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Do most Jazz fans not care about looking like fools to the National Media?


Well-Known Member
Jazz fans have gotten a pretty bad rap this year from the national media.

First off, the Fisher thing. I personally can't stand Fisher and think what he did was messed up, but I wouldn't boo him at games because the National Media doesn't understand the situation and it reflects very poorly on Utah. Does it not bother people to have Reggie Miller (can't stand him) making fun of Jazz fans? If that bothers you, then STOP BOOING Fisher. If it doesn't bother you, then keep on booing I guess.

Second of all, the PTI guys ripped on us for booing Hayward. This kid just got drafted, should be one of the happiest days of his life, and Jazz fans boo him. I guess we have the right to do so and voice our opinion to KOC, but I guess I am just tired of the national media crucifying us.

I don't know, maybe I'm the only one that is bothered by most national media members thinking we are insensitive, uncaring, and rude. I like that they think we are passionate, but I think we all need to calm down a little bit. We are a small market team, we can't afford many of the players that the Lakers can afford.

For some reason I would like Jazz fans to be known as passionate and classy. Right now we just appear rude and insensitive and a bit crazy. Can we please stop embarrasing ourselves on National TV. There, I'm done. I can't wait for all of the "Screw them, I don't care what they think" responses.
Michael Wilbon is a Jordan Homer and never has really liked the Jazz.

Who else wouldnt boo that pick?

Everyone said he was drafted too high.

Everyone already thinks all Jazz fans are all racist/white/mormons

So who gives a ****?

Might aswell have a reputation for being vulgar/loud/intimidating
Wow. If you think Utah fans get a bad rap, you have never paid attention to Philly fans. We are tame compared to them.
Michael Wilbon is a Jordan Homer and never has really liked the Jazz.

Who else wouldnt boo that pick?

Everyone said he was drafted too high.

Everyone already thinks all Jazz fans are all racist/white/mormons

So who gives a ****?

Might aswell have a reputation for being vulgar/loud/intimidating
I like when people make stuff up.
Michael Wilbon is a Jordan Homer and never has really liked the Jazz.

Who else wouldnt boo that pick?

Everyone said he was drafted too high.

Everyone already thinks all Jazz fans are all racist/white/mormons

So who gives a ****?

Might aswell have a reputation for being vulgar/loud/intimidating

The pick wasn't that bad. Some mocks had him going 8 to the Clippers. None of the National Media guys thought it was a terrible pick.

I hope I am not alone in caring about the reputation of Jazz fans from a National perspective.
I like when people make stuff up.

A few ESPN analyst said so.(ill get names, I remember Jay Bilas and Jon Barry saying so. Positive there is more)

Said Patterson/Aldrich were the best on the board at the time. Not making anything up, just get off Haywards dick already please.
A few ESPN analyst said so.(ill get names, I remember Jay Bilas and Jon Barry saying so. Positive there is more)

Said Patterson/Aldrich were the best on the board at the time. Not making anything up, just get off Haywards dick already please.

Saying "A few analysts said so" is completely different than saying "Everyone said he was drafted too high", which is what you originally said and is what we are arguing with you about.
A few ESPN analyst said so.(ill get names, I remember Jay Bilas and Jon Barry saying so. Positive there is more)

Said Patterson/Aldrich were the best on the board at the time. Not making anything up, just get off Haywards dick already please.

I remember them saying that they liked the pic for the Jazz, but whatev...and I'm gonna support my boy. Deal with it. I'm fine with people not liking the pick, but people are making things up, distorting facts, and throwing out garbage on here. At least make some valid points.
I remember them saying that they liked the pic for the Jazz, but whatev...and I'm gonna support my boy. Deal with it. I'm fine with people not liking the pick, but people are making things up, distorting facts, and throwing out garbage on here. At least make some valid points.

Youre making Hayward seem like the next Michael Jordan with all yourposts.
Saying "A few analysts said so" is completely different than saying "Everyone said he was drafted too high", which is what you originally said and is what we are arguing with you about.

Basically everyone on this board besides Honz and a few others.
I don't give a rats *** how they view. I care about the Jazz and the Jazz only...the rest of the NBA, especially the commish, anyone who plays for the Lakers, Nuggets, Spurs, Rockets, or any other direct adversary of the Jazz and the so called national media can go piss up a rope. And yes...especially that canniving, manipulative sleazeball Fisher.

As for Hayward? He's not the first nor will he be the last player drafted to be booed and it happens everywhere, we're tame compared to how some cities have or would have reacted. At this point just hoping for the best, he seems like a good kid and undoubtedly the first time he sees the floor and even so much as hustles after a loose ball, the cheers will be 10x as loud as any boos he heard.
Honz, I'll admit, I'm warming up. He has great skills and probably work ethic and intangibles. He's got a decent enough frame to get stronger and maybe a little quicker (he's only 20) and put on 10-15 pounds of muscle. I also think he may be a lot better defender than we realize. Right now, my biggest concerns are still his defense until he proves me wrong and his perimeter shooting.