses me off the most of all the commentators was when Locke said "The Jazz FO thinks that Hayward's our guy, we've developed him, therefore we're keeping him".

What a load of bull. Just because we've coached/nurtured him, makes it more important for us to keep him? Look around - the guy's looking to bolt us the first chance he gets.

If we're assessing him against all other FA's and he's the best available, therefore we match, then I'm totally fine with that. But don't get sentimental and start spilling stuff like "he's our guy".
Been calling it for it the last 2 summers, Hayward got the Premium 'whiteboy' contract. Shoulda traded him then.

The Jazz dropped the ball on this one though, their bluff has been called.
Been calling it for it the last 2 summers, Hayward got the Premium 'whiteboy' contract. Shoulda traded him then.

The Jazz dropped the ball on this one though, their bluff has been called.

I don't think it's a bluff. Not the Jazz's style.
I don't think it's a bluff. Not the Jazz's style.

I think they're bluffing about matching all offers.

The Jazz won 25 games last year, without any major injuries, how its proper course of action from here to give an undeserving player a max contract is beyond me.

As an Ex-Knicks fan the word "max" almost sends chills down my spine, Paying undeserving players max money in the NBA is a tried and tested way for your team to suck, Being in the Western conference means there's even less margin for error with these contracts too.
Isn't it funny how CHA is the only team seriously considering and in the end offered Hayward the MAX deal?

This tells me how much the league as a whole values Hayward.

Cleveland considered it and was chased away by Utah. But that's not exactly a ringing endorsement either lol.
Cleveland considered it and was chased away by Utah. But that's not exactly a ringing endorsement either lol.


Where are Boston and PHX??????? When it's all said and done, Hayward's just not good enough to really be considered.
If Hayward is resigned, on opening night, he is going to get booed worse than on draft day. When he misses his wide open corner threes, boos are going to echo through the ESA. When he drives to the middle and dribbles off his knee like he always does, he is going to get booed unmercifully. Gordon Hayward has done very little to endure himself to the Utah fans, but he is going to get killed by getting the max and not even being close to a max player. He is going to do what Gordon Hayward does, he is going to slump his shoulders, act like his dog just got ran over, put his incredibly white mug down and make that slow walk during times out to the bench. I know that DL said he is going to match no matter what, but I think Gordon's agent is not doing him any favors. Who wants to get booed every time they show up to work. If we don't match, Charlotte fans are going to boo him also. There is something to being liked in the NBA.
Where are Boston and PHX??????? When it's all said and done, Hayward's just not good enough to really be considered.
Pretty sure there were going to be other offers once the James, Bosh, Carmelo dust settled. It's too early to assume there was no other interest, especially from Cleveland..
If Hayward is resigned, on opening night, he is going to get booed worse than on draft day. When he misses his wide open corner threes, boos are going to echo through the ESA. When he drives to the middle and dribbles off his knee like he always does, he is going to get booed unmercifully. Gordon Hayward has done very little to endure himself to the Utah fans, but he is going to get killed by getting the max and not even being close to a max player. He is going to do what Gordon Hayward does, he is going to slump his shoulders, act like his dog just got ran over, put his incredibly white mug down and make that slow walk during times out to the bench. I know that DL said he is going to match no matter what, but I think Gordon's agent is not doing him any favors. Who wants to get booed every time they show up to work. If we don't match, Charlotte fans are going to boo him also. There is something to being liked in the NBA.

Wow...jealous aren't we.

I actually think the contract will be a relief for him and will have a great year.
@kpelton: Dangerous to assume salary cap will go up dramatically with new TV deal. Don't think NBA wants high inflation, will structure $ accordingly.

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Given the team's current cap situation, the future cap numbers, and the current status of the team, there is very little downside the Jazz expose themselves to if they match.

Well, I stand corrected. The Jazz do have lots of room for error in our current market. You should start logging in from my screen name. You seem to know it all.
Cleveland considered it and was chased away by Utah. But that's not exactly a ringing endorsement either lol.

Ummm, there's also a player named Lebron James - you may have heard of him - who is seriously considering returning to the Cavs. If I were Cleveland, yeah, I'd hold that cap space open until the prodigal son decides on my team or Miami.

If you're LBJ, do you want to play on a team of declining vets, or do you go to a franchise that has Irving, Wiggins and a bunch of other solid, young players that can contend for the length of your contract? AND, BTW, your wife is also wanting to return to Cleveland and LBJ has said he'd like to have his children attend the same schools he did growing up. I'd say it's about 80/20 that LBJ goes to Cleveland, especially with them clearing cap space today (Jack to NJ...I mean Brooklyn).