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Jazz draft Taylor Hendricks at 9

A lot of politics around here lately.

I see a lot of similarities.

I also see that it is a good thing for the jazz not a bad thing.
Especially the upside on the defense.

I think we should embrace the similarities, but also not set expectations.

The more important part to me is how well they blend together. The size and talent needs to translate onto the court. We need to get a lot better this year.
Because he's the guy playing the 3 in this hypothetical...
Must mean the coach feels comfortable with the ball in his hands more than others I guess. I mean if you believe that playing the 3 means more ball handling.
Personally I dont think Hardy is going to play Hendricks at the 3 much. I think he will be a 4. Just have to wait and see I guess.
This would be more feasible if Hendricks had any ball in hand skills
He hasn’t shown it yet, but as a 19 year old who filled his role in college to a “t”, I still have hope that he’s got more room to grow into those types of skills. Sounds like he’s got the work ethic to get better and I believe in Hardy. My hope for Taylor Hendricks is that he can develop into the player that Jonathan Isaacs was starting to look like before the knee injuries. That would be a helluva player to team up with Markkanen in the front court for years to come.
I don’t get why we’re so hung up on his lack of ball skills.

He’s gonna start out as a role player for us.

What so we want role players to do?

Defend - check
Rebound - check
Run transition hard - check
Finish dunks - check
Shoot and make open shots - check
Shoot and make open 3s - check

Instead of focusing on what he can’t do, why not focus on what he CAN do?