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Another day another shooting - 11 dead in Pittsburgh

One can only hope.

Of course the hate he gets and the pass his opposite gets is borderline criminal.

Work and those two make me support forced sterilization of the masses.

If you men The Thriller, I just don't see him issuing the same level of personal attacks as DutchJazzer.
He’s far more articulate than Dutch but that’s it.

And far more intelligent and well informed. Fake fence sitters like to bag on him because he doesn't take the easy middle road (people who don't like to seriously contemplate the issues love that position).
And far more intelligent and well informed. Fake fence sitters like to bag on him because he doesn't take the easy middle road (people who don't like to seriously contemplate the issues love that position).

I’m sorry but no. It has nothing to do with how far left he is. But nice try.

Also your fence sitting stuff is basically ********. That you Alt? If so I’m glad you’re not melting down anymore.
I’m sorry but no. It has nothing to do with how far left he is. But nice try.

Also your fence sitting stuff is basically ********. That you Alt? If so I’m glad you’re not melting down anymore.

I'm not an alt. He's respectful, and sticks to the subject at hand. Not something that applies to many people around here. Why do you dislike him?
I'm not an alt. He's respectful, and sticks to the subject at hand. Not something that applies to many people around here. Why do you dislike him?
He sees everything through an R vs D lense. Rs are evil and are destroying our nation while Ds are good and honorable and doing everything in their power to do what's right.
He sees everything through an R vs D lense. Rs are evil and are destroying our nation while Ds are good and honorable and doing everything in their power to do what's right.

This and he insults and demeans millions regularly.
He sees everything through an R vs D lense. Rs are evil and are destroying our nation while Ds are good and honorable and doing everything in their power to do what's right.

The Proud Boys has been classified by the FBI as "an extremist group with ties to white nationalism":


The FBI now classifies the far-right Proud Boys as an “extremist group with ties to white nationalism”, according to a document produced by Washington state law enforcement.

The FBI’s 2018 designation of the self-confessed “western chauvinist group” as extremist has not been previously made public.

The Proud Boys was founded by the Vice Media co-founder Gavin McInnes. McInnes has insisted that his group is not white nationalist or “alt-right” but the Proud Boys have a history of misogyny and glorifying violence. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) lists them as a hate group.

The document also says: “The FBI has warned local law enforcement agencies that the Proud Boys are actively recruiting in the Pacific north-west”, and: “Proud Boys members have contributed to the recent escalation of violence at political rallies held on college campuses, and in cities like Charlottesville, Virginia, Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington.”
The Proud Boys has been classified by the FBI as "an extremist group with ties to white nationalism":


The FBI now classifies the far-right Proud Boys as an “extremist group with ties to white nationalism”, according to a document produced by Washington state law enforcement.

The FBI’s 2018 designation of the self-confessed “western chauvinist group” as extremist has not been previously made public.

The Proud Boys was founded by the Vice Media co-founder Gavin McInnes. McInnes has insisted that his group is not white nationalist or “alt-right” but the Proud Boys have a history of misogyny and glorifying violence. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) lists them as a hate group.

The document also says: “The FBI has warned local law enforcement agencies that the Proud Boys are actively recruiting in the Pacific north-west”, and: “Proud Boys members have contributed to the recent escalation of violence at political rallies held on college campuses, and in cities like Charlottesville, Virginia, Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington.”

but... but thai saved teh olde wiminz frahm da blak guyz! haow cun dat be extreamist?
**** all the evil left wing people.
someone mentioned forced sterilization. lol hitler had forced sterilization. good to show your true (inter)national Socialist true colors

anyways this attack made liberal jewish women relize the truth between the left and their past, present, and future love for anti Semitism. there is a civil war brewing within the womens march. because the liberal jewish women and their allies released that the demonrats are anti semites.
want some sources:


there you have it. the jews on the elft start to realize that socialist are the enemy of the jewish people! just like they have bene during word war II

because of cnn blaming trump for the Jewish attack. my mom realized it is better tot have cnn on in our household. because cnn is ISIS!

anywhoo the further the left goes. the more they turn itnto hitlers

so what if the proud boys are on fbi watchlist
every single use of violence they had was self defense after antifa used violence
show me direct ties from people in republican leadership comparable to farkhan and obama.
keith ellison and being the 2nd in voting for dnc leadership
linda sasour and her ties to the left.
or a kkk member kissing hillary, and hillary admiring him

sure you could say richard spencer. btu as i have shown in another thread richard spencer is irrelevant and has no social media following footprint. he is just some insignificant national socialist in an identity crisis. he has every righ to spew what he wants, just like keith ellison farakhan and sasour. as far as i know he ha snot used violence.
but stop using hom as a big evil guy of the right! HE IS A IRRELEVANT POS
left wing company airbnb is rmeoving jewish owned properties.

funny how they dont do that in other countries like in tibet. removing the chinese owned business!

ahahahahah left wing anti semetism is going mainstream like it did before the famous national socialist gained power in 1933
Airing tonight on PBS, and online at the link. Frontline. Documenting Hate: New American Nazis.



In the wake of the deadly anti-Semitic attack at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, FRONTLINE and ProPublica present a new investigation into white supremacist groups in America – in particular, a neo-Nazi group, Atomwaffen Division, that has actively recruited inside the U.S. military. Continuing FRONTLINE and ProPublica’s reporting on violent white supremacists in the U.S. (which has helped lead to multiple arrests), this joint investigation shows the group’s terrorist objectives and how it gained strength after the 2017 Charlottesville rally. [Watch the first documentary in this series, August 2018’s Documenting Hate: Charlottesville, online.]