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The official "let's impeach Trump" thread

So we have learned absolutely nothing besides the two star witnesses yesterday(the day before)couldn't answer that Trump should be impeached and that Shifty lied about not knowing the whistleblower who everyone else already knows and his own staff met with.

Oh and sexual harassment blah blah according to The Twillbot.
Lol ANOTHER hypothetical.

Why would someone whose was extorted say he was extorted?

Damn dude. Duh.

"Damn dude. Duh." Really? Is there a reason you're being condescending? I'm respectful toward you, aren't I? Have some class and basic civility.

All we have are hypotheticals. You don't have proof of anything either-- we're all common citizens with no access to anything but what the news spins at us, and we're trying to make sense of a situation with opinions and conjecture.

That said, being as objective as we can be, don't you think he stands a lot to lose, as the new leader of a nation depending heavily on US aid? It's a fairly neutral question.
"Damn dude. Duh." Really? Is there a reason you're being condescending? I'm respectful toward you, aren't I? Have some class and basic civility.

All we have are hypotheticals. You don't have proof of anything either-- we're all common citizens with no access to anything but what the news spins at us, and we're trying to make sense of a situation with opinions and conjecture.

That said, being as objective as we can be, don't you think he stands a lot to lose, as the new leader of a nation depending heavily on US aid? It's a fairly neutral question.
Sorry I pinned you in with the rest. These people are far from civil and have called me some amazingly nasty things.

Yes, I agree it's all hypotheticals but I'm not the one trying to impeach an elected president. Many people here and on the left think this isn't an extremely extremely serious matter and using hypotheticals to impeach a person America elected is acceptable. Its not in my eyes. This is a clown show.

As far as your question, no. I think he has every outlet to come out and say he was extorted without any reprucussions. I actually think a president put in place to get rid of the corruption that has plagued his nation would come out and say it was extortion.

Edit: I apologize again.
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"Damn dude. Duh." Really? Is there a reason you're being condescending? I'm respectful toward you, aren't I? Have some class and basic civility.

All we have are hypotheticals. You don't have proof of anything either-- we're all common citizens with no access to anything but what the news spins at us, and we're trying to make sense of a situation with opinions and conjecture.

That said, being as objective as we can be, don't you think he stands a lot to lose, as the new leader of a nation depending heavily on US aid? It's a fairly neutral question.
You have to forgive him. He gets riled up way too easy.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
Wow, Fish is just looking for a fight. Come on guys, be civil. I don't care what side your on. It's okay to have an opinion or to have a belief different than others. My hell. No wonder so many people feel this country is in trouble. We can't even hold civil conversations about things we disagree about anymore.
I enjoy reading these threads for the mere fact that I gain insight into both parties way of thinking. I do tend to lean right, but consider myself an independent. I truly enjoy seeing the differnt point of views. I don't get that from the news as they all seem to be extremely biased and I don't get to make my own decisions on what is right and wrong. This helps a little.
Sorry I pinned you in with the rest. These people are far from civil and have called me some amazingly nasty things.

Yes, I agree it's all hypotheticals but I'm not the one trying to impeach an elected president. Many people here and on the left think this isn't an extremely extremely serious matter and using hypotheticals to impeach a person America elected is acceptable. Its not in my eyes. This is a clown show.

As far as your question, no. I think he has every outlet to come out and say he was extorted without any reprucussions. I actually think a president put in place to get rid of the corruption that has plagued his nation would come out and say it was extortion.

Edit: I apologize again.

No worries. We'd probably all get a lot further in these threads if we'd cut out the personal attacks. It might not be as entertaining, though. :)

I get you, but I have to admit I find the way Trump has carried himself during his presidency-- the constant lying, the aggressive antagonism, etc.-- leads me to not trust him. I'm not saying I am right or wrong; it's obviously part of his method of negotiation and managing expectations, and it's a style that resonates with some people-- politicians lie, after all, and some might view his openness about it to be a reason to respect him. I think that's a big part of the reason why there are so many assumptions being made, though: People put off by him believe his lying and antagonism are indicative of shady character that leads to criminal behavior, see coercion implied in the call transcripts, etc., and consider it justification to at least see if there's anything of substance there; people such as yourself find his behavior refreshing and welcome, believe he was standing up to the establishment, and view his interactions as what might be considered unorthodox diplomacy that was not necessarily inappropriate.

Most reasonable, politically moderate/neutral-thinking people (I like to believe that includes me) would say there isn't anything clearly impeachable in front of us yet, but the whole thing smells fishy enough to merit thorough investigation. I don't understand anyone who says he has obviously not done anything wrong and this whole thing is unnecessary-- that's as shortsighted, to me, at this point as saying he is definitely guilty.

Anyway, I guess time will tell, but I'll concede it's hard not to agree with you that testimony and evidence presented so far is not airtight-persuasive, and very much up for interpretation. I can see some of both sides of that interpretation, though, and I absolutely think we need to keep pushing forward until he's either absolved or convicted.
It’s interesting that trump picked Yovanovich to intimate online on twitter right after she testified that she felt that he was committing the crime of witnesses tampering. His sexism and lack of impulse control on full display. Yet another example of why he shouldn’t be in the White House.

also, just an observation, but I’m seeing pages and pages of ignored posts. Don’t you Trumpers have jobs to do? I’ve been teaching classes today. You know, working. So I’m recording the hearing and posting on things I’ve seen in breaks or heard from students and fellow professors. But it seems like some of you Trumpers have been posting nonstop since the hearing began. I guess you can do that if you’re unemployed or working part time at hourly jobs at grocery/department stores or if today’s your day off.

it’s interesting to me how Trumpism isn’t even about promoting a coherent nationalist ideology. It’s not even about defending trump. It’s all about being as obnoxious and contrarian as possible and maybe make a quick buck doing it.
REP. CHRIS STEWART (R-UT): “Do you have any information regarding the President of the United States accepting any bribes?”


STEWART: “Do you have any information regarding any criminal activity that the President of the United States has been involved with at all?”



Great witness. Thriller should have a great time re-watching her testimony.
Bombshell after bombshell.
Wow, that's dynamite. Trump is definitely done!
This whole charade reminds me of the Trayvon Martin/Zimmerman crap.
A whole year of the media making up lies, telling everyone that he was surely guilty of murder, many democrats joining in, all the photos of a 13 year old Trayvon, even Obama inserting himself into it.
And how did it all end up?
They held a trial and Zimmerman was found not guilty and set free.
The jury even said that they wanted to convict him but didn't have evidence and that the law was on his side.

Oh gee, So I guess all the screaming by the media was just a bunch of lies.

SO the democrats can scream all they want right now. Bring out witnesses. Make up more lies. Accuse the president of everything they can think of
and it will mean nothing in the end.
I have a serious question:
Does anyone here really believe that the House will actually vote to impeach and pass articles of impeachment?
Really, be honest. You don't even have to explain yourself.

I really don't think they ever will. When it comes down to it, they really have nothing. Would they really take all of this baloney and write actual articles of impeachment and pass them?
I really wouldn't mind if they did.
This whole charade reminds me of the Trayvon Martin/Zimmerman crap.
A whole year of the media making up lies, telling everyone that he was surely guilty of murder, many democrats joining in, all the photos of a 13 year old Trayvon, even Obama inserting himself into it.
And how did it all end up?
They held a trial and Zimmerman was found not guilty and set free.
The jury even said that they wanted to convict him but didn't have evidence and that the law was on his side.

Oh gee, So I guess all the screaming by the media was just a bunch of lies.

SO the democrats can scream all they want right now. Bring out witnesses. Make up more lies. Accuse the president of everything they can think of
and it will mean nothing in the end.
Why you screaming so much?

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
I have a serious question:
Does anyone here really believe that the House will actually vote to impeach and pass articles of impeachment?
Really, be honest. You don't even have to explain yourself.

I really don't think they ever will. When it comes down to it, they really have nothing. Would they really take all of this baloney and write actual articles of impeachment and pass them?
I really wouldn't mind if they did.

It's amazing the number of people who have ended up in prison thanks to their work for Trump, and we're to believe he's a totally innocent victim in all of this.
I have a serious question:
Does anyone here really believe that the House will actually vote to impeach and pass articles of impeachment?
Really, be honest. You don't even have to explain yourself.

I really don't think they ever will. When it comes down to it, they really have nothing. Would they really take all of this baloney and write actual articles of impeachment and pass them?
I really wouldn't mind if they did.

I don't know if they will or won't, but that's not the point, man. There's enough smoke this should be investigated to see if there was criminal/impeachable activity. If there wasn't, then good: The whole country is better off NOT impeaching our own president, whether he's an incorrigible jackass or not. If there was, on the other hand, the whole country is better off not having a corrupt leader and moving on. Don't you agree?