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What's The Last Movie You’ve Seen?


Re-watching Clerks 2, man I haven't watched it in years, (stopped watching Kevin Smith films around the same time I stopped smoking weed) man the ****ing donkey scene is genius. Great film and Rosario Dawson is hotter than hell.
I wouldn't say he is a bad actor, he had to fight hard to avoid being typecast after Bill and Ted.

I like him, but wouldn't put him in my list of great actors, but definitely on my list of great people.

I also recently watched The Adam Project. There were a few odd/rushed parts, but overall was a closer example to a fun 80s movie than anything I have seen for a while.

I'm just tired of recycled plots and lazy writing in many current films.

Also had free tickets to Uncharted so took my kid. It was just ok, but better than the previews made it look. It is a watch at home type movie when you want something without too much of a plot (like most Mark Wahlburg movies).
I have always said Keanu is a great PHYSICAL actor. Like, he moves perfectly for whatever role he's in. It's just when he starts trying to speak that he reveals his limitations.

That's why he was so great in the John Wick movies. Speech was kind of beside the point.
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Watched Don't Look Up on netflix. Not sure if it was mentioned here before. I thought it was a good representation of a disaster movie. Kind of slow at times, but thought-provoking and had some really good moments. Would recommend.
Watched Don't Look Up on netflix. Not sure if it was mentioned here before. I thought it was a good representation of a disaster movie. Kind of slow at times, but thought-provoking and had some really good moments. Would recommend.
It's been on my list. Mostly because of all the great actors in it. I was worried I was going to end up watching some dramatic remake of "An Inconvenient Truth"
I watched Sound of Metal. SUPER depressing, but Riz Ahmed kills it as the lead, and the sound design is amazing. It's about a metal drummer who suddenly goes deaf.
It's been on my list. Mostly because of all the great actors in it. I was worried I was going to end up watching some dramatic remake of "An Inconvenient Truth"
No it's not like that at all. It is more introspective than I expected, and they don't balance the "comedy" with the "drama" that well at times, but it was worth the watch.
It's been on my list. Mostly because of all the great actors in it. I was worried I was going to end up watching some dramatic remake of "An Inconvenient Truth"
It's a comedy, primarily, and while the allegory is plain, the story flows well and it's pretty funny. The only scene I dislike is when someone yelled "They lied to us", humans would never admit that.
The only scene I dislike is when someone yelled "They lied to us", humans would never admit that.
Are you kidding? Everything is someone else's fault these days. "They lied." "Look at what they did 150 years ago." "Society needs to be more accepting." Hanging blame on someone else is our new national pastime.
Are you kidding? Everything is someone else's fault these days. "They lied."
I see that all the time from people who didn't act on the lies. Those who acted on the lies tend to be more invested in justifying their behavior, they don't change their position on a dime.

"Look at what they did 150 years ago."
I'm not aware of any movements who worry about conditions 150 years ago, except as context for bad things happening today.

"Society needs to be more accepting."
Last I heard, that was a value you supported.
Last I heard, that was a value you supported.
In terms of racial collectivism, yes. In terms of asking society to be soft on those who are soft, no.

I have no respect for biological males who want to compete in the easier women's division. I have no respect for fattys who demand society view them through a lens of body possitivity. I have no respect for those who demand their victimhood be recognized because of a social collective they count themselves in. I have no respect for Tucker Carlson saying men are under attack. Men should be under attack. That is how you make men out of biological males. In the words of Yelawolf "You handle your own when you become a man and become a man when you handle your own"

Excellent performance from Riz.
I don't know if you've seen any of this series. It's just really good actors doing some of Shakespeare's soliloquies. His is one of my favorites, along with Richard Allam as Lear, Sacha Dawan as Parolles, and Damian Lewis as Antony - that's usually the one I send people, because he takes this thing we've all heard a thousand times and makes it MEAN something.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-epojal7nE

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q89MLuLSJgk&list=PLlfYT-Za_x2JuweuLmpYfi1AXhUNKz32g&index=1
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I have no respect for biological males who want to compete in the easier women's division.
According to your definition, you'll need a biopsy to determine who is or is not a biological male. You can, at best, truthfully say, "people that I suspect might be biologically male", and you suspicions are worth nothing.

What's your current 500 yd freestyle time, tough guy? Or, did that back surgery turn you into a wuss who can't swim it faster than a woman?

I have no respect for fattys who demand society view them through a lens of body possitivity.
The only demand they make are to not be shamed. Who are you to shame anyone?

I have no respect for those who demand their victimhood be recognized because of a social collective they count themselves in.
Yet, you embrace politicians that claim victimhood because of the social collectives they are in.

I have no respect for Tucker Carlson saying men are under attack. Men should be under attack. That is how you make men out of biological males.
I see your ignorance of anthropology and sociology matches your ignorance of biology. You make men by making them a part of a larger group, which is why humans are so successful.

In the words of Yelawolf "You handle your own when you become a man and become a man when you handle your own"
Immature and ignorant.

I'll move any further responses to a different thread.
Went to the The Unbearable Weight of Immense Talent. It is every bit as stupid as you think it is, but it is very entertaining and laugh out-loud funny in more than a few parts. Has a little bit of heart too, which is nice. It isn't just an ego-stroke job as I expected it to be. Nick Cage pokes fun at his most meme-able traits and performances. Pedro Pascal just kills it. If you just want some mindless fun to disconnect from reality for a couple hours it is well worth the ticket and popcorn prices.
Watched the new Batman. It was pretty good even though the ending felt a bit forced. It has the direction and commitment most superhero movies don't have. I like that they leant heavily into noir and didn't half-*** it with funny one-liners and quips. Pattinson continues to act strong.

I would melt into the concrete if Zoe Kravitz looked at me like that.