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Davies off the BYU Bball team- Honor Code Violation

Ouch, that sucks for the team.
That was BYU's only decent post scorer, and he was getting much better defensively.
Not much of a chance of a deep run in march now.
This can only hurt...

But then again, I don't think Davies is all that good. 4 points against SD St. He was dominated in nearly every aspect of the game. He doesn't have many post moves (least refined big man out of Provo High in quite some time) and commits dumber fouls than Fess.

He might be important, since he's a big man and BYU is lacking big men like the Jazz are lacking guards that can shoot. But a much bigger disaster would be losing Jimmer, Emery, or Abuho at this point.

I don't consider this very important for the MWC tourney. But this will probably hurt them in the Big Dance...

Anyone know why? Was a girl Harveyed by Brandon?
I still like BYU's chances as long as they get a 1st seed but this is a major blow for chances to make the Final-Four. I think Davies is a very good athlete and he can run the floor pretty fast for a bigman. According to what I read from ESPN, BYU will likely to go small and play at even a faster pace. That would not help them against nation's elite squads at all.
Looks like this Davies chap was too busy filling the passing lanes off the court.
Rumor has it that the honor code he violated was for being black. It's tough living in Provo sometimes.

Colton didn't like that post. I figured I might as well say it cause you know someone was.

He didn't like that post. He don't like that post. Not a very good post.