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Trump Dictatorship and All Things Politics

Did you hear about how he lied about being ranked like 12th in the world at a very competitive game, one where to have a rank like that you'd need to be playing the game like it was your full time job. He had the balls to do a live play session and those familiar with the game could easily tell he had spent almost no time playing. He didn't understand how to interact with the map. He wasn't using his equipment space efficiently. He loaded a save or map or something and it was saved as "Elon's Map".

He's the South African Kim Jong Il without the forced reverence...yet.
Good hell, you being let off the hook for committing a crime and the first thing you want to do is buy a bunch of mother ****ing guns.

See ya back in court soon dummy

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The problem is Trump will keep pardoning them. I won't be surprised to see actual racially-motivated domestic terrorist attacks being swept under the rug by Trump as long as the MAGA flag flies. This should get everyone on high alert.
A better way to state it is politicians are more concerned with keeping their seats than messing with social security, so they kick the can down the road.

Even worse, they keep expanding SS (most recently with the SS Fairness Act). Basically some older federal workers received huge pensions, under the premise that their SS benefit would be reduced. These workers understood this, and were happy to take the pension. As a former federal employee, these older employees would often tell us under the newer FERS system how much we were getting shafted (and FERS is still a great retirement program), yet I would have been ecstatic to be on the older program with less SS.

Too high of benefits have been paid to former generations compared to the amounts put in to support the program, leaving the current generation holding the bag. The solution will ultimately being the current or near future working class paying even more into the system, as reserves needed for retirees to receice their full benefit are projected to be depleted within 10 years. So basically all of us are going to need to be taxed even higher for a likely lesser future benefit based on the mismanagement of our prior generations.
It's not just the amount being put in, it's what they are doing with it. They have done a ****** job of managing the funds and shenanigans around corporate taxes over the decades have eroded what goes in. No major updates to the inputs in decades is a problem as well as it doesn't keep pace with inflation. It's way more complicated than just not enough heads to pay the next level up. One example is the wealth exemption where they only pay into social security up to a limit of like 180k of earnings so anyone making more don't pay on anything earned beyond that amount. There are a lot of ways this is eroded. The top-heavy boomer retirement is just the biggest and most looming threat but politicians have been playing games with social security for decades. Everyone looks at the single straw that breaks the camel's back and not the billion straws already there.

It's kind of funny to hear someone say that "too high of a benefit had been paid out" when social security had not been anything more than barely above poverty level income for decades, hence the attempts to make modifications to get people above the poverty line. No one in their right mind would think that SS pays out "too much". The issue has been that we have known for decades it needed reform but no politician has had the support to actually tackle the problem, hence your "kick the can" comment which is spot on. Now it's time to pay the piper really. Interestingly they could cut the military budget to pay for it and we would still spend more on national defense than the next 2 closest nations to us in defense spending. But really major reform is needed and pretty much right now. We have blueprints we could follow, in those other nations that have figured this out already, but lobbyists will ensure corporate taxes stay at all-time lows rather than do what needs to be done and raise taxes on corporations to help pay for it. I'm afraid it will get a lot worse before it gets any better.
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Only really to Americans afraid of the fake Spector of socialism. To every other developed nation they take it as a responsibility to take care of their old and retired folks so they have systems in place to support it. The Scandinavian countries, where birth rates have been below or barely at replacement levels for decades, they have no problems with solvency of their versions of social security, and they have ensconced it into their framework of laws to protect it and make sure it is never a political bargaining chip. Hence they have among the best standard of living for retired people in the world. We could have had that but it has been a pawn in political games in America ever since it's inception and the rich have used their influence to go after it many times. Musk doesn't care if your grandma gets her retirement check, he has no grasp of what that even means, he just knows it stands in the way of the tax breaks he wants, so it has to go. And that's the problem with it in America where the only true deity is the dollar and the billionaires are the acolytes everyone worships and reveres.

Our pension system was overhauled in the 1980s by the Labor government. Pensions for new employees were abolished and people now moved on to a superannuation scheme (in the US I think its called a 401k?) The consequences of this have been interesting, Australians had historically been bad savers, so for the first time since federation we had large amounts of domestic capital to re-invest into the economy, super funds are now some of the biggest financial players in the Australian economy with hundreds of billions of dollars invested in the economy. I would also wager that this local, relatively cheap capital has contributed somewhat to our housing crisis but that's a whole different rabbit hole. The consequence is tho that most workers, if they own their own home, can look forward to a fairly comfortable retirement.
That is a good start. Removing systemic racism from our government is noble. Those who perpetuate institutionalized racism through counting how much of this ethnicity or that immutable characteristic deserve to be left in history's dumpster.
Only really to Americans afraid of the fake Spector of socialism. To every other developed nation they take it as a responsibility to take care of their old and retired folks so they have systems in place to support it. The Scandinavian countries, where birth rates have been below or barely at replacement levels for decades, they have no problems with solvency of their versions of social security, and they have ensconced it into their framework of laws to protect it and make sure it is never a political bargaining chip. Hence they have among the best standard of living for retired people in the world. We could have had that but it has been a pawn in political games in America ever since it's inception and the rich have used their influence to go after it many times. Musk doesn't care if your grandma gets her retirement check, he has no grasp of what that even means, he just knows it stands in the way of the tax breaks he wants, so it has to go. And that's the problem with it in America where the only true deity is the dollar and the billionaires are the acolytes everyone worships and reveres.
I am not attacking the validity of having Social Security. I am saying it has been mismanaged. I am also saying older generations getting a windfall because our representatives refuse to make needed changes (benefit level, age, contribution limits) it leaves current and future generations being negatively affected.

WIthin 10 yrs the reserve is gone and people won't get their full benefit. We have known this was coming for decades, but legislators don't do anything to fix the issue.

It is mind numbing to see these political arguments and mentions of socialism when discussing a problem like this.
The Scandinavian countries, where birth rates have been below or barely at replacement levels for decades, they have no problems with solvency of their versions of social security, and they have ensconced it into their framework of laws to protect it and make sure it is never a political bargaining chip. Hence they have among the best standard of living for retired people in the world.
The Scandinavian countries have a relatively small population with giant offshore oil fields to pay for social services.
That is a good start. Removing systemic racism from our government is noble. Those who perpetuate institutionalized racism through counting how much of this ethnicity or that immutable characteristic deserve to be left in history's dumpster.

Tell me more about your vast knowledge of racism. Please state your race, age, and religion.

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It's not just the amount being put in, it's what they are doing with it. They have done a ****** job of managing the funds and shenanigans around corporate taxes over the decades have eroded what goes in. No major updates to the inputs in decades is a problem as well as it doesn't keep pace with inflation. It's way more complicated than just not enough heads to pay the next level up. One example is the wealth exemption where they only pay into social security up to a limit of like 180k of earnings so anyone making more don't pay on anything earned beyond that amount. There are a lot of ways this is eroded. The top-heavy boomer retirement is just the biggest and most looming threat but politicians have been playing games with social security for decades. Everyone looks at the single straw that breaks the camel's back and not the billion straws already there.

It's kind of funny to hear someone say that "too high of a benefit had been paid out" when social security had not been anything more than barely above poverty level income for decades, hence the attempts to make modifications to get people above the poverty line. No one in their right mind would think that SS pays out "too much". The issue has been that we have known for decades it needed reform but no politician has had the support to actually tackle the problem, hence your "kick the can" comment which is spot on. Now it's time to pay the piper really. Interestingly they could cut the military budget to pay for it and we would still spend more on national defense than the next 2 closest nations to us in defense spending. But really major reform is needed and pretty much right now. We have blueprints we could follow, in those other nations that have figured this out already, but lobbyists will ensure corporate taxes stay at all-time lows rather than do what needs to be done and raise taxes on corporations to help pay for it. I'm afraid it will get a lot worse before it gets any better.
I agree it has been mismanaged, and why I think there are better forms of retirement security, as big government is great at fiscal mismanagement.

I also agree the payments are low, but when there are more payouts than payments into the fund, then yes, there is a problem.

Replace SS with special forced contribution individualized retirement accounts with annuitized payments at retirement, making ESOPs (employee ownership of companies through employer funded retirement plans) more attainable, give tax credits as a matching retirement plan contribution for lower income individuals that out money in these accounts. A lot can be done to ensure retirement security and it does not get done.

When I worked for the federal government, they hired excess staff to ensure full capacity when they anticipated hiring freezes. We literally had 4 staff members with zero duties. Each year we'd get all kinds of new equipment, carpet replacement, etc., because if we spent less that our allocated budget, our allocation for the next year would go down. So they wasted money to keep their budget. It is insane.

Military spending has a lot of the same issues. Lots of inefficiences and mismanagement. Reducing military spending could work if done right, but keep in mind that our military employs and pays good salaries to a lot of people that would not fare nearly as well without those jobs. And as far as military spending, China and Russia are spending a lot more on military than they report. I hate war, but I feel like we need a robust military in the current environment.
Sure sure. Rest your brain, boy.
Does your brain ever switch gears? Are there any other topics besides ethnic origins that resonate with you?

What are your three favorite female singers from the 1980's? I'm going with Gloria Estefan, Sade, and Kate Bush.

Got give credit where it’s due. I believe this is where the country can heal and really come together guys. Smile!

Trump pardoned all the BLM and ANTIFA who stormed the capitol on J6. Thank you president trumpenis for pardoning my comrades.

Many of them beat up and assaulted cops. I hate cops too guys! ACAB! **** the police!

We’re the same!

Is now when I do the assbergers Roman thingy?

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Got give credit where it’s due. I believe this is where the country can heal and really come together guys.
That is the spirit. The nation has been too divided. Yesterday, the Senate confirmed Marco Rubio unanimously. AOC has dropped pronouns from her bio. The American public had the most ethnically diverse vote dispersal in our nations history. We're all people, and we voted in the candidate occupying the center of the political spectrum.

When you see the ratings for the hate peddlers, they are cratering. People are done with the hatred. If you're ready to move past the hatred then I welcome you. If, as I suspect, you'll never give up the hatred and instead only feign a moderate view in sarcasm, then all I can say is that you lost. America has said enough with all the hate and division.
  • Haha
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Does your brain ever switch gears? Are there any other topics besides ethnic origins that resonate with you?

What are your three favorite female singers from the 1980's? I'm going with Gloria Estefan, Sade, and Kate Bush.

Dude, what thread do you think you’re posting in? I don’t have time to keep you on topic. You always deflect and obscure to hide your real, deep stupidity and insecurity. It’s annoying. I truly do not mean this as an insult. But since you refuse to address it I have to call it out. It defines you for me. Does that make sense?

I know things about you too. This is what I remember. You’re a dad, you’re Mormon, you’re wicked smart and funny. I think we have a lot of things in common. I think you have love inside you for those around you, but don’t make the connection between the things you say and what they mean for others, including your family.

You don’t think slavery was a primary cause of the civil war, you shill for rapists and child molesters, and now for literal South American Neo Nazis. You have no principals, no integrity and you’re a passive aggressive liar. You think it’s funny. Well I think you’re lazy and weak in the mind.

You’re nice, not kind.

This is how you represent yourself. So understand when I don’t want to gush over your list of artists, and tell you I learned recently that Sade is actually the name of the band and not just the singer Sade Adu. That blew my mind!

But you’re a dick dude. I can’t be friends or cordial really with you because our morals and principals do not align. I will fight for you to be whatever you want to be. But what you’ve choosen I don’t like, because your views and actions actively hurt people I know and love.

We clear, man?

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That is the spirit. The nation has been too divided. Yesterday, the Senate confirmed Marco Rubio unanimously. AOC has dropped pronouns from her bio. The American public had the most ethnically diverse vote dispersal in our nations history. We're all people, and we voted in the candidate occupying the center of the political spectrum.

When you see the ratings for the hate peddlers, they are cratering. People are done with the hatred. If you're ready to move past the hatred then I welcome you. If, as I suspect, you'll never give up the hatred and instead only feign a moderate view in sarcasm, then all I can say is that you lost. America has said enough with all the hate and division.

Right on cue.

You guys have to drop the Neo Nazis before we’ll join you in battle against our oppressors.

There’s a reason we shame and banish fascists. They need professional help and be kept away from all the dummies in society. They are few and can completely rot people like cancer. You’re asking me to give myself cancer in order to help you. All I’m asking is you drop the Nazis. That simple.

I don’t hang out with Nazis. You do.

I punch them in the dick.

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Jesus, look what they’ve made you do. Look what they make you give. Tragic.

I suggest you all brush up on the concepts of Accellerationism and Deteritorialism.

We’re in deep.

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