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Another reason why the NFL is the worst pro sports league

Stifle Tower

Punch Bowl Re-Filler
Martellus Bennett fined because dem cleats be too black.

Are you kidding me? The NFL has a rule about the darkness of cleats? What idiot thought this one up.
Lackey 1: Hey, Mr. Goodell, I think if teams play on Sunday or Monday night, competitive advantage could be gained if cleats are too dark for opponents to see.

Goodell: Get right on it. I'm sure we can catch some poor ******* who won't read through all these stupid rules. It's a good way to put more money in my pocket and turn attention away from the real issues.

Lackey 2: Hey, Roger, call for you on line 1. Says he's the Director of Security at the Revel Hotel and he has an urgent matter to discuss with you.

Goodell: Tell him I'm at lunch and I'll get back to him...sometime.
