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Losing Interest

I've been following the Jazz for nearly 20 years, but this team and coach have just flat out deflated my interest. I recall when I couldn't wait for the next Jazz game and now I don't even care. The board here reflects that as well, as there is so much personal banter and so little Jazz talk, at least Jazz talk of any substance. I'm really discouraged and I guess I need to find a new outside interest. This whole Burks thing was the last straw, as I've posted before, the Jazz have not done a good job of developing players and to see the same things happen every night without any adjustments drives me batty. It's like when we had Boozer and Memo -- both good players but not complementary -- and now the same with Al and Sap. Well, everyone has been seeing this for a long time, as we did with the former pair, and yet management has not acted to fix the situation. It's very frustrating.

IAWTP...I'm not sure why I re-upped by NBALP to be honest because I have little to no interest in even watching the games.
I've been following the Jazz for nearly 20 years, but this team and coach have just flat out deflated my interest. I recall when I couldn't wait for the next Jazz game and now I don't even care. The board here reflects that as well, as there is so much personal banter and so little Jazz talk, at least Jazz talk of any substance. I'm really discouraged and I guess I need to find a new outside interest. This whole Burks thing was the last straw, as I've posted before, the Jazz have not done a good job of developing players and to see the same things happen every night without any adjustments drives me batty. It's like when we had Boozer and Memo -- both good players but not complementary -- and now the same with Al and Sap. Well, everyone has been seeing this for a long time, as we did with the former pair, and yet management has not acted to fix the situation. It's very frustrating.

...don't know if you caught this on the General NBA thread but here's the/your/our problem in a nut shell! The NBA product is UNWATCHABLE for more than 5 minutes max! Explained very nicely by this sports writer from N.Y. City. As he correctly points out, even if our favorite team won 60 games......it would still be unwatchable and depressing!

LOL.. That's the exact opposite definition of Corbin. This play-by-play proves it;

Uh. Actually it proves my point.

When the hell has Kanter ever played till the 3 minute mark of the 4th this year?

Let alone a 9 minute stint.
Then I guess we need to bench both Paul and Al, because neither of them have been boxing out well, or playing anything resembling good PnR defense.

I was simply making the obvious point that there's more to deserving playing time than just scoring the ball. I realize that's obvious, wasn't trying to be a prick.
But I think we're just tired of this team.

The Thriller is right.

I am sick of this team.

To tell you the truth, I'm already sick of the next team too.
Lindsey should skip the next phase and just blow this thing up.

That would make things more exciting.

I'm just too smart to not know what's coming and know how it will play out, and I don't like it one bit.
Are you an out of state/overseas guy? The only remedy for my occasional Jazz burnout in my case has been to get away from watching them on T.V. and to go to more games in person and just enjoy the whole experience. Or just watch them only when they play other teams you're also interested in seeing play too, that might help put some anticipation back in until they start playing more compelling basketball- whatever that means to you.
I really don't care as much as I have in years past. The Jazz are always my favorite team I care about the most (SF Giants, TB Buccaneers). This year I'm not feeling it.

Kanter, Burks, and Favors may not be the answer, but I'm ready to see if they are. I've seen enough of Big Al, and even Sap. Big Al and Sap will NEVER EVER EVER (get back together) win us a title or make us elite.
Making them the focus of these team is laughable, and soul crushing
I've been following the Jazz for nearly 20 years, but this team and coach have just flat out deflated my interest. I recall when I couldn't wait for the next Jazz game and now I don't even care. The board here reflects that as well, as there is so much personal banter and so little Jazz talk, at least Jazz talk of any substance. I'm really discouraged and I guess I need to find a new outside interest. This whole Burks thing was the last straw, as I've posted before, the Jazz have not done a good job of developing players and to see the same things happen every night without any adjustments drives me batty. It's like when we had Boozer and Memo -- both good players but not complementary -- and now the same with Al and Sap. Well, everyone has been seeing this for a long time, as we did with the former pair, and yet management has not acted to fix the situation. It's very frustrating.

Cool story. Get out, no one cares.
What's with all this personal banter? Did you see kanter last night. He is a damn tank!

Edit: I only read the first couple posts. Kanter has been brought up already
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I really don't care as much as I have in years past. The Jazz are always my favorite team I care about the most (SF Giants, TB Buccaneers). This year I'm not feeling it.

Kanter, Burks, and Favors may not be the answer, but I'm ready to see if they are. I've seen enough of Big Al, and even Sap. Big Al and Sap will NEVER EVER EVER (get back together) win us a title or make us elite.
Making them the focus of these team is laughable, and soul crushing

This is how i feel 100%. we are on the same page revolution.
Favors? Talented we want to see him more. Unfortunately, most of us are realizing that he's more Tyson Chandler than Karl Malone.

Unfortunately? If he turned out to be Tyson Chandler, I'd be ecstatic. I've been saying that his defense and rebounding is exactly what is needed and any offense he gives is gravy. I'll take a guy like that all day, every day.
I am sick of this team.

To tell you the truth, I'm already sick of the next team too.

...sounds to me like your a prime candidate to join my group of growing members who are cynical to an extreme about NBA basketball! Actually, it's a lot of fun! Much more exciting than actually watching the pathetic basketball on display by today's NBA players! You can join without paying any dues, either! Just scour the internet and find articles that are critical of the NBA slop they serve on local and cable T.V.!
The only remedy for my occasional Jazz burnout in my case has been to get away from watching them on T.V. and to go to more games in person and just enjoy the whole experience.

....so spend 10 times more money to see in person what is pathetically flawed on T.V.??? Fact is, the NBA has turned the game into an "experience" both at half time and afterward, because the product they have on the floor is so bad!
What do you guys think of this?

Just a few months ago he was talkin about how great and wonderful Duncan was and how he didn't see anyone beating the Spurs (before the series had even ended). Now this:


"I don't feel bad at all about this loss," Jazz center Al Jefferson said. "I think we did a great job against all the odds. We kept playing, never gave up."

He's the #1 reason why I'm tired of this team. He's the new Boozer. I know what to expect, the selfishness, and the limitations. When will we learn what Boston and Minny learned?