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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

When logic fails, when the data is just not there, when all of reality seems pitted against your point of view, memes will still be your friend.
I truly hope voters keep this in mind over the next 28 days. Want Putin to win? Vote Republican! Don’t want Putin to win? Vote for Democrats. It really is that simple. The right sees Putin as someone to emulate. No doubt in my mind that Putin is going to try to hold out for these midterms. If Repubs retake the House, then aid to Ukraine will end. Then if he can hold out till Trump/DeSantis win in 24, then the game will completely change.

View: https://twitter.com/anneapplebaum/status/1579557037725593600?s=46&t=f_cSLPta9vr7f5yKVqLTBQ
Want Putin to win, vote Republican… Then if he can hold out till Trump/DeSantis win in 24, then the game will completely change.
What has DeSantis said to support Putin, specifically. Why would it change with DeSantis, specifically?

Or are you just writing fear posts?

Doesn't support Putin, but also does not condemn him, and does not offer support for Ukraine.
“This is a guy who basically is an authoritarian gas station attendant — OK? — with some legacy nuclear weapons from the old Soviet Union,” DeSantis said of Putin. “Their whole society is hollowed out except for that energy. Hit him where it counts.”

So his only quote says that he would hit him where it counts, calls him authoritarian and trashed his military power. This doesn’t help Thrillers argument in his fear post.

So, again I am asking specifically where he would support Putin? Show me specifically how things would change if DeSantis is charge.
So his only quote says that he would hit him where it counts, calls him authoritarian and trashed his military power. This doesn’t help Thrillers argument in his fear post.

So, again I am asking specifically where he would support Putin? Show me specifically how things would change if DeSantis is charge.
DeSantis seems to be playing to his base; I don't know what he personally thinks. His base favors Russia (not universally, but a sizable number of them).
DeSantis seems to be playing to his base; I don't know what he personally thinks. His base favors Russia (not universally, but a sizable number of them).
It’s not just limited to our country and the GOP. It takes a special kind of willful gullibility to NOT see how the international right wing (which Trump/DeSantis would very much influence and be influenced by) supports Putin. They want democracy, multiculturalism, and globalism to fail in order to replace it with illiberalism and white Christian nationalism. It’s just that the right wing has been marginalized in other democracies while it has taken over in Hungary and is now taking over America.

Russia funding right wing nationalist political parties and think tanks isn’t anything new. This has been well documented for years now. With a very logical and easy to understand motive; Putin and Russia’s cronies benefit politically and economically when they drive wedges in western democracies. Authoritarianism wins when democracies remain unorganized, complacent, or corrupted. It’s why Russia wanted Trump to win so badly. He was a useful “bull in the China shop” to wreck American alliances, sow distrust in liberal democracy, and drive divisions within the American electorate.

This has been widely reported From American intelligence services, to world renown journalists, to the bipartisan senate report, to the first impeachment, to voices like Fiona Hill, to The Mueller Report.

At this pt, it’s not even worth debating. Those who want to remain willfully in the dark about Trump, DeSantis, and their compromised party are going to remain that way no matter what. The rest of us need to prepare for 2022 and 2024. If one wants the forces of illiberalism to win then vote Republican. They show every day their (lack) of commitment to American democracy.
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This seems wrong: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/worl...pc=U531&cvid=c3c29d7a978b489ebca5ad21968edf90

After Fox News host Tucker Carlson took to the airwaves to ridicule female service members, an Army general (Donahoe) defended the tens of thousands of women in the ranks in a social media post. But instead of receiving praise for standing up for those in uniform, the general has had his retirement delayed and now reportedly faces the possibility of censure and other punishment.

More troubling is that the investigation apparently cited a complaint from Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, who accused Donahoe and other senior officers of “systematic, public attacks against television host Tucker Carlson that in substance, tone, and political resonance are inexplicably inappropriate.” He also claimed, “This spectacle risks politicizing the military.”

The Army is essentially broadcasting that it may kowtow to disingenuous partisan attacks rather than defend its own troops and their leaders. Moreover, the response indicates the Defense Department has a massive blind spot when it comes to its evolving role in the policy and strategy debates in Washington and beyond; it apparently believes the proper response to outrageous attacks on its personnel is to yield the terrain.

Fox News’ Laura Ingraham, called him (Donahoe) a “woke” “leftist troll.” A conservative website also charged that his Twitter response to the threatened female soldier, his subordinate, amounted to “grooming.”

The pearl-clutching is especially rich coming from the same people who routinely complain about cancel culture and didn’t bat an eye for years about far more outrageous posts by former President Donald Trump.

By choosing to make an example of Donahoe for his mildly worded defense of the female soldiers under his command, the Army has rewarded disingenuous political posturing and sent a message to female personnel that it will prioritize appeasing baying partisans instead of standing up for them.

It likewise has told male officers that they have a lot to lose for publicly defending their female colleagues.

So basically the GOP is saying that the democrats must cut medicare, medicaid, and social security or the GOP will shut down the government. Why does the GOP want my mom and dad to stop receiving the social security that they paid into their whole lives? Why does the GOP want my parents to go without healthcare?

Top House Republicans are planning to threaten to shut down the U.S. Government by refusing to raise the debt ceiling next year in a scheme to force Democrats to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, should they win the House in November critics warn, pointing to a Bloomberg report.

U.S. Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA), chair of the Joint Economic Committee Democrats, an advisory committee created by law, blasted House Republicans, warning they “plan to hold the U.S. economy hostage with the threat of a catastrophic default to try to force cuts to Social Security and Medicare.”

Aaron Fritschner, former Deputy Chief of Staff to Rep. Beyer tweeted: “House Republicans saying out loud that holding the debt limit hostage to demands for cuts to Social Security and Medicare is a ‘top priority.'”

“If Republicans regain control of Congress, they are planning to threaten a global financial meltdown if they don’t get their way on cutting Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid,” writes Media Matters for America’s senior fellow Matthew Gertz.

“If Republicans regain power, they are coming for your Social Security and Medicare,” he adds.

“Extreme MAGA Republican leaders openly threatening to cause economic catastrophe in order to achieve their dreams of slashing Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security,” is how Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s communications director, Henry Connelly, responds.

So basically the GOP is saying that the democrats must cut medicare, medicaid, and social security or the GOP will shut down the government. Why does the GOP want my mom and dad to stop receiving the social security that they paid into their whole lives? Why does the GOP want my parents to go without healthcare?

Top House Republicans are planning to threaten to shut down the U.S. Government by refusing to raise the debt ceiling next year in a scheme to force Democrats to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, should they win the House in November critics warn, pointing to a Bloomberg report.

U.S. Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA), chair of the Joint Economic Committee Democrats, an advisory committee created by law, blasted House Republicans, warning they “plan to hold the U.S. economy hostage with the threat of a catastrophic default to try to force cuts to Social Security and Medicare.”

Aaron Fritschner, former Deputy Chief of Staff to Rep. Beyer tweeted: “House Republicans saying out loud that holding the debt limit hostage to demands for cuts to Social Security and Medicare is a ‘top priority.'”

“If Republicans regain control of Congress, they are planning to threaten a global financial meltdown if they don’t get their way on cutting Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid,” writes Media Matters for America’s senior fellow Matthew Gertz.

“If Republicans regain power, they are coming for your Social Security and Medicare,” he adds.

“Extreme MAGA Republican leaders openly threatening to cause economic catastrophe in order to achieve their dreams of slashing Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security,” is how Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s communications director, Henry Connelly, responds.
You know if we passed laws that anyone who served in the legislature were required to use only social security and Medicaid for their retirement those programs would change significantly for the better. We'd probably get universal health care really fast. But since they are so rich all they can relate to is the rich, so that's their only perspective.
DeSantis seems to be playing to his base; I don't know what he personally thinks. His base favors Russia (not universally, but a sizable number of them).
That is a straight up lie. There are a minority on the conservative side who are non-interventionist, and that sentiment could play to Russia's favor, but there are not a sizable number of conservatives who favor Russia. That is you talking out your butt.

Words can't express how much I despise this grifter. He basically just steals money from his listeners who are so indoctrinated that they can't separate fact from fiction. He thinks rules don't apply to him and he can simply do whatever he wants.

Most of those families will probably only ever see a fraction of that money which is to be expected, but Infowars should 100% be folded. There are consequences to 'free speech'.
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I agree that it seems wrong. That General should have been court-martialed and imprisoned. For members of the military there are laws against becoming politically involved, laws which this General has violated. Tucker Carlson and Fox News are protected by the First Amendment but the General is not. The result of this unlawful behavior by the General and those like him serves to alienate a large chunk of the country at a time when the military his finding it hard to recruit soldiers. This General is performing unlawful actions that threaten the nation. He should be not be above the law simply because he is on the political left, but we all know nothing will come of this because there is a two-tiered justice system depending on your political leaning.

So basically the GOP is saying that the democrats must cut medicare, medicaid, and social security or the GOP will shut down the government. Why does the GOP want my mom and dad to stop receiving the social security that they paid into their whole lives? Why does the GOP want my parents to go without healthcare?

Top House Republicans are planning to threaten to shut down the U.S. Government by refusing to raise the debt ceiling next year in a scheme to force Democrats to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, should they win the House in November critics warn, pointing to a Bloomberg report.

U.S. Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA), chair of the Joint Economic Committee Democrats, an advisory committee created by law, blasted House Republicans, warning they “plan to hold the U.S. economy hostage with the threat of a catastrophic default to try to force cuts to Social Security and Medicare.”

Aaron Fritschner, former Deputy Chief of Staff to Rep. Beyer tweeted: “House Republicans saying out loud that holding the debt limit hostage to demands for cuts to Social Security and Medicare is a ‘top priority.'”

“If Republicans regain control of Congress, they are planning to threaten a global financial meltdown if they don’t get their way on cutting Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid,” writes Media Matters for America’s senior fellow Matthew Gertz.

“If Republicans regain power, they are coming for your Social Security and Medicare,” he adds.

“Extreme MAGA Republican leaders openly threatening to cause economic catastrophe in order to achieve their dreams of slashing Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security,” is how Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s communications director, Henry Connelly, responds.
How can this be? I thought the GOP was the party of the working class, right? After all, they claim to be that. They campaign against “the elites”, the rich, big tech, and demagogue immigrants and minorities. But as we saw during Trump, he never did anything for the working class. His lone major legislative achievement was a big time tax handout to top donors.
Give them power again? And they’ll kill social safety nets… but At least the richest in America and the GOP’s top donors will probably get another round of tax cuts.

It’s almost like the GOP’s faux populism is to trick the working class into voting against their own interests. Get them to focus on LGBTs, black people, and the brown Southern horde rather than on the rich who control the GOP and you can control a lot of things.

So true:


It’s the same playbook all faux populists do. Whether it’s Putin, Orban, Bolsonaro, Trump… they keep people focused on culture war issues so then people can’t unite to root out the corruption that has overtaken their society.
That is a straight up lie. There are a minority on the conservative side who are non-interventionist, and that sentiment could play to Russia's favor, but there are not a sizable number of conservatives who favor Russia. That is you talking out your butt.
I was relying on my impression rather than researched numbers, and I was wrong. There is a small, vocal pro-Russian part of the Republican party, but they aren't large enough that DeSantis would consider them to be his base.
He should be not be above the law simply because he is on the political left, but we all know nothing will come of this because there is a two-tiered justice system depending on your political leaning.
He's been issued a public reprimand. How many generals have ever been prosecuted for making political comments? How many military members in total? I haven't heard of any.
He's been issued a public reprimand. How many generals have ever been prosecuted for making political comments? How many military members in total? I haven't heard of any.
Enlisted military at the very least is absolutely forbidden from making statements to the press that could in any way be construed as representing the military unless you are more or less acting under orders in coordination with your command's PR officer. You are also absolutely forbidden from engaging in political activities, protesting or expressing political positions while in uniform.

It might be a bit different for a general but even then military personnel are not supposed to express political opinions while acting in any official capacity.
Enlisted military at the very least is absolutely forbidden from making statements to the press that could in any way be construed as representing the military unless you are more or less acting under orders in coordination with your command's PR officer. You are also absolutely forbidden from engaging in political activities, protesting or expressing political positions while in uniform.

It might be a bit different for a general but even then military personnel are not supposed to express political opinions while acting in any official capacity.
I did not mean to indicate otherwise. I was hoping you would weigh in.

To your knowledge, would someone be prosecuted for violating these standards (as opposed to reprimanded, reassigned, etc.)?