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Thoughts On The Immigration Reform Proposal


Well-Known Member
2018 Award Winner

Put forward by a group or 8 Senators (4 red, 4 blue).

- Path to citizenship, includes a temp status, people will not be eligible for benefits while in the temp status

- Increased effort and focus on securing the boarder

- Penalties and laws hitting employeers hiring illegals

- Increased flow for low-skill workers and a higher focus on high skilled workers, especially those with a degree from a US college/university

It calls for several things I said would make a good compromise. Such as increasing the flow of immigrants, securing the boarder and allowing hard working people, the kind we want, to have a path to a legal status. If they fail to take advatage of that then boot them out.
I already listed a few of mine but I meant to ask peoples thoughts. Misworded the title.

Put forward by a group or 8 Senators (4 red, 4 blue).

- Path to citizenship, includes a temp status, people will not be eligible for benefits while in the temp status

- Increased effort and focus on securing the boarder

- Penalties and laws hitting employeers hiring illegals

- Increased flow for low-skill workers and a higher focus on high skilled workers, especially those with a degree from a US college/university

It calls for several things I said would make a good compromise. Such as increasing the flow of immigrants, securing the boarder and allowing hard working people, the kind we want, to have a path to a legal status. If they fail to take advatage of that then boot them out.

Isn't this really all there is to it? 90% of illegals come here for economic opportunity. If we cracked down on the employers that are hiring these people to the point where it is not economically viable to do so - wouldn't the bulk of the illegal immigration problem dry up in a hurry?

BTW - we have plenty of federal laws on the books already that punish people that hire illegals - they're just rarely enforced.
Isn't this really all there is to it? 90% of illegals come here for economic opportunity. If we cracked down on the employers that are hiring these people to the point where it is not economically viable to do so - wouldn't the bulk of the illegal immigration problem dry up in a hurry?

BTW - we have plenty of federal laws on the books already that punish people that hire illegals - they're just rarely enforced.

Good points. Then review the laws on file, making corrections where needed and then enforce them.

Honest economic opportunity is a main reason for illegal immigration but it is not the only reason people cross that border.
My thoughts: secure the border.

You can't very well deport millions of illegals in some mass raid. But you can reduce the incentive to come or stay. Enforcing the laws we already have is a start. People say they aren't criminals, but then why do we call it ILLEGAL immigration? I'm sure there are plenty of otherwise good people here illegally. But in the mere act of crossing the border they broke the law.

Yes, people should be able to come here for opportunity & freedom (for as long as we have it). But they need to do it legally. If that needs to be made simpler, fine. Come legally & we'll welcome you with open arms. But once you are here, PLEASE learn to speak the language. I wouldn't move to Germany and expect everything to be translated.
My thoughts: secure the border.

Ironically, in some parts of the country, that's actually increased illegal immigration. When I lived in Texas you had many "seasonal" illegal immigrants. By that I mean, they'd sneak over the border, find temporary work (e.g. fruit picking) and then just take their money and go back to Mexico. Then around the middle part of last decade, you started having all these yahoo "Minutemen" patrolling the border. While that made it harder to get in and out of the country it didn't take away the incentive to try. So when illegals made it across the border they would just stay as opposed to going through the hassle of trying to get back in.

It all goes back to drying up the incentive to come here in the first place.
My thoughts: secure the border.

You can't very well deport millions of illegals in some mass raid. But you can reduce the incentive to come or stay. Enforcing the laws we already have is a start. People say they aren't criminals, but then why do we call it ILLEGAL immigration? I'm sure there are plenty of otherwise good people here illegally. But in the mere act of crossing the border they broke the law.

Yes, people should be able to come here for opportunity & freedom (for as long as we have it). But they need to do it legally. If that needs to be made simpler, fine. Come legally & we'll welcome you with open arms. But once you are here, PLEASE learn to speak the language. I wouldn't move to Germany and expect everything to be translated.

I completely agree on them learning English. Should be a requirement. Having said that I think that more Americans learning more languages only makes us stronger as a nation.

I agree on enforcing the work laws ont he books and changing where necessary.

However I disagree on your "illegal" stance. I get where you are coming from and I tend to agree. However froma realistic standpoint deporting, thru self deportation or finding them and kicking them out, is a non starter. It simply will not happen. So secure the boarder first, stop the flow. Then grant a 6 month temp status to those illegal immigrants that are not breaking other laws beyond being here and working. Deport those that are breaking other laws. Then after six months if they have not started the paperwork on citizenship, legal residency or emplyment authorization or some other legal status then off they go. Bill the country they came from for the cost. Take it from the foreign aid to that country. That provides incentive for other countries to slow the flow toward the boarder as well. Hit their pocketbooks and you will see a change.
Ironically, in some parts of the country, that's actually increased illegal immigration. When I lived in Texas you had many "seasonal" illegal immigrants. By that I mean, they'd sneak over the border, find temporary work (e.g. fruit picking) and then just take their money and go back to Mexico. Then around the middle part of last decade, you started having all these yahoo "Minutemen" patrolling the border. While that made it harder to get in and out of the country it didn't take away the incentive to try. So when illegals made it across the border they would just stay as opposed to going through the hassle of trying to get back in.

It all goes back to drying up the incentive to come here in the first place.

Personally I see that porous border as a national security risk. Therefore I suggest that each state use thier national guard to patrol the border along with border patrol. Amoung other things like increased border checks...
Just realised that I have been puting an "a" in border in this thread. Idiota.
But once you are here, PLEASE learn to speak the language. I wouldn't move to Germany and expect everything to be translated.

Yedah, I hate how all those English speakers refuse to learn the language, and need to have the Spanish translated for them.
Without illegals the farmers will have to hire American pickers and pay them $35 an hour. You know what this will do to food prices? Tomatoes, for example, will go up something like $.04 cents per pound, or something like 1/35th the seasonal price fluctuation. How are Americans going to afford this in this economy? I hear a can of apple sauce might be increased by two pennies apiece. TWO PENNIES!

Ain't nobody got time for that.
Yedah, I hate how all those English speakers refuse to learn the language, and need to have the Spanish translated for them.

Actually that is not the case. When I went to honduras not one single exception was made for me not knowing Spanish, not one. As it should be. I was forced to learn the language.

If you are moving to a country that predominately speaks another language then it is on you to learn that language. Not on that society to cater to you.
Without illegals the farmers will have to hire American pickers and pay them $35 an hour. You know what this will do to food prices? Tomatoes, for example, will go up something like $.04 cents per pound, or something like 1/35th the seasonal price fluctuation. How are Americans going to afford this in this economy? I hear a can of apple sauce might be increased by two pennies apiece. TWO PENNIES!

Ain't nobody got time for that.

Guess you missed the part about increasing the flow of low-skilled workers...
If you are moving to a country that predominately speaks another language then it is on you to learn that language. Not on that society to cater to you.

So, when the country becomes majority Hispanic, then it will be on us to learn Spanish, but not before? Seems short-sighted.
So, when the country becomes majority Hispanic, then it will be on us to learn Spanish, but not before? Seems short-sighted.

It has nothing to do with their race or ethnic background. Talk about short sighted.

It has to do with the prevailing language in that country. If those born here and coming here all speak English then that is the prevailing language. Seems pretty logical.

OK, I am ready for your spin. 1, 2, 3...GO!
Farming is so 18th century. What you do now is just buy a bunch of land in the boonies, threaten to grow something that big agri has control of on it, and then let the government pay you millions a year not to, so that Cargill, Nestle, Monsanto, ConAgra, Archer Daniels Midland etc. can grow it some other cheaper place in the world. Then take the millions the government pays you, buy some windmills and then throw a trailer right in the middle of the wind farm, and hire a bunch of cheap windmill maintenance worker illegals and make them subsist on dog food while you're laying on some beach somewhere. Printing money.