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Hillary Clinton says Tulsi Gabbard is a 'Russian asset' groomed to ensure Trump reelection

Having closely followed the 2016 election, I know that it was the Dems who rigged the primaries to get Hillary the nomination. At the same time, the Republicans engaged in their own shenanigans in a cross-check scheme that purged minority voters (likely Dems) from the voting roles.

However, to cover up their corruption, mainstream Dems like Hillary have continually blamed the Russians for her loss, suggesting that Progressives like Jill Stein and now Tulsi are tools of the Russians. This is more Dem disinformation to sidetrack the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party. This is total bs. It was none other than Seth Rich a fellow Democrat who provided Wikileaks with the embarrassing info about Hillary's campaign and the fraud perpetrated by the DNC -- yes, I know that people have tried to debunk this, even using comments from his parents, but I believe Julian Assange. This fraud can actually be traced by examining the voting results of the various primaries. I wrote an article about it with some of the details. It includes links to some very incriminating videos (if they are still posted).

This is complete and utter ********. Please stop spewing debunked lies about Seth Rich. RIP

If this were true they wouldn't talk Trump/Russia 24/7, 365.
I think he was saying that left leaning media wouldn't talk about a Democrat being a Russian agent.
What you are referring to is the media talking about a republican (Trump) and his ties to Russia.

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She’s consistently in the bottom 3 polling between 0-2 percent because she’s not popular among democrats. Not enough to win the nomination but she can use her platform and candidacy to hurt Democrats and re-elect Trump. Pulling **** like this probably isn’t going to help her popularity among Democrats:

And... that makes you giddy?

To the greatest extent, the more that is spoken about her the better, and the more the war faction of the Dem party gets exposed. The way I see it there’s one common enemy to the left and the right.

Russian agent, what’s next, ties to Hitler? What an effin joke the Dem party has become, with Hillary’s despicable and totally unfounded accusations. I’m so done with it.
Left leaning news would never report Tulsi as a Russian agent. Leftists oppose all autocratic rulers like Putin, and Trump. Contrary to what some conservatives on here think, rulers like Trump, Putin, Clinton, Obama, and the Bushes have common interests -- financial gain for the Deep State.

Nonsense. They are doing exactly that.

She is getting smeared because she is more center. She reminds them of too much right because they are so far left. The left is so far gone that they way out on an island. Anyone who isnt out there on crazy island they will attack. Hell, they even attack each other. Thats the mark of the left. They cant help themselves. Just like they will kill their own babies they will also eat their own.
To the greatest extent, the more that is spoken about her the better, and the more the war faction of the Dem party gets exposed. The way I see it there’s one common enemy to the left and the right.

Russian agent, what’s next, ties to Hitler? What an effin joke the Dem party has become, with Hillary’s despicable and totally unfounded accusations. I’m so done with it.

Two weeks ago you claimed that Russia didn’t interfere in the 2016 election. You even described it as a hoax. Are you sure you should be talking right now about Russia potentially interfering in yet another election? You dismissing Clinton’s concerns is like an anti-vaxxer dismissing the need for vaccine research.
Two weeks ago you claimed that Russia didn’t interfere in the 2016 election. You even described it as a hoax. Are you sure you should be talking right now about Russia potentially interfering in yet another election? You dismissing Clinton’s concerns is like an anti-vaxxer dismissing the need for vaccine research.

Anti-vaxxer, Trump supporter, Russia apologist, anything else? The **** do vaccines have to do with this? And yes I dismiss any concern coming from such a shady character. Get away with that garbage lol
Anti-vaxxer, Trump supporter, Russia apologist, anything else? The **** do vaccines have to do with this? And yes I dismiss any concern coming from such a shady character. Get away with that garbage lol

Just remember that you’re talking to someone that wants you to financially suffer for your impudence of not falling in line. Approach any conversation with him with that in mind.
She’s consistently in the bottom 3 polling between 0-2 percent because she’s not popular among democrats. Not enough to win the nomination but she can use her platform and candidacy to hurt Democrats and re-elect Trump. Pulling **** like this probably isn’t going to help her popularity among Democrats:

And... that makes you giddy?

Is this really an argument you’re supporting? Because it’s kind of funny. If we’re going to approach it as an either/or, we have someone who’s running for President. Let’s say you’re in her shoes; how are you stratifying your time commitments — by going on a show of an individual that has 2.8M followers, or another who has just under 80k (somewhere in the vicinity of David Locke)?
Is this really an argument you’re supporting? Because it’s kind of funny. If we’re going to approach it as an either/or, we have someone who’s running for President. Let’s say you’re in her shoes; how are you stratifying your time commitments — by going on a show of an individual that has 2.8M followers, or another who has just under 80k (somewhere in the vicinity of David Locke)?

You think more Democrats watch Tucker Carlson than tune into a liberal radio show? Is that the argument you’re supporting? If you’re trying to win the Democratic nomination, you think declining a liberal radio show and putting a rally on hold for one hour to appear on White Nationalist Hour is a winning strategy?

You think more Democrats watch Tucker Carlson than tune into a liberal radio show? Is that the argument you’re supporting? If you’re trying to win the Democratic nomination, you think declining a liberal radio show and putting a rally on hold for one hour to appear on White Nationalist Hour is a winning strategy?

Absolutely much fewer Democrats watching Tucker (per viewer). How about by volume? Also, we’re talking about her going on Tucker, right? People obviously know about it, right? So they’re familiar with it. How many people would be familiar with her going on this dude’s show?

Tulsi willing to sellout her country but has too much integrity to lie.
I predict this McCarthyism will undue a lot of the hard work people have put into Trump-Russia narrative for the past few years.
Absolutely much fewer Democrats watching Tucker (per viewer). How about by volume? Also, we’re talking about her going on Tucker, right? People obviously know about it, right? So they’re familiar with it. How many people would be familiar with her going on this dude’s show?

I think if you’re trying to alienate Democrats and liberals, going onto Tucker Carlson’s White Nationalist Hour is in the top 5 ways to do it. It’s just not a strategy for winning the Democratic nomination.

It does however serve Russia’s agenda in attacking fellow Democrats, accusing the DNC of corruption, and attacking the credibility of the mainstream media. Which is what she did on Tucker’s show. Feeding those who are already predisposed to that line of thinking with increased credibility because of her party’s affiliation.

This is complete and utter ********. Please stop spewing debunked lies about Seth Rich. RIP

I can say whatever I believe, and I trust Assange, not the liberals who try to exonerate the DNC's fraudulent activities to nominate Clinton.

So, Rich was shot in the back. There was no motive, nothing was stolen. Guess it was just some lone nut who shot him for no reason.

Julian Assange specifically mentioned Rich as to why Wikileaks needed to protect their Whistleblowers, and there were multiple reports of the information exchange Rich made with Wikileaks couriers.
Nonsense. They are doing exactly that.

She is getting smeared because she is more center. She reminds them of too much right because they are so far left. The left is so far gone that they way out on an island. Anyone who isnt out there on crazy island they will attack. Hell, they even attack each other. Thats the mark of the left. They cant help themselves. Just like they will kill their own babies they will also eat their own.
You are so far off the mark about the Left. I read numerous left-wing, progressive publications, the best of them. You don't know what you are talking about when you describe the Left. What she is saying about regime change is exactly what the Left has been saying for a long time.