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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

An even more unlikely third scenario might be to support the god damn workers! Could you imagine if a company making 21 billion in profits every year were forced to spend a few million on paid leave for its workers? gasp!!!
Support the workers by forcing the corporation to do what the workers demand? Pretty sure many a republican would get mad at the biden adminstration for doing that. They would say that the government has no right to force the corporation to do what the workers want.
Look, anything the biden administration does or doesn't do there will be hell to pay by the shills at fox news and the fox news viewers will just watch and nod no matter what.
Everyone seems to think that if I point out any concerns about the democratic party that I am obviously a republican.
The Thriller seems to have made that assumption. Personally, I've been thinking of you as more a a socialist; your rhetoric seems closer to them.

FWIW I feel like folks should have time off work, I feel like folks should also have healthcare, body autonomy, living wages, free speech, and to live in peace. All of which used to be democratic views.
Can't we all just get along?
If we are discussing the engineers, brakemen, yard workers, etc., then they really need more than white-collar workers.
Man, I wish I were a white-collar worker.
Pretty sweet. I could be on my deathbed and if I miss work i get an occurence. 6 occurences results in termination.

I literally havent called in sick to work in over 2 years. Also haven't been late in about 15 years.
You, my friend, are the exception to the rule. The vast majority of people who get terminated in our warehouses is for attendance issues. Not that we have that many who get terminated, but percentage wise of people who actually do get terminated it has to be 90%+ for attendance.
Support the workers by forcing the corporation to do what the workers demand? Pretty sure many a republican would get mad at the biden adminstration for doing that. They would say that the government has no right to force the corporation to do what the workers want.
Look, anything the biden administration does or doesn't do there will be hell to pay by the shills at fox news and the fox news viewers will just watch and nod no matter what.
Oh my- we don't want the democrats and republicans to suddenly disagree on something. What is fox news said something that was against Biden?
I guess I don't don't know what you do.
He is literally the most important guy in the operation, or rather in the most important position. He keep the equipment running, I believe, or you were, right @fishonjazz ? Maintenance doesn't do it justice. A good maintenance tech is worth their weight in gold, we never pay them enough.
I guess I don't don't know what you do.
Ya im not a white collar worker but i definitely dont do very physical manual labor. I have to go to a locker room to change into a uniform when i arrive. I wear safety glasses, steel toed shoes, hearing protection, gloves, and a bump cap (hard hat). I dont have an office, or desk, or computer, or work phone.
I think my job is more blue collar than white collar.

I also dont know why blue collar would need sick days more than white collar. In fact it seems to me that blue collar workers often work in more spacious areas with better air flow and not in as close contact with people as white collar who are in cubicles and offices and meeting rooms with other people. Is there a reason why blue collar workers would get sick more frequently than white collar workers?
You, my friend, are the exception to the rule. The vast majority of people who get terminated in our warehouses is for attendance issues. Not that we have that many who get terminated, but percentage wise of people who actually do get terminated it has to be 90%+ for attendance.
Same here. Attendance is the most common reason here as well. Being on time and being where im supposed to be is probably my best work quality. I almost never ever call in sick and Im never ever late. im also lucky that im quite healthy.
I'm pretty sure that's what I was doing.

Technically, the least of five evils. But who's counting? Should I be choosing the greatest of five evils?

If I take this closer look with you, which party will then become the least of the five evils, and why?
eh- forgive me if I see your short dismissive responses as condescending. It feels like you are just continually telling me to shut up rather than discuss anything.

I think anyone would admit that we have a duopoly. I don't think that a system where 3 parties share less than 2 percent of registered voters should be seriously considered as a 5 party system. 5 parties might actually be enough, but parties outside of the duopoly do need to have some power in government. Like I said its a top vs bottom issue not a left vs right issue.
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Oh my- we don't want the democrats and republicans to suddenly disagree on something. What is fox news said something that was against Biden?
Just saying. That no matter which of the 3 options the biden administration did, there would be blowback and blame aplenty.
He is literally the most important guy in the operation, or rather in the most important position. He keep the equipment running, I believe, or you were, right @fishonjazz ? Maintenance doesn't do it justice. A good maintenance tech is worth their weight in gold, we never pay them enough.
Nah, that was gameface. He was in maintenance and I agree they are the most important. Im a rung or two lower in importance.
Nah, that was gameface. He was in maintenance and I agree they are the most important. Im a rung or two lower in importance.
Nah, you're right there.

But I did know that about GF, just thought you two had similar tracts at work.
In fact it seems to me that blue collar workers often work in more spacious areas with better air flow and not in as close contact with people as white collar who are in cubicles and offices and meeting rooms with other people. Is there a reason why blue collar workers would get sick more frequently than white collar workers?
I would think there would be a higher rate of physical injury, and the need to deal with it's lingering effects, among blue collar workers. I only did construction for about 6 weeks one summer (the company went bankrupt), but it seemed physically taxing. Since transferring to office work, I have never had work-related pain.
The Thriller seems to have made that assumption. Personally, I've been thinking of you as more a a socialist; your rhetoric seems closer to them.

Can't we all just get along?
No I'm not a socialist although I think some socialist systems can work- Fire departments are a good example.
It does not work as a system of government.
Imo the goverment should just stay out of this negotiation. But i understand the fear of the country being shut down and everyone being pissed off at the government for it even if they had nothing to do with it.

My union is in the early stages of negotiation currently. It would be sweet if the government would step in on our behalf and just give us what we want. It would suck if they took away our ability to strike. The correct thing is to probably just stay out of it.
I would think there would be a higher rate of physical injury, and the need to deal with it's lingering effects, among blue collar workers. I only did construction for about 6 weeks one summer (the company went bankrupt), but it seemed physically taxing. Since transferring to office work, I have never had work-related pain.
Ya but I believe physical injury would be covered by things like worker comp, short term disability and things like that rather than sick days. Also blue collar workers typically do more physical work and are on their feet more so it would stand to reason that they may be in better shape than someone who sits in front of a computer or in meetings etc all day. I know that my work helps keep the pounds at bay and my blood pressure and things like that lower because im always on the move.
eh- forgive me if I see your short dismissive responses as condescending. It feels like you are just continually telling me to shut up rather than discuss anything.
If I want posters to stop posting, I'll be direct. In your case, I just don't care. So far, you're not saying anything interesting.

I think anyone would admit that we have a duoploy. I don't think that a system where 3 parties share less than 2 percent of registered voters should be seriously considered as a 5 party system. 5 parties might actually be enough, but parties outside of the duopoly do need to have some power in government. Like I said its a top vs bottom issue not a left vs right issue.
I agree. Do you have suggestions for achieving this? I'd vote Green if they were less loony.
Imo the goverment should just stay out of this negotiation. But i understand the fear of the country being shut down and everyone being pissed off at the government for it even if they had nothing to do with it.

My union is in the early stages of negotiation currently. It would be sweet if the government would step in on our behalf and just give us what we want. It would suck if they took away our ability to strike. The correct thing is to probably just stay out of it.
Unless you had a government that was actually representing individuals.
It's pretty crazy how fast they seemed to jump in on this one- they have to jump in right away and squash the workers. It will be interesting to see if they do indeed block a strike by these workers.