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Game Thread Nov 04, 2023 06:00PM MT: Jazz at Wolves

Added to Calendar: 11-04-23

Yeah I'm ready for Sexton to go. He can't see anything except his own shot. Can't believe how many times he had some nice passes available especially with his speed and he just put his head down and ran into the land of the Giants. Is it a psychological thing, or is it that he just doesn't have much BBIQ?
Yeah I'm ready for Sexton to go. He can't see anything except his own shot. Can't believe how many times he had some nice passes available especially with his speed and he just put his head down and ran into the land of the Giants. Is it a psychological thing, or is it that he just doesn't have much BBIQ?
IQ and being short
Yeah I'm ready for Sexton to go. He can't see anything except his own shot. Can't believe how many times he had some nice passes available especially with his speed and he just put his head down and ran into the land of the Giants. Is it a psychological thing, or is it that he just doesn't have much BBIQ?

Remember when Hardy yelled at him in one game last season... He started being less of an *** and more of an actual guard after that. Hardy needs to do it again.
Yeah I'm ready for Sexton to go. He can't see anything except his own shot. Can't believe how many times he had some nice passes available especially with his speed and he just put his head down and ran into the land of the Giants. Is it a psychological thing, or is it that he just doesn't have much BBIQ?

Score first mentality is hard to break when you have it engrained in you.

I have probably been the biggest Sexton supporter on this board but he isn’t our PG of the future. His role is best off of the bench as a scorer.
Having a good PG, unselfish who make others players better is crucial. GSW are good because they have Draymond and now CP who don't scare much to score but deliver assists without much TO night after night. Minny got Mike ( he got 1 TO in 5 games !). We need one asap.