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Jazzfanz Fantasy Basketball League


Winner of the 2011 Jazzfanz mock draft contest
Hey all, we've got up to 6 openings in our annual Yahoo Jazzfanz league (we're at 10 teams right now). Draft is currently scheduled for Sun Oct 25 at 7:00 PM PDT. If you have interest, PM me your email address and I'll send you an invite.

League ID#: 70321
League Name: Jazzfanz.com
Auto-renew Enabled: No
Custom League URL: https://basketball.fantasysports.yahoo.com/league/jazzfanzcom
Draft Type: Live Standard Draft
Draft Time: Sun Oct 25 7:00pm PDT [ Add to My Calendar ]
Cash League Settings: Not a cash league
Max Teams: 16
Live Draft Pick Time: 1 Minute, 15 Seconds
Scoring Type: Head-to-Head
Max Acquisitions for Entire Season: No maximum
Max Trades for Entire Season No maximum
Trade Reject Time: 3
Trade End Date: March 3, 2016
Allow Draft Pick Trades: No
Waiver Time: 1 day
Waiver Type: Continual rolling list
Waiver Mode: Standard
Can't Cut List Provider: Yahoo Sports
Trade Review: Commissioner
Post Draft Players: Follow Waiver Rules
Max Acquisitions per Week: 4
Weekly Deadline: Daily - Tomorrow
Start Scoring on: Week 1
Playoffs: Week 20, 21 and 22 (8 teams) Note: Week 22 runs 7 days from Mar 28 to Apr 3
Playoff Reseeding: No
Lock Eliminated Teams: No
Divisions: Yes (2 divisions)
Playoff Seeding Options: Division winners awarded top playoff seeds
Make League Publicly Viewable: Yes
Invite Permissions: Commissioner Only
Roster Positions: PG, SG, G, SF, PF, F, C, Util, Util, BN, BN, BN
Players Stat Categories: Field Goal Percentage (FG%), Free Throw Percentage (FT%), 3-point Shots Made (3PTM), Points Scored (PTS), Total Rebounds (REB), Assists (AST), Steals (ST), Blocked Shots (BLK), Turnovers (TO)
Who's in this league

TroutBum (who dominates every league he's in, according to himself)
racing like a pro
calijazz (me)

And a couple others that I'm not sure of their identity since they their team name isn't their Jazzfanz user name.
TroutBum (who dominates every league he's in, according to himself)
racing like a pro
calijazz (me)

And a couple others that I'm not sure of their identity since they their team name isn't their Jazzfanz user name.

Seminole Jazz is actually me NCJazz. Very good league. Should be good fun.
League up to 13 players now. If you are interested you may want to let Calijazz know soon before league is full.
Still need at least one more team in Jazzfanz.com league. If you feel you are up to the challenge let Calijazz know. We draft Sunday night. One last chance to get in a Jazzfanz league.