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@Jason , can you add a "jump to top" or "jump to bottom" button that shows in the appropriate place in threads? Sometimes I want to go back to the top of the page or the bottom and I scroll to get there, but it would just make navigation easier. Maybe I am alone in this, if so, no biggie.
@Jason , can you add a "jump to top" or "jump to bottom" button that shows in the appropriate place in threads? Sometimes I want to go back to the top of the page or the bottom and I scroll to get there, but it would just make navigation easier. Maybe I am alone in this, if so, no biggie.
I mainly use Chrome, and the "home" button jumps to the top, as long as I'm not in a comment box. I just confirmed "End" jumps to the bottom.
I mainly use Chrome, and the "home" button jumps to the top, as long as I'm not in a comment box. I just confirmed "End" jumps to the bottom.
I'll check that out