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Quotes from Reddit from Jazz fans and others on the Jazz making the playoffs


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This is from Reddit. About 1/2 Jazz fan comments, the rest from all over the league.

When do you guys put up the statue of Donovan Mitchell stepping over Gordon Hayward?

It will be a statue of Mitchell riding Pegasus, holding the decapitated head of Gorgon Snakeward.


· Isn't that illegal in Utah?


Honestly I still love Hayward (I'll still boo him in his return), and am excited for him and his future, but I take this season 20/20 over any of our last 15, and Mitchell 20/20 times over Hayward.

That's crazy how a rookie like Mitchell turned that team around after losing Hayward.

One of the all-time great playoff pushes in sports.

Wow I did not realize the Jazz were 9 games below .500 over half way through the season. That's so impressive in the West.

I don't think even the most optimistic fans could predict Mitchell being that ****ing good so fast. He pretty much made Hayward's exit an afterthought.

Hayward got Jingled

Cannot ****ing believe this season. Unbelievable. Go Jazz

One of the crazier stats about the Jazz turnaround: After starting 5-19 on the road, they are now 20-20. Only loss in last 16 road games is an OT loss in San Antonio.

I can’t believe this team made the playoffs after being 19-28

Mitchell is the biggest steal in this years draft. Incredible what he and Gobert were able to do with this team with Hayward gone. Hopefully these guys can make a relatively deep playoff run into the 2nd round.

To be fair no one had any idea just how good Donavan Mitchell would be. Especially Denver -_-

· Donovan Mitchell is a special talent for sure, but he’s also pretty lucky to be playing for such a good coaching and development staff in Utah. I honestly don’t know if he would already be as good as he is now if he had been playing his rookie year under Denver’s coaches. Either way I’m pretty salty our front office let him go.

· You got any more of those draft picks?


2018 Playoffs about to get jingled.

I still want to know what Snyder said (or did) to this Jazz team after the loss at Atlanta.

· There's a lot of desert in Utah...

· Yeah and it is getting pretty crowded already

Quin Snyder is CoY and Dennis Lindsey is EoY nobody had the Jazz back in the playoffs this year and we could still be the 3 seed.

Gobert needs to be taken seriously as a top center in the league

Can the Jazz be my adoptive team during the playoffs? I love me some Donovan Mitchell

I remember when you guys won eleven games in a row and still stayed at the same seed, glad to see this utah team succeed. can't wait for playoff Donovan Mitchell

dude. donovan mitchell has seriously made me pay attention to the jazz, and im ****ing loving them. grats jazzbros

FINALS PREDICTION: JAZZ vs SIXERS, as we all predicted and expected during the preseason. Despite being a Rockets fan, this would be an incredible match-up.

You Jazz take care of Donovan, he’s quickly becoming one of my most favorite players in the league. You guys lucked out.

Gobert should get at least one MVP vote

If Utah gets the 3, I think at their top level they can beat the Warriors to go to the WCF. Donny is a magician. Nobody wants anything to do with Rudy. And Rubio playing well? Game over.

18-28 start ending in 28-5. What the ****

Timberwolves sent Rubio away for Teague. Rubio along with Mitchell and Gobert led the Jazz to clinch the playoffs before them lol.

I haven't gotten the chance to watch many Jazz games but it feels like a Warriors-Rockets WCF isn't a given with how the Jazz have been playing.

Congrats Utah! Now please stay the **** away from our 3 seed. (Portland fan)

Ricky finally makes the playoffs. And I would take him over Teague 10 times outta 10 right now

Uh oh. The Western Conference is about to get friccin jingled

Really, really wish we'd have held on to Rubio.

really happy for quin snyder. great ****ing job, you angry mofo.

Man I’m happy for Rubio. He gets traded from a finally playoff Minnesota team to a team that just had lost their biggest star and wasn’t exactly great. They still pulled it off and he gets to finally experience NBA playoffs.

If Mighty Joe Ingles was not on the team, Would the Jazz still make the playoffs?

Quin Snyder: COY!!!

They did this after loosing their only All Star and their top 2 scorers last season. In the Western Conference. In a division that added PG13, Butler, Milsap, Melo, etc.

Reporter tried to ask Joe Ingles a question on Haywards departure, Ingles replies “Who?”

· the reporter got Jingled

Best thing Utah could have done was lock up Ingles long term. He just knows how to play ball

Gobert would easily have made the ASG if he didn't miss so many games. Top 10 player in terms of impact on the game easily in my opinion. His defense is incredible.

Quin Snyder deserves all the praise in the world for what he's done with this team. Him and that beautiful head of hair.

Quin Snyder Team Ball

We got jingled man. No shame in it.

I’m so pumped to see Mitchell in the playoffs. You’re the team in the West no one wants to play.

Everything Joe Ingles does, he does for a reason. Top 5 basketball IQ in the league for sure.

I died of dehydration from the amount of times I came due to beautiful plays in this game

That guy who got Donovan “Michael Jordan” Mitchell’s jersey after the game is going to be rich when he sells it 10 years from now.

Donovan Mitchell is the night life

Donovan Mitchell finishes with 28 PTS 9 REB 8 AST

· Nuggets FO on suicide watch

· They need to make sure to limit Lyles to under 3 hour practices

This is the first time I really watched a jazz game and holy ****, this kid is absolutely insane

Not to speak in a potentially jinxing manner, but I really hope this kid never faces any major or even minor injuries. He’s looking like a true perennial talent, and for as highly talked about as he is, it’s just not enough. Lebron finished his rookie season at 20/5/5 and won ROTY. Donovan’s at 20/3/3 as it stands right now. More games like this one will only increase his assist/rebound average. I love the NBA and this is my favorite rookie without a doubt.

Was there ever a bigger come back?

This is why Gobert is the DPOY. The most valuable defensive player.

I'm stoked for Utah, after this terrible summer, seeing the way the year turned out has got to be a great feeling.

Yeah this is crazy. Their whole season is. I don’t know if I have ever seen a turnaround like it, in a West stacked with stars, just sick!

I'm not sure how Jazz fans felt but mostly people thought they would miss Hood but they haven't skipped a beat

I still remember the time they were 19-28, I thought they gonna start tanking.

If the Jazz get third seed does Donovan Mitchell deserve the ROTY?

could the Jazz be the NBA version of the 1969 mets, written off mid season for dead yet somehow win a championship

Snyder has to be coach of the year. brad stevens run is impressive, but he still has 2 all stars on that team.....

I'm so happy for Rubio. Guy is the best traditional point guard in the league. Totally wasted in Minnesota.
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It will be a statue of Mitchell riding Pegasus, holding the decapitated head of Gorgon Snakeward.


"could the Jazz be the NBA version of the 1969 mets, written off mid season for dead yet somehow win a championship"
