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Jazz TV ratings sky high

When's this TV contract up? Could this result in Greggy boy spending more money year-to-year in the near future? Possibly?
Probably because its more enjoyable to watch them play on the road and come back in the 4th quarter than to pay to watch them sleep through 4 quarters in Energy Solutions.
I live in Spokane and they broadcast most of the games up here on our local FSN affiliate. I wonder how much that has to do with it.
All those ratings yet lots of empty seats at home games.
Attendance this year has been about the same as pre-Christmas attendance the previous years the Jazz were successful (aside from 2007-08 and 2008-09 when attendance even surpassed that of the back-to-back NBA Finals seasons - largely due to a record number of season tickets being sold). Monday night games are the worst draw attendance-wise and the Jazz have had alot of them so far (6). Unless the team absolutely tanks - support for the team usually steadily increases from now until all-star break.