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Legal Pot

If people knew they faced life in prison, they'd be more careful about their driving while drunk.

No, they wouldn't. Humans have a remarkable ability to think bad things and irresponsibility are things that hapen to someone else. It's the other guy who's a danger driving drunk, and/or will get pulled over. It's the other guy who had the frivolous lawsuit. I'm more than capable of handling my drink. My grievance is real. Etc.
No, they wouldn't. Humans have a remarkable ability to think bad things and irresponsibility are things that hapen to someone else. It's the other guy who's a danger driving drunk, and/or will get pulled over. It's the other guy who had the frivolous lawsuit. I'm more than capable of handling my drink. My grievance is real. Etc.

That's what I've been trying to say here. I've also been saying we have a give-an-inch problem.. if two is okay, then three is fine .. and what harm could just one more do?

As I have also said, I'm conflicted on this, but I wouldn't be opposed to a zero-tolerance policy. The ramifications of ANY alcohol, at all, is much more effective for most humans to manage .. than some ambiguous amount that is not really measurable until too late.
As I have also said, I'm conflicted on this, but I wouldn't be opposed to a zero-tolerance policy. The ramifications of ANY alcohol, at all, is much more effective for most humans to manage .. than some ambiguous amount that is not really measurable until too late.

I disagree. Minors have a zero tolerance policy right now, yet they drive drunk all the time.
I disagree. Minors have a zero tolerance policy right now, yet they drive drunk all the time.

What does that prove? I am certain that if minors were told they can only drive with up to .08, that there would be a FAR larger epidimic.
What does that prove? I am certain that if minors were told they can only drive with up to .08, that there would be a FAR larger epidimic.

I doubt it. I do think, however, if you told minors they got life in prison if they hurt someone, they would probably think twice before doing it.
This, my experience is they think they're driving great, but I've been with many that drive super fast .. and of course others that are driving super slow.

I have ridden in the passenger seat with sober drivers before, and guess what? Sometimes they drive to fast, sometimes they drive too slow, sometimes they cut people off, sometimes they drive to close to the car in front of them. And they think they are driving just fine.
So i think that we should not allow sober drivers to drive while sober.
I was just making a point with my last comment, but in actuality i DO want marijuana to be legalized and i think that in order for that to happen there will have to be some kind of rules against smoking pot and driving.
Im ok with that trade off. I usually only want to smoke it at home after work while sitting on the couch to unwind. Or if i go camping/fishing. So i would be ok if i couldn't smoke and drive.
I was just making a point with my last comment, but in actuality i DO want marijuana to be legalized and i think that in order for that to happen there will have to be some kind of rules against smoking pot and driving.
Im ok with that trade off. I usually only want to smoke it at home after work while sitting on the couch to unwind. Or if i go camping/fishing. So i would be ok if i couldn't smoke and drive.

Reasonable post.
I was just making a point with my last comment, but in actuality i DO want marijuana to be legalized and i think that in order for that to happen there will have to be some kind of rules against smoking pot and driving.
Im ok with that trade off. I usually only want to smoke it at home after work while sitting on the couch to unwind. Or if i go camping/fishing. So i would be ok if i couldn't smoke and drive.

I as well think that marijuana shoudl be legalized. However, like you said there need to be laws governing using machinery (including cars) while high. I do not know at what point a person becomes high and I'd leave that to more knowledgable people.
There were strong opinions about smoking and driving before this thread began. Questions to those of you who had those strong opinions: has this thread changed your mind or complexified you view at all? How? I ask because these discussions are usually just a stage for people to further entrench what they already believe. There isn't much value in that.
There were strong opinions about smoking and driving before this thread began. Questions to those of you who had those strong opinions: has this thread changed your mind or complexified you view at all? How? I ask because these discussions are usually just a stage for people to further entrench what they already believe. There isn't much value in that.

I don't think anything could have possibly been posted to change anyone's mind either way.

Last time this came up I posted several studies on the matter, and it was completely disregarded by the people arguing the other side. GVC posted a lot of good data that was also just ignored/dismissed.
There were strong opinions about smoking and driving before this thread began. Questions to those of you who had those strong opinions: has this thread changed your mind or complexified you view at all? How? I ask because these discussions are usually just a stage for people to further entrench what they already believe. There isn't much value in that.

As for myself...... i think that driving after smoking pot is not a big deal, but i totally understand why other people would want there to be laws against it, so i would be ok with dui type laws being put in place.
Hell people would still smoke and drive (just like they do now) and most would drive just fine anyway and therefore not be affected by the dui laws.
There were strong opinions about smoking and driving before this thread began. Questions to those of you who had those strong opinions: has this thread changed your mind or complexified you view at all? How? I ask because these discussions are usually just a stage for people to further entrench what they already believe. There isn't much value in that.

It has not changed my opinion very much. Just reinforced what I already thought really. Legalize it then have very strict DUI laws that pertain to driving while high. Where it gets fuzzy for me is where "high" starts.
As for myself...... i think that driving after smoking pot is not a big deal, but i totally understand why other people would want there to be laws against it, so i would be ok with dui type laws being put in place.
Hell people would still smoke and drive (just like they do now) and most would drive just fine anyway and therefore not be affected by the dui laws.

This is what I think. I can have a beer or two and drive fine (I dont, EVER, but I could). Put more into me than that and my driving ability starts to suffer.

GVC might be able to smoke a joint and drive fantastically, great. But if he keeps putting it down at some point he starts to get affected and should not drive.

There need to be laws that reflect that.
I should go into one of the many anti-government threads and ask the same questions. But, hey, at least we all agree that the govt has one role: punish.
It has not changed my opinion very much. Just reinforced what I already thought really. Legalize it then have very strict DUI laws that pertain to driving while high. Where it gets fuzzy for me is where "high" starts.

I dont know how they would test for it but i would say if it has been a few hours since smoking then there are no more affects.
So basically if you drive sober to something (jazz game, movie, river to fish) and smoke right when you arrive, then once the activity is over you should be fine to drive home.
But I have no idea how law enforcement would test for it, although i heard something a month or two ago about some new way to test for marijuana in the system.
I should go into one of the many anti-government threads and ask the same questions. But, hey, at least we all agree that the govt has one role: punish.

Kind of hard to protect without ramifications/remedies for putting people in harm's way.
Aren't you tired of the way things have been? It's time for a change! America deserves a change!

We deserve freedom! These government regulations are destroying our great nation!

No restrictive regulations on free enterprise! If Joe GreenSack wants to open a marijuana shop, God bless him!

And if I want to drive home after visiting his shop, I don't need the government regulation it and discouraging it. Studies have shown that marijuana didn't Magee driving anymore dangerous than a sober person.

Let the people have the freedom that it great nation was intended to provide!

Less government regulation, and more personal freedoms!

I'm Mitt Romney, and if I was serious about all of my B.S. rhetoric about government regulations and personal freedoms, I would have approved this message.