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Dr. Jones

In pursuit of #9
I'm starting to emerge from me post-election hangover .. kudos to all the pro-Obama guys here.

I have always seemed to find the silver lining, I am determined to do so here as well.

Ineptocracy is my new entrepreneurialism. I see lots of opportunity, now that I have taken a deep breath.
does utah have alot of pro obama people?
id think most people in utah would be pro-mitt, considering he's mormon, and republican, and white, etc. (not trying to be racialist, just going by demographics).
does utah have alot of pro obama people?
id think most people in utah would be pro-mitt, considering he's mormon, and republican, and white, etc. (not trying to be racialist, just going by demographics).

Sure we do ..

But I'm not sure what that has to do with my OP.. talkin' bout' ME doe.
Sure we do ..

But I'm not sure what that has to do with my OP.. talkin' bout' ME doe.

sorry i did not mean to hijack whatever the point of the OP was. this was just something i found interesting.
i just looked at the election results by county and saw that utah did not have a single county that voted for obama.
there are alot of states where republicans have it locked up, but usually even in states like texas, there will be some counties that democrats win.
but not in utah. pretty much 100% pro Mitt.

sorry i did not mean to hijack whatever the point of the OP was. this was just something i found interesting.
i just looked at the election results by county and saw that utah did not have a single county that voted for obama.
there are alot of states where republicans have it locked up, but usually even in states like texas, there will be some counties that democrats win.
but not in utah. pretty much 100% pro Mitt.


Yeah .. so we're unilaterally mad.. except not really.
I give Obama props:

Only he could make health insurance costs skyrocket by creating the "Affordable Healthcare Act."

It takes a special kind of idiot to pull off that crap.
It is kind of odd that the board is mostly Dems. I guess most republicans dont like the NBA. I wonder why.
It is kind of odd that the board is mostly Dems. I guess most republicans dont like the NBA. I wonder why.

I would assume that the majority of the stadium is Republican at the Jazz games......except when we play the Lakers....
I'm starting to emerge from me post-election hangover .. kudos to all the pro-Obama guys here.

I have always seemed to find the silver lining, I am determined to do so here as well.

Ineptocracy is my new entrepreneurialism. I see lots of opportunity, now that I have taken a deep breath.

Kudos to you sir. I hope I haven't offended you along the way, and we can continue to respectfully debate our beliefs here.

And look, you never sunk this low. I'm just glad we have people that lean right like you that don't sink this low.


I think the right will rebound in a big way if they can move away from thoughts shared in this video.
Kudos to you sir. I hope I haven't offended you along the way, and we can continue to respectfully debate our beliefs here.

And look, you never sunk this low. I'm just glad we have people that lean right like you that don't sink this low.


I think the right will rebound in a big way if they can move away from thoughts shared in this video.

Unfortunately Rev, it's been going on for a long, long time - beginning in the late 70's/early 80's with Jerry Falwell and the "Moral" Majority - and as far as I can tell, it shows no signs of abating. It is possible on the local and state level for some to pull away from this self-righteous mentality but that doesn't seem to be happening on the national level.
Unfortunately Rev, it's been going on for a long, long time - beginning in the late 70's/early 80's with Jerry Falwell and the "Moral" Majority - and as far as I can tell, it shows no signs of abating. It is possible on the local and state level for some to pull away from this self-righteous mentality but that doesn't seem to be happening on the national level.

This isn't meant to be reliatory, but the GOP does not own the exclusive license to self-righteousness. The left has become largely the same in its pursuit of taking care of each and every person.. that platform has taken on an eerily similar parallel to the 'moral majority' persona you described.

I don't consider myself a right-winger .. but rather a conservative moderate.. I just find it amusing when either side of the aisle points at the other as being 'the one' that is self-righteous.

I assure you, Moe, that was no indictment of you, nor any party .. but simply poking fun at the divide and how one colors the other while ignoring their own blemishes.
yeah, PKM, but I didn't state that the religious right (or anybody) had sole claim to behaving self-righteously - - I merely gave them as one example of that type of behavior. Self-righteousness comes in all varieties, and yes, we all may act that way at times.

The trouble with feeling self-righteous is that it tends to close one's mind to other viewpoints.
yeah, PKM, but I didn't state that the religious right (or anybody) had sole claim to behaving self-righteously - - I merely gave them as one example of that type of behavior. Self-righteousness comes in all varieties, and yes, we all may act that way at times.

The trouble with feeling self-righteous is that it tends to close one's mind to other viewpoints.

We agree. Thanks for not infracting me. ;)

I couldn't listen to more than 30 seconds without grabbing two screwdrivers for the eardrums.

I've had to bite my tongue pretty hard lately to not comment on some of the outlandish b.s. (beck ****) constantly flung around by some of my family members. Glenn Beck is by all accounts a false prophet, IMO, and that's putting it lightly. The dude no doubt has delusions of being some modern day savior. "Come follow me, I have seen the way". How does any Christian hear stuff like that and not get seriously creeped out?
Ineptocracy is my new entrepreneurialism. I see lots of opportunity, now that I have taken a deep breath.

I always thought you would. Even entrepreneurs initially fear change, but they have a gift for turning that around.
Kudos to you sir. I hope I haven't offended you along the way, and we can continue to respectfully debate our beliefs here.

And look, you never sunk this low. I'm just glad we have people that lean right like you that don't sink this low.


I think the right will rebound in a big way if they can move away from thoughts shared in this video.

As a Mormon, I find this really offensive. He seems to act like a pastor or a wannabe prophet. Leave the prophesying to someone called by God. I'm sorry Bro. Beck, but you certainly are not called of God. In fact, quite the opposite really. If he really believes in the hierarchy and the revelation of the LDS Church, then he really needs to back off on his views. If Pres. Monson isn't condemning America then why the hell should Beck?

For the good that many Mormons have done, ex charity work, and the pub that was given to the church through this past election (which... I believe was generally good), this man does the whole church a complete disservice.

I remember it being preached in the MTC about locking your heart and how bad missionaries could leave a huge whole in their areas. Beck, creates far more holes in America. His "preaching" does nothing but damage to members and the LDS church not to mention the destruction to the mentality of many Americans (including the GOP).

Of course, he probably doesn't give a damn... Money is his god.
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