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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

Surprise! "pro-worker" Biden and the fascist government are siding with the corporations - leaving rail workers without sick leave. Corporations making 21 billion in profits every year and the "most pro worker friendly president ever" wants to leave sick days out of the agreement.

Why is this a surprise?
It focused on 1 person Andy Ngo, a far right antifa journalist (if you call him that). In the article it has a link that shows Andy sharing screenshots of vps_reports tweets. They look like hate speech to me. Do you agree Red? Should people be suspended for threatening people?
1) I'm not sure if @VPS_Reports's tweets cross the line into actual threats, but I can see why it was called out.
2) @VPS_Reports definitely hates Chaya Raichik, specifically. Usually, hatred directed at one person doesn't qualify as "hate speech", nor is saying that @VPS_Reports will respond in a war they already see in progress.
3) LibsofTikTok does generate and promote hate speech, every single day, repeating lie after lie (for example, they're one of the people promoting the 'children using litter boxes' slur).
4) I agree that if the article only mentions Ngo (who been pulling this as part of his schtick for years), the headline is very misleading.
Uh- plenty of dyed in the wool die hard democrats here sir
You say that as if it were incompatible with what I said. As a current dyed-in-the-wool Democratic voter, if we ever get a left-wing party that is not a corporate toady and, more importantly, doesn't support health-endangering positions like anti-vax rhetoric, homeopathy being treated like medicine, etc., I will switch parties in a heatbeat.
You say that as if it were incompatible with what I said. As a current dyed-in-the-wool Democratic voter, if we ever get a left-wing party that is not a corporate toady and, more importantly, doesn't support health-endangering positions like anti-vax rhetoric, homeopathy being treated like medicine, etc., I will switch parties in a heatbeat.
Okay I thought this was a place to discuss politics and the Biden administration. I can see that you are pretending that you are choosing the lesser of two evils. You will be able to continue to believe that as long as you don't actually look at what those democrats currently in power are actually doing (or not doing in this case).
Surprise! "pro-worker" Biden and the fascist government are siding with the corporations - leaving rail workers without sick leave. Corporations making 21 billion in profits every year and the "most pro worker friendly president ever" wants to leave sick days out of the agreement.

Who told you that biden is the most pro worker friendly president ever? I never thought that. Biden is a typical president. Pretty much any president in the modern era is going to be rich, white, straight, male elitist. The days of a nobody from small town with no money becoming a president (like lincoln iirc) are over.

Pro worker president lol. That is what I call an oxy moron.
Who told you that biden is the most pro worker friendly president ever? I never thought that. Biden is a typical president. Pretty much any president in the modern era is going to be rich, white, straight, male elitist. The days of a nobody from small town with no money becoming a president (like lincoln iirc) are over.

Pro worker president lol. That is what I call an oxy moron.
It was a comment TIC. Jill Biden said so during his campaign and Bernie said something similar about him as well, not that either one ever says anything truthful. Nevertheless I'm sure its been echoed numerous times by other Democrat faithful.
It was a comment TIC. Jill Biden said so during his campaign and Bernie said something similar about him as well, not that either one ever says anything truthful.
Hi mongoose. I might have to explain something to you about our 2 party political system. They are all rich folks who care very little about you or I. They also all lie alot to get votes. Hope that helps. I hope you dont think that republican politicians are truth tellers.

FWIW I dont get paid sick days. Zero. The rail workers get 1 right now apparently and want to get 7. I get zero. Im at work every day though.
Hi mongoose. I might have to explain something to you about our 2 party political system. They are all rich folks who care very little about you or I. They also all lie alot to get votes. Hope that helps. I hope you dont think that republican politicians are truth tellers.

FWIW I dont get paid sick days. Zero. The rail workers get 1 right now apparently and want to get 7. I get zero. Im at work every day though.
California requires us to provide 3 sick days each year. It can be part of their PTO package, but we have to allow them to use 3 sick days per year, and even if they are out of PTO they still get the day excused as a sick day. And we cannot require a dr. note or anything, although we can ask, but they do not have to provide anything.
Okay I thought this was a place to discuss politics and the Biden administration. I can see that you are pretending that you are choosing the lesser of two evils. You will be able to continue to believe that as long as you don't actually look at what those democrats currently in power are actually doing (or not doing in this case).
Oh wow, you think that showing that Biden isn't as pro-worker as his wife claimed that it shows that Biden is no better than Trump?

Holy ****ing ****! You've got a lot more work to do to get that far. A lot more.

All farts stink. That doesn't mean all farts are the same. Some stink really bad and come with a surprise. Trump is the stinkiest, wettest, loudest fart that has ever disgraced the White House. His supporters stick their nose half way up his *** to get as much of it on them as possible. One of them just got convicted of sedition.
It was a comment TIC. Jill Biden said so during his campaign and Bernie said something similar about him as well, not that either one ever says anything truthful. Nevertheless I'm sure its been echoed numerous times by other Democrat faithful.

Hi mongoose. I might have to explain something to you about our 2 party political system. They are all rich folks who care very little about you or I. They also all lie alot to get votes. Hope that helps. I hope you dont think that republican politicians are truth tellers.

FWIW I dont get paid sick days. Zero. The rail workers get 1 right now apparently and want to get 7. I get zero. Im at work every day though.
I am completely aware that politicians lie. Everyone seems to think that if I point out any concerns about the democratic party that I am obviously a republican. I'm trying to help people realize that the real battle isn't left vs right - its top vs bottom. You also have made that observation as well, it's a system that needs adjusting and it can only change if people stop kicking the can down the road and voting left vs right -blue team vs red team.

FWIW I feel like folks should have time off work, I feel like folks should also have healthcare, body autonomy, living wages, free speech, and to live in peace. All of which used to be democratic views.
California requires us to provide 3 sick days each year. It can be part of their PTO package, but we have to allow them to use 3 sick days per year, and even if they are out of PTO they still get the day excused as a sick day. And we cannot require a dr. note or anything, although we can ask, but they do not have to provide anything.
Pretty sweet. I could be on my deathbed and if I miss work i get an occurence. 6 occurences results in termination.

I literally havent called in sick to work in over 2 years. Also haven't been late in about 15 years.
I am completely aware that politicians lie. Everyone seems to think that if I point out any concerns about the democratic party that I am obviously a republican. I'm trying to help people realize that the real battle isn't left vs right - its top vs bottom. You also have made that observation as well, it's a system that needs adjusting and it can only change if people stop kicking the can down the road and voting left vs right -blue team vs red team.

FWIW I feel like folks should have time off work, I feel like folks should also have healthcare, body autonomy, living wages, free speech, and to live in peace. All of which used to be democratic views.
Funny thing is that if the strike were to happen and deliveries were slowed down and there were supply chain issues then I 100% guarantee that the Biden administration would be blamed for the supply chain issues. Its a lose lose situation for the biden administration.

It does seem like folks having healthcare (obama care), living wages (minimum wage increases, student loan forgiveness, social security, etc), living in peace, body autonomy (abortion rights) and free speech seem to be democratic views still.
Oh wow, you think that showing that Biden isn't as pro-worker as his wife claimed that it shows that Biden is no better than Trump?

Holy ****ing ****! You've got a lot more work to do to get that far. A lot more.

All farts stink. That doesn't mean all farts are the same. Some stink really bad and come with a surprise. Trump is the stinkiest, wettest, loudest fart that has ever disgraced the White House. His supporters stick their nose half way up his *** to get as much of it on them as possible. One of them just got convicted of sedition.
Cool- I'm not a trumper or a republican. Trump isn't the president and republicans aren't currently in power. I'm not worried about trump when the current administration is the one "sabre rattling" with nuclear powers and pushing us towards nuclear war among other things.
Funny thing is that if the strike were to happen and deliveries were slowed down and there were supply chain issues then I 100% guarantee that the Biden administration would be blamed for the supply chain issues. Its a lose lose situation for the biden administration.

It does seem like folks having healthcare (obama care), living wages (minimum wage increases, student loan forgiveness, social security, etc), living in peace, body autonomy (abortion rights) and free speech seem to be democratic views still.
An even more unlikely third scenario might be to support the god damn workers! Could you imagine if a company making 21 billion in profits every year were forced to spend a few million on paid leave for its workers? gasp!!!
Okay I thought this was a place to discuss politics and the Biden administration.
I'm pretty sure that's what I was doing.

I can see that you are pretending that you are choosing the lesser of two evils.
Technically, the least of five evils. But who's counting? Should I be choosing the greatest of five evils?

You will be able to continue to believe that as long as you don't actually look at what those democrats currently in power are actually doing (or not doing in this case).
If I take this closer look with you, which party will then become the least of the five evils, and why?
Nevertheless I'm sure its been echoed numerous times by other Democrat faithful.
The adjective is "Democratic". Using "Democrat" as an adjective makes you look partisan or stupid.

Yes, party flunkies echo party talking points.
FWIW I dont get paid sick days. Zero. The rail workers get 1 right now apparently and want to get 7. I get zero. Im at work every day though.
If we are discussing the engineers, brakemen, yard workers, etc., then they really need more than white-collar workers.