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Jazz’s frustration with Williams led to trade


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A frustrating season for Deron Williams in Utah was cut short when the Jazz traded the All-Star point guard to the New Jersey Nets last week.
Jazz’s frustration with Williams led to trade

By Brian T. Smith

The Salt Lake Tribune

First published Feb 27 2011 08:14PM
Updated 7 hours ago Updated Feb 28, 2011 10:00AM

Deron Williams wanted help. The sinking Jazz needed serious assistance, and he felt the only way aid would arrive would be via a major move before the NBA trade deadline.

But Williams also believed it would never happen. The organization was too predictable, too normal, too stuck in its ways. Moreover, the All-Star guard did not think Utah had the guts or vision to complete the deal he longed for.

Wearing a heavy crown, Williams pushed hard throughout January. Sometimes he offered tight-lipped respect for former coach Jerry Sloan and team management. Other times, he employed thinly disguised insults to voice his mounting displeasure. Injured, conflicted and frustrated, Williams attacked the organization that he played for like never before, adding harsh criticism to a season already littered with condemnation and insubordination.

But while Williams steamed, the Jazz took stock. Who exactly was this new face of the franchise? Was he truly the one? Championship worthy? John Stockton and Karl Malone-esque? Or just another highly talented but ultimately self-obsessed star who would eventually place himself above his team?

Utah also started contemplating a question that was not even debatable when the 2010-11 season began: Was Deron Williams tradeable?

Tired act » Sloan and longtime assistant Phil Johnson turned in their resignations Feb. 11 for a variety of reasons. A primary one: They were tired of Williams’ act.

But while Williams survived Sloan’s sudden departure, the All-Star’s days were also numbered.

His increasingly bitter tone and obvious frustration had not gone unnoticed by Jazz management. Sloan, general manager Kevin O’Connor and anyone within the organization with basketball sense easily recognized Williams’ undeniable Olympic talent. But he still had 1½ years left on his contract and his power was growing; former small-market stars such as LeBron James and Carmelo Anthony had put their old teams through the fire; and the idea that Williams — who turned down a maximum contract with Utah in 2008 and could opt of his deal after the 2011-12 season — would choose loyalty over pride, money and power had gone from a possibility to nearly nonexistent.

“He never said what [Phoenix’s] Steve Nash said,” O’Connor said. “He never said, ‘Hey, I signed a contract, I really like it here. I want to finish it out. I’m committed to staying in Utah. Let’s get some players.’ It was always, ‘I’ll wait and see.’ ”

The Jazz were growing tired of waiting. Meanwhile, management was questioning whether Williams was the best long-term choice for everything from team leadership to a delicate chemistry that was strong when training camp started but had begun to fracture as the All-Star break approached.

Even former Utah star forward Karl Malone ripped Williams the day after Sloan walked away, while some Jazz players began to privately point out what fans had publicly discussed since the 2010-11 season began: Williams loved to blame others for Utah’s failure, but never stepped up and shouldered the weight himself.

Williams was shocked and saddened when he was unexpectedly traded Wednesday. He recoiled again when informed that some teammates complained about his leadership.

“Man, that would surprise me a lot, because I definitely took blame,” Williams said. “I didn’t think I was playing well, and I hadn’t been able to do the things that I’m capable of because of my wrist [injury], and I think the guys knew that. If that’s how they felt, that’s how they felt.”

Calculated risk » Williams also took issue with the cold nature of his trade, news of which only made its way to him while he was watching ESPN’s “SportsCenter.”

But while Williams was kept in the dark, the Jazz were making a play.

After Denver took the New York Knicks to the limit Tuesday, receiving maximum worth for free-agent-to-be Carmelo Anthony, Utah knew the stage was set.

The Jazz had spent the weeks leading up to Anthony’s trade gauging Williams’ market value — a process that started after teams began dialing Utah’s number when news of Williams’ seasonlong clashes with Sloan went public, as opponents tried to sweep in and steal the disgruntled guard.

Once Anthony was finally moved, the Jazz cashed in. Utah spent the night leading up to Williams’ trade contemplating the decision, weighing whether a team that started the season 27-13 was for real, or really just one that would face another disappointing first-round playoff exit. But once the Jazz realized what was on the table — a future-laden deal that contained as little risk as possible, and one that would immediately send Williams and his mounting problems packing —Utah did not hesitate.

Moreover, by intentionally keeping the trade as quiet as possible, the Jazz negated any leverage Williams still held. By not allowing him to first go public and back the organization into a corner if he disapproved of the move, Utah was able to completely elude the 24-7 Internet rumor mill and discreetly pull off the most shocking trade of the season.

To Williams, the Jazz’s top-secret operation was unwarranted.

“If that’s what they wanted to do, I can’t stop [the trade],” Williams said. “There’s nothing that I can do. Am I going to say, ‘I’m not going there?’ That’s not who I am.”

It's now time for the pro-Jazz, anti-Williams spin control; another way of saying clockwork.

I do love how one-sided the statements and assumptions are, particularly as relates to Williams' commitment to the franchise versus the corollary of the franchise's commitment to winning, and thus him.

No question, Williams did a terrible job as team leader. But management did an even worse job by putting him in that position.

Most striking? Is that they were more willing to blow the team up than make a move, major or minor, that would improve it. Which rather underlines Deron's point.

Best of all is that it's now openly-stated that Williams was a major part of Sloan leaving, whereas a week ago every local rag would have been treating it as a question that was anathema, if not outright insane. Now? It's just a part of the record, one that's used as a mark against Williams.
The truth usually is what eventually rises to the top when all is said and done. The story is solidifying now rather than evolving. I'll be interested to hear the rest of it.
The original vision for the Jazz, with AK, Boozer, Memo, Williams and Miles, which had been developing for four years, was showing that it couldn't go all the way. Boozer wasn't worth renewing at 5 years/$80M, Memo's career may be over, AK is a complementary player with a bloated expiring contract, and Miles has turned out to be as much Rafer Alston as he is Ray Allen. So the Jazz were at a crossroads anyway.

The question then becomes, do the Jazz want to rebuild around D.Will, and will D.Will even stay with them long enough to re-tool? I think they concluded that the answers are--not really and not really. So, they traded D.Will while his trade value was at an all-time high. And to be honest, if Devin Harris can deliver 15 and 8, if Derrick Favors develops, and if the Jazz get a Harrison Barnes, Terrence Jones or Perry Jones out of this draft, you'd have to conclude that the Jazz won this trade....regardless of whether D.Will stays in NJ or not.
It would make no sense for them (Jazz) to say "yup, He's the reason Jerry is leaving". As stated in the article, that would have taken away a considerable amount of their leverage in moving him.

If this is being used as evidence to the fact that the Utah Jazz aren't the Pollyanna, transparent organization they purport to be then ok, but I'd hope that anyone with any sense of business has always known that and taken anything said by them, in that vein, with a grain of salt.
The original vision for the Jazz, with AK, Boozer, Memo, Williams and Miles, which had been developing for four years, was showing that it couldn't go all the way. Boozer wasn't worth renewing at 5 years/$80M, Memo's career may be over, AK is a complementary player with a bloated expiring contract, and Miles has turned out to be as much Rafer Alston as he is Ray Allen. So the Jazz were at a crossroads anyway.

The question then becomes, do the Jazz want to rebuild around D.Will, and will D.Will even stay with them long enough to re-tool? I think they concluded that the answers are--not really and not really. So, they traded D.Will while his trade value was at an all-time high. And to be honest, if Devin Harris can deliver 15 and 8, if Derrick Favors develops, and if the Jazz get a Harrison Barnes, Terrence Jones or Perry Jones out of this draft, you'd have to conclude that the Jazz won this trade....regardless of whether D.Will stays in NJ or not.

GREAT post.
The original vision for the Jazz, with AK, Boozer, Memo, Williams and Miles, which had been developing for four years, was showing that it couldn't go all the way. Boozer wasn't worth renewing at 5 years/$80M, Memo's career may be over, AK is a complementary player with a bloated expiring contract, and Miles has turned out to be as much Rafer Alston as he is Ray Allen. So the Jazz were at a crossroads anyway.

The question then becomes, do the Jazz want to rebuild around D.Will, and will D.Will even stay with them long enough to re-tool? I think they concluded that the answers are--not really and not really. So, they traded D.Will while his trade value was at an all-time high. And to be honest, if Devin Harris can deliver 15 and 8, if Derrick Favors develops, and if the Jazz get a Harrison Barnes, Terrence Jones or Perry Jones out of this draft, you'd have to conclude that the Jazz won this trade....regardless of whether D.Will stays in NJ or not.

Pretty hard to disagree.
In general I agree with the article except this part:
Williams loved to blame others for Utah’s failure, but never stepped up and shouldered the weight himself.
I remember quite a few times DWill taking all the blame for loss.
Williams being "shocked and saddened" by the trade is an interesting statement. The LeBron and Carmello shows of the last 8 months should have been a clue. If he had said to Gregg that he wanted to stay and build his own team, then he could be shocked by the trade. Otherwise, he should understand the business of the game.

Wish he would have said he was ready to sign an extension. But, since he didn't the Jazz did well to put it behind them and build the team.
IMO, I always felt it was lip service and that he didn't truly believe it and therein lies the problem.

Bingo. Every time I saw Williams talk about taking responsibility after a loss, I thought of one of those politicians making a public apology for cheating on his wife.

You know, the "It was a terrible error in judgement and I am deeply sorry. I let the voters down, I let my supporters down, but most importantly, I let my family down..."

All the while, you're wondering where the teleprompter they're reading from is.
Time for the Miller loyalists in the SLC media to earn their pay. Time to make Deron look badder than he was.

And in the process absolve management of every mistake they have done.

Notice how no one talks about how the current rebuilding exercise was a failure. It is all about why the Jazz HAD to trade Deron. Never about how the Jazz bungled it all up beginning 2004. How the Jazz did not trade AK's contract. How they didnt get a decent SG all these years who could take pressure off Deron. How they just let go off players to save money. Its never about all that.

Its just about justifying this move by painting Deron in bad light, now that he is no longer here.

You got to hand it to the the Miller mafia in the media. They are one rabid pack.
I am willing to bet he was saddened and shocked by the trade. After all, it was not to a powerhouse like he had hoped. He got shipped off to one of the worst teams in the league. That part was a coup for the Jazz. Ha ha, we traded you to New Jersey, no fellow star player for you!
Best of all is that it's now openly-stated that Williams was a major part of Sloan leaving, whereas a week ago every local rag would have been treating it as a question that was anathema, if not outright insane. Now? It's just a part of the record, one that's used as a mark against Williams.

Right. I noticed that.

Funny how Miller's guys in the media keep doing it.

And gullible idiot fans in SLC keep buying it.

"Man, Favors and Harris and first round picks for Deron? Boy Miller and KOC are amazing. Look at what they have done.
They have rebuilt things on the fly. Never mind the last 5 years. We are looking at a championship in 2016, baby!!"
IMO, I always felt it was lip service and that he didn't truly believe it and therein lies the problem.
That's the feeling I always had. He'd take the blame after the game, but his in-game displays of frustration at others told a different story.

Either way, I think his frustration or blame games are beside the point. The Jazz would have tolerated that forever and ever if they had sensed some amount of loyalty coming from Deron, but they didn't see it and neither did I. Most around here feared that Deron would leave in 2013, and once the Jazz feared the same it was in their best interest to look at offers.
IMO, I always felt it was lip service and that he didn't truly believe it and therein lies the problem.

GTFO out of here with that ****...

The fact of the matter is that the Jazz shipped all the Jazz's shooters away and then Sloan continued to run the offense like it was the same team. Hence the frustration.
GTFO out of here with that ****...

The fact of the matter is that the Jazz shipped all the Jazz's shooters away and then Sloan continued to run the offense like it was the same team. Hence the frustration.

This. You can only win a game of basketball if you, well, make baskets. Shooting is a fundamental skill that every team needs in abundance. We dropped significantly in that arena this year. We made up for it with pure grit and hustle early on, and some luck that CJ hit a few in between airballs, but that can only take you so far.