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    • infection
      infection replied to the thread Clarkson is Here to Stay.
      We can pray for the Lakers to suck and make a desperation move mid season where we get the protections dropped in ‘27.
    • infection
      infection replied to the thread Kamala Harris for Pres.
      Wake me up after there’s a few weeks of the media machine at full speed.
    • infection
      infection replied to the thread GD AMA.
      So I'm going to have to answer your questions piecemeal. They're really good questions but they do require some background to adequately...
    • infection
      infection replied to the thread GD AMA.
      I don't hate, either. But I do think he was likely a Bulls fan in high school when we were in the finals. I'm not much of a "maintain...
    • infection
      infection replied to the thread GD AMA.
      Of course. However, psychiatric diagnosis (as far as the DSM is concerned) is a collection of a few hundred diagnoses that are mostly...
      • 1721504554682.png
    • infection
      infection replied to the thread GD AMA.
      Very good questions. I started a reply to this yesterday and am still working on it. It will be very much a tl;dr but if you see me...
    • infection
      infection replied to the thread GD AMA.
      Growing up I mostly played baseball (competitively). I did play basketball but only recreationally. I stopped baseball somewhere in...
    • infection
      infection replied to the thread GD AMA.
      I do inpatient work where I run the unit that is more forensically based. Probably about 3/4 of patients have been charged with a crime...
    • infection
      infection replied to the thread GD AMA.
      It is a good question and there's not any slam dunk answer on how that happens. I'm sure the process changes over time, but you'll see...
    • infection
      infection replied to the thread GD AMA.
      I guess maybe further clarity, there are church history sites in Missouri, though on the opposite side of the state from where Nauvoo...
    • infection
      infection replied to the thread GD AMA.
      I was in the Ohio Columbus Mission, which at the time encompassed essentially a football shape of almost the entire state, but just not...
    • infection
      infection posted the thread GD AMA in General Discussion.
      So in another thread, @Ron Mexico suggested an AMA for members. I volunteered to start it off. He mentioned creating an introduction and...
    • infection
      infection replied to the thread Who will replace Biden?.
      And if she’s the nominee, you will have that choice available.
    • infection
      infection replied to the thread Who will replace Biden?.
      I struggle with the idea that someone is racist, sexist or homophobic enough to not vote for Pete or Kamala but they were otherwise...
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