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2024 NBA Free Agency Thread

We already have UTA, CLE, MIN 2025 picks... Ask SAS for ATL 2025 and SAS 2025 in Lauri trade... then ask NOP for LAL 2025 and NOP 2025... Own like... a quarter of all 1st round picks in one of the most stacked drafts in recent memory....

We’d also have a young guy like Hendricks who we could include in such a package to move up.
It's almost like DL is still the GM. Yeah let's not do **** about our perimeter defense but instead collect as many bACkuP cEnTErs as possible.
Isn't the object to suck at this point? If so, why give a flying fig what our perimeter defense looks like?
Why do you care what the Jazz are doing? Your team just added Klay Thompson. Aren't you happy about that and want to discuss it on the Mavericks' board?
I thought this was a wolves fan board sorry after the way you guys all slurped them up all season bum