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Quotes from Mavs' forums-"We got a 7 f**kin footer who’s so bad he’s unplayable vs. a team that runs 3 7 footers at a time


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Pre Game

I predict a 20/20 from Kessler, showing Ayton what a real center looks like.

With the players playing, I may take 8 jazz before taking a Mav in a draft.

This roster is awful. Just poorly put together.

Will Hardy also makes these players look way better than they are.

One starter with 15, the other 4 with 9 total. Is that good?

Thank the lord Danny Ainge. Edwards/Kessler/KAT would have been a nightmare for years to come.

Utah is a very difficult place to play in and that team is surprisingly competent this year. Very tough game.

Tim Josh Dorian Spencer and Dwight- if you told me these were the names of a Revenge of the Nerds remake and not a starting NBA 5 I'd believe it every time

Jazz has three 7-footers starting. That's an embarrassment of riches, lol.

Qwhite the tall starting frontcourt for the Jazz tonight

Triple Talcum Towers

The Pillars of Salt

1st Half

Gutless no effort to play defense when Dinwiddie had ball stolen he was jogging back whole Utah dunked on the other end of court

Just from their body language it indicates that the Mavs are going to lose.


I just woke up and I am groggy as hell, is Josh Green starting or am I dreaming?

Mavericks up by 3 in the 1st quarter. Trade Luka!

Blow a bunny and blow the coverage within 10 seconds. Ladies and gentlemen Dwight Powell

If we just dont hit 3's we are going to be demolished..

Also would be nice if we could at least fart in their direction on defense or something

Can't blame Dinwiddie at all. That's the worst phantom call in the history of phantom calls.

Dawg they are about to score 40 on us in a quarter for the love of god play some defense, cant even blame Luka on this one.

Man did they luck out with Markennan...

Hell Utah has alot of solid unold guys.

This is why having a system for offense helps. You can plug and play.

Mavs have no plays. Its just 5 guys around the perimeter waiting.

Bertans not even in a defensive stance getting blown by. What are our coaches teaching?

Timmy cant finish a lay up to save his life, it's kind of impressive.

so when will Dwight Powell ever get a rebound?

My brain forces me to think about the time we didn't make a good move for Markannen, hindsight and stuff but still cries in THJ-Layups

DAMN. The JaVale signing has gone so bad.

This just feels like a game we REALLY cant lose... We really need to win till 3 of our players are back. There is a high chance we could really just go below 10 with how close this conference is. The players need to play like that is the case. Im sure they Know that.. But they are not playing like it.

Wolves really gave up Kessler and all those assets for Gobert, at least we re not them

Javale makes me sick bro just his whole existence everytime they show the bench

Kelly O took Bullock off the dribble. Just delightful.

I genuinely dislike Tim with great passion.

Hardaway really just missed a fast break open layup

Walker Kessler is my dream center for the Mavs

I'm jealous of this Jazz roster -- young, athletic and have basketball skills.

It’s halftime, still waiting for the Mavs to show up…..

Trade for Lauri Markkanen please

That’s a big Utah lineup. Rebounds are gonna be a problem (like always)

These dancing ladies lmao

I feel like 60 being dropped on our heads every other half is a normal occurence.

A few more games without Luka and we're going straight to the lottery.

Wtf is this geriatric cowgirl dance team- Mormons gone wild

why they make that old lady do the splits?!

Oh noooo Doris busted a hip

Utah's half time shows are different. I'm entertained.

2nd Half

Why even come out I'm the second half? Wait, we never arrived. final score will be a win for the Jazz 122 – 99

Brickaway raining bricks

Can't make a shot, can't get a rebound. How is this the team we have around Luka in year 5???

Where are those people who said they glad Luka didnt play so that they can finally play as a team?

I don’t understand why kidd isn’t playing Hardy letting that youngsta build confidence !!! The rook is a Hidden Gem but kidd want to be stubborn like Carlisle

Please fire Jason Kidd, he is only a personal coach, not a team coach, he doesn't know.what is teamwork

Gotta be a lot of losses until we get a big man who can play the middle, rebound and be aggressive on the defensive end.

No LUKA. Big problems. It's a shame our team is so dependent on just 1 player.

Tim Hardaway Jr Please Leave The Mavs Man I Promise We Will Not Miss You Coming From A Die Hard Mavs Fan

Dont do it.. dont give me hope

Lauri cooking us. It is really rare for a player to show desire to play for Mavs and what did this FO do? They didn't even try lol. Even DSJ who show desire to come back gets ignored, really feel dude might have a role this time on the team. Really hate Cuban and Mavs FO.

Bertans boils my piss

Such a shame your starting C only have 1 rebound. That's 11m/yr contact is well spent. Not.

Please no more Frank minutes. My sanity can’t handle it

Beasly has made some insane 3s this game

Spencer need to be in the 3 point contest

This feels like those games where Mavs keep it around 6-8 but never manage to come back.

props to the team for fighting back

just a couple of .500 teams battling it out in a real .500 kinda game

We’re so ****ing mid this year

If Luka doesn’t come back next game their ja chance mavs could fall to 10th place I’m dead

It's because they have an actual basketball guy making their basketball decisions instead of a shoe salesman.

So who is the tanking team here?

eh, just not our night. jazz making some insane shots and getting all the bounces

kessler moves really well for his size

I see why Luka is so frustrated all the time. This is his team he has to play with. Sad.

Dinwiddie is a SG that has some passing ability. He is not a PG that can score.

Y’all remember when lauri wanted to come to Dallas and the FO said nah

Feel so bad for Dinwiddie every team he’s been on has a dysfunctional FO

Post Game

Time to unload Powell, Hardaway, Bertans, and McGee

Totally outmanned in this game, yet they fought hard and did not throw in the towel. Spectacular game by Dinwiddie, but could have used some help from Hardaway. He could have delivered a win for them tonight but could not hit his shots.

We have lost 7 of our last 10 games.

This is insane.

Is it the talent/lack of talent, or is it coaching?I wish they would address it in hopes of saving the season.

Spence with another out of his mind performance...

This Jazz team is sooo deep. They are just missing the superstar to pull it all together.

Wolves leading the Kings

Jazz beating Dallas

Lakers up on Celtics

Clippers won.

Suns currently beating Spurs by 1 with 60 seconds to go.

Mavs will be in the play-in standings after tonight if these games hold.

Not a bad loss...Jazz should have blown us out by 20. Kessler dominated, he's much better in the league than I expected

I Hope UTA will play Azabuike some so we can evaluate his game closer. He was told they will not be offering him another contract and we might want to gift them Frank or Pinson in a trade for him so we can see what he has to offer. They got a couple decent centers now so he is expendable and we could show some interest in order to get him thinking about the offseason and where he might choose to call home. If he is not traded before the TDL then we have a shot at him in FA for sure. He should be cheap and serve as a 3rd stringer at worst with the potential to be more. UTA probably wants to keep Clarkson but I think he is going to test FA. They have a depth of bigs so it would be nice insurance to snag Azabuike and get a chance to evaluate him before the offseason so we can see what we would be willing to sign him for if we want to keep him at all. You already know that Frank and Pinson are needing to get gone and we need upgrades at their position since neither has what it takes to ever become starters so let someone else do an end of season evaluation to see what they offer them.

The rebounding problem is too blatant for the Mavs front office to ignore. We need a real reliable board man.

we got outrebounded 39-61? Wow

We got a 7 ****in footer who’s so bad he’s unplayable vs. a team that runs 3 7 footers at a time

We fought hard, it’s just really hard without our 2 best guys. If Luka is out an extended period we’re absolutely screwed

Who’s the best center you think we could get for a 3 point specialist who’s only shooting 35.8% from 3?

Technically 0-6 without Luka now. But in all seriousness I think that was a decent showing considering our missing players.

Oh look another morale victory that still ends up as an L. If we want to actually make the play in we will need to actually win one of these

we don’t need positivity, we need realism. Positivity is what got us in this situation.

Just trade D Powell, trade hatdaway, trade mcgee, Jesús Christ how are they Even playing in the NBA

I said it needed to be 10 or so below or we will be demolished, and it looks doomed the way the players are playing. Its not even 1 player, it is EVERY player. Luka is essential for these guys to understand what to do on the court. **** the people saying Luka is a problem.. Honestly so clueless because of 1 win.

Jazz fleeced Minnesota on the Gobert trade. Markanen is better than Gobert and they got 3 1st rounders.

Reminds me of when the Cowboys destroyed Minnesota with the Hershel Walker trade and built a dynasty.

****, Kessler might be better than Gobert this season.

Yeah, they straight up destroyed them on that deal. A true Danny Ainge special.

I think they would be contenders if they had kept Mitchell.

Ideally McGee would be a deterrent for Kessler. Just too bad he’s washed

Bertans cannot have that mouth with that stat line lol

Which is worse, our coaching or our overpaid players?

Quotes from around the league

Walker Kessler is better than rudy gobert

You cannot tank if you keep Markannen lol. He's that good now

Anybody want a very used Tim Hardaway Jr? Please pick up off the curb if interested.

those 7 Lauri clutch points were huge.

Lauri been a revelation

Somebody needs to get fired from the Bulls FO for letting Lauri go like that

Spence balls out without Luka. Thats how the Mavs lost Brunson. He realised he was better off going elsewhere and be himself after that Utah series.

Jaden Hardy only got 5 minutes

Jason Kidd is a basketball terrorist
We got a 7 ****in footer who’s so bad he’s unplayable vs. a team that runs 3 7 footers at a time
That’s funny because he was decent winning a ring for the Lakers after winning two with the Dubs. Maybe if you actually ran something for your bigs occasionally instead of nonstop slow methodical Luka Ball all the time. :p
Jazz fleeced Minnesota on the Gobert trade. Markanen is better than Gobert and they got 3 1st rounders.

Reminds me of when the Cowboys destroyed Minnesota with the Hershel Walker trade and built a dynasty.
Minnesota Nice? You Betcha!!!