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  1. K

    calling it now: Kanter will be traded, and Burke will be in the deal

    "sepanol" has given me the impression the person writing that would be Spanish or related... My personal view, Kanter should "get rid of" the people around him, in order to achieve any real progress in his NBA career. Whoever they are that influence him in following any other area than...
  2. K

    calling it now: Kanter will be traded, and Burke will be in the deal

    What does being Turkish have to do with it? Is it like "being Turkish, he WOULD f...k up, naturally, and it would not be surprising, but in spite of that disadvantage of his I hope he doesn't f up..."?
  3. K

    No Kanter in the FIBA WC 2014 and His Injury is More Serious Than It Has Been Declared!

    Hopefully both Kanter and Burks will be better defenders when there is a coach who trusts them. Quin Snyder seems like a fair guy and i think he will give everyone some credit as long as they showing effort!! To be honest i am a Quin Snyder fanboy :D I am not saying Kanter will be great but...
  4. K

    No Kanter in the FIBA WC 2014 and His Injury is More Serious Than It Has Been Declared!

    Do not take anything Kanter said seriously Can anyone think that he could go near the national team players that he laughed at publicly last summer after an international game loss... He aliniated the country and its people for ahatwver idiotic motive of his own. No one wants to see Kanter...
  5. K

    ***Official new head coach search thread*** (merged)

    Messina's last five years in European basketball was all failure. Big clubs that chose him (after spending hugely into strong rosters) have been sorry (Real Madrid, CSKA). While he has not been able to do it in Europe for a serious length of time now, I can't logically see how he will be...
  6. K

    What kind of season did our players have so far

    So sad to see Kanter's career is going nowhere... He entered the NBA as a third pick and in his third year when he was expected to prove his value he proved to be the 7th worst center. Quite impressive. The people around Kanter, the ones close to him should be proud of themselves since they...
  7. K

    This guy should help mentor Kanter.

    Another unnecessary communication to me that forces me to respond... Stop this nonsense!! Yahu kardesim okudugunu anlama sorunu mu var sende, kim kimi para almakla itham etmis iftira etmis? Bak senin anlayabilecegin sekilde basit anlatayım: TR'den onemli bir spor kisisinin resmini koydu...
  8. K

    This guy should help mentor Kanter.

    Tarkanian, there is nothing to agree or disagree; you insulted and I had to respond. You're saying your grandfathers were Armenian, mine were Turk /muslim. Çapını belli ettin filan agızlarını bırak artık, baslartma capından mapından, kimbilir kac yasında bir veletsin, bana saldırgan lisan...
  9. K

    This guy should help mentor Kanter.

    Bak hala yazıyorlar bana, cevap vermek zorunda kalıyorum. Senin gibisinden veya Tarkanyan'dan olgunlugu ogrenecek degilim. Sizin hainlikle yogrulmus olgunlugunuz sizin olsun. Tarkanyan neyse de, "inşallah 2015 gibi Turklerin ne kadar kötü oldugunu bütün dünya ögrenecek..." diye burada...
  10. K

    This guy should help mentor Kanter.

    Do you have a learning difficulty? I'm not Nedim Karakas (whoever he might be.) All my words are from an ordinary Turkish person, a long time sports and basketball enthusiast, who has a fair idea of what is going on in Turkish sports scene. The facts that I have put forth about Enes / NCAA...
  11. K

    This guy should help mentor Kanter.

    That text was for jazzyapma.
  12. K

    This guy should help mentor Kanter.

    - Bugüne kadar "seninle işim olmaz" "çapım değilsin" gibi sözler kullanan, kendini diğer insanlardan peşinhüküm üstün gören narsist insanlarla tartışmaya girmemeye dikkat ettim. Oturup da bunları yazmamın sebebi, senin hakkında yanılmış olduğumu söylemek istememdir. Sen bu üslupla...
  13. K

    This guy should help mentor Kanter.

    Beat it, Turk-hater loser... CAKAR, if you are an African or whatever which is fine, why are you so much into this Fenerbahce hatred campaign? What motivates you for doing all this defamation? Motivation?:) You said you are doing all this because you hate Turkish sports, and the next...
  14. K

    This guy should help mentor Kanter.

    Stop the lunacy, I'm not Mr Karakas, and I have no idea who he is. Stop brandishing /exposing names from the Turkish public, of persons who have no relationship with and are unaware of this discussion. I am now thinking whoever are at the other end of this conversation they would seriously...
  15. K

    This guy should help mentor Kanter.

    Sana dedim tabii, eger Turkler 19 litrelik su bidonu ile seks yapar filan diye yukarıda yazmış olan sen isen. Sen değilsen onu yazmış olan, kim yazmışsa ona dedim, bak yukarıya görürsün kimin yazdığını. Turkleri oyle bir cirkin genelleme ile Amerikalılara takdim eden, hem de Ingilizce yazıp...
  16. K

    This guy should help mentor Kanter.

    Bırakalım laf ebeliğini, ben senden daha iyi yaparım o edebiyatı da, Somuta gelelim, ben bu thread'e baktıgımda neler gordum hatırlatayım da cevap ver: - Nedir bu Fenerbahce Aziz Yıldırım nefret ve karalama kampanyası bu forumda? Gerekli mi? Nicin TR icinde cereyan etmekte olan cok onemli bir...
  17. K

    This guy should help mentor Kanter.

    Turklere hakaret edilirken zevklenen, daha cok aynı yonde katkı yapan, Turk dusmanları... Tarkanyan mı ne halt isen. Utanmadan bir de Turkce yazıyorsun; bari Turk cıkmasaydın, daha iyiydi. Sizin hayatınızdan fazla basketbol ve NBA bilirim ben. Trollmüş... You yourself are the biggest troll to...
  18. K

    This guy should help mentor Kanter.

    I've explained, it should't be difficult to capture, for any person of average intelligence; once more I'm explaining : (I don't know what kind of lies have been transmitted here about this issue before I joined.) The NCAA board has asked for the ACCOUNTING BOOKS /RECORDS of Fenerbahce club...
  19. K

    This guy should help mentor Kanter.

    My last post on this thread : CAKAR, now you're saying in Turkish above "I love Turkish sports." Aren't you the same guy who said a few posts above you have written all this BECAUSE OF "your hatred for Turkish sports?" Exact opposite now. I would give a damn if you would love Turkish...
  20. K

    This guy should help mentor Kanter.

    To all the racist discriminationists that surprisingly turned this forum to an anti-Turk propaganga campaign: Can any one of you come up with a reasonable explanation for attacking "Turkish sports" here? With lies, misrepresentations. Is this a medium meant for that? Definitely not. That...