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Warren or Sanders?

Warren or Sanders?

  • Warren

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • Sanders

    Votes: 11 45.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 20.8%

  • Total voters
I like Warren better. I think she's the smarter of the two and I think she'll be the better Administrator of the two.

When I say smarter, I'm not talking about her ideology or her plans. I think she has more raw brain power and that's at least in part to her age compared to Sanders.

When I say administrator I mean I think she'll select staff that can get things done the way they need to be done. I Think Sanders will pick ideological picks who won't be all that good at the job they are tasked with, and who try to accomplish unrealistic things.

Done for me. I don't care if Sanders is "more pure" according to the people who are clearly ideologs. I'm not. I don't really want Sanders or Warren to accomplish all the things they advocate. So their promises are not why I support them or don't, because I know their promises aren't just up to them and 90% or more of what they say won't even get off the ground, and the stuff that does get off the ground will be almost unrecognizable from what they promised it would be.

So I want the smarter one who will be a better administrator. Warren.
Probably warren but its close. I dont really care.

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I like Warren better. I think she's the smarter of the two and I think she'll be the better Administrator of the two.

When I say smarter, I'm not talking about her ideology or her plans. I think she has more raw brain power and that's at least in part to her age compared to Sanders.

When I say administrator I mean I think she'll select staff that can get things done the way they need to be done. I Think Sanders will pick ideological picks who won't be all that good at the job they are tasked with, and who try to accomplish unrealistic things.

Done for me. I don't care if Sanders is "more pure" according to the people who are clearly ideologs. I'm not. I don't really want Sanders or Warren to accomplish all the things they advocate. So their promises are not why I support them or don't, because I know their promises aren't just up to them and 90% or more of what they say won't even get off the ground, and the stuff that does get off the ground will be almost unrecognizable from what they promised it would be.

So I want the smarter one who will be a better administrator. Warren.

This woman is the personification of soft bigotry of low expectations. Warren is dumber that rocks but liberals give her a pass because she is 1/1000 indian.

Tulsi Gabbard > Warren

Tulsi is way more qualified to be president than Warren. Warrens only qualification is offering free stuff.

You fascination with Warren is hilarious. She is no where near qualified to be president.
I like Warren better. I think she's the smarter of the two and I think she'll be the better Administrator of the two.

When I say smarter, I'm not talking about her ideology or her plans. I think she has more raw brain power and that's at least in part to her age compared to Sanders.

When I say administrator I mean I think she'll select staff that can get things done the way they need to be done. I Think Sanders will pick ideological picks who won't be all that good at the job they are tasked with, and who try to accomplish unrealistic things.

Done for me. I don't care if Sanders is "more pure" according to the people who are clearly ideologs. I'm not. I don't really want Sanders or Warren to accomplish all the things they advocate. So their promises are not why I support them or don't, because I know their promises aren't just up to them and 90% or more of what they say won't even get off the ground, and the stuff that does get off the ground will be almost unrecognizable from what they promised it would be.

So I want the smarter one who will be a better administrator. Warren.
Holy **** you fit the stereotype so hard.
Warrens only plan is to steal Bernie's ideas then when she gets elected just roll over and let the corporations win.

Warren has no plan to implement free healthcare and education. She is a fraud. She is another Hillary. She is there to stop the real socialist from getting in. Ask her what her healthcare plan is. She has no plan. Its Bernie's plan.

Id rather her over Warren because **** socialism. But I just find it funny people cant see through her nonsense. She is a proven liar and manipulator. She works for the elites. Its amazing how easily fooled the Democratic base is. Guess thats what happens when 70% of the base are kids.
I hope they find a candidate who actually has a chance of winning the election. I don't think it's either of them.
Warren has been coddled by the media so far and hasn't been confronted much by the other candidates. She's shown in private interviews that she's not as solid and articulate when she's confronted. She may not stand up well to serious scrutiny, and now that she's becoming the front-runner she'll have to. If the Dems are smart, they'll keep Tulsi Gabbard off the same debate stage as Warren, or it's only a matter of time before Tulsi attacks Warren on foreign policy.

Personality-wise, Warren comes off as a slightly zany, even flighty soccer mom. She doesn't "look the part" of a strong president to me, but that could be partly my own biases. Some of her positions and proposed social programs are impractical to the point that she sometimes looks out of touch with reality. She may be more electable than Bernie, but that's debatable.

Hillary Clinton was cold, ruthless and elitist, but from a practical standpoint, she could have held down the job of president. I'm not seeing that with Warren yet. Maybe she'll step up.
Warren has been coddled by the media so far and hasn't been confronted much by the other candidates. She's shown in private interviews that she's not as solid and articulate when she's confronted. She may not stand up well to serious scrutiny, and now that she's becoming the front-runner she'll have to. If the Dems are smart, they'll keep Tulsi Gabbard off the same debate stage as Warren, or it's only a matter of time before Tulsi attacks Warren on foreign policy.

Personality-wise, Warren comes off as a slightly zany, even flighty soccer mom. She doesn't "look the part" of a strong president to me, but that could be partly my own biases. Some of her positions and proposed social programs are impractical to the point that she sometimes looks out of touch with reality. She may be more electable than Bernie, but that's debatable.

Hillary Clinton was cold, ruthless and elitist, but from a practical standpoint, she could have held down the job of president. I'm not seeing that with Warren yet. Maybe she'll step up.
Jesus christ. Please stop with these talking points for either candidate. Tell-tale sign you've been brainwashed by the media when you start talking about "elect-ability" which translates to "how much has the mainstream media promoted this person?"
Jesus christ. Please stop with these talking points for either candidate. Tell-tale sign you've been brainwashed by the media when you start talking about "elect-ability" which translates to "how much has the mainstream media promoted this person?"

No, I'll be more clear here. I don't think either Bernie or Warren can carry a national election. That's why I used the term "electability." That's a term most people are familiar with. Neither of them appeal much to moderate democrats or independents.

The media and the DNC seem to have a preference for Warren over Bernie. Warren hasn't been heavily scrutinized yet. With Biden falling by the wayside, she'll start to be.
You dont know. You are just following gameface.
You got confused again. I said care.
Know and care don't even share any of the same letters.

You are dumber than I thought.

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