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Timing out?


Well-Known Member
Is there a way to change the setting? I'm getting booted sometimes before I can click Ctrl + V and then post.
Is there a way to change the setting? I'm getting booted sometimes before I can click Ctrl + V and then post.
I have the same problem.

Just do what other posters do...type quickly and put much less thought into what you're going to say. After all, how many ways are there to say the Jazz *&^$ right now and major changes are needed?

Seriously, though, if anyone has had the same problem and found a solution, please let me know.
Also annnoying is that the paragraph spacing has apparently disappeared.
Maybe just start from the top of this thread and read the whole thing slowly.

I figured it out right after I posted that, but I couldn't edit it for some reason.. tried twice but my browser was timing out or something.
If you type out a super long post, copy the post before you hit reply. Then if you've timed out or whatevar you can just paste your post again.
I'm getting booted, logging back in, pasting the text and getting booted before hitting post reply. Today only. Noone else?