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ESPN Experts Predict...

OKC was almost a unanimous pick for winning the NW

We need to make a statement and win at OKC on Halloween.
OKC was almost a unanimous pick for winning the NW

We need to make a statement and win at OKC on Halloween.

Better yet, lets beat them, and act like it was no big deal. If we act like it's a big deal, and that we are making a statement, it may look like we think we are the underdog. Lets just beat them... business as usual.
WTH is Hollinger's deal, "The free-agency-battered roster isn't as deep or potent as last season's..."

I'll take our current bench over last year's any day of the week.
WTH is Hollinger's deal, "The free-agency-battered roster isn't as deep or potent as last season's..."

I'll take our current bench over last year's any day of the week.

I agree with you completely. Last year our bench was what? Millsap, Price, Korver? Not exactly an elite group of players coming off the bench.
Are these the same "experts" that predicted the Jazz to log the worst season in NBA history in 2003? You know, the season that they went 42-40 and missed the playoffs by one game?
Gotta love the "experts".
Sports Illustrated also has Utah finishing 8th in the conference.

On the plus side SI has Denver not making the playoffs at all - they must think Carmelo is gonzo.

Yahoo Sports is the only one giving The Jazz any love - they have them winning the NW Division
How exactly do you become a sports expert? Is that like when I say I'm a Seinfeld expert?
These "experts" only know about the Lakers and the Thunder in the west. All the rest is just a bunch of ************ doing what they do best: bullshitting.
The "experts" know what they are talking about even less than we know what we are talking about (jazz related of course).
I would definitely trust them when the talk about the Lakers, and Miami though. They have most of their people in those 2 places, oh, and they are also on the Ref training staff. What?... No .... I said nothing about a conspiracy, or a land war in Asia.
John Hollinger is such a media whore.
"As long as they don't trade Andrei Kirilenko for Boris Diaw, which my analysis says would cost them several games..."

I'm surprised he didn't include a link to his pay-only Insider Info.

Tim Legler gives the highest marks.

What's funny is that most agree getting Jefferson is an upgrade over Boozer. So I guess it comes down to either losing Korver or replacing Matthews with Raja as the reason(s) the Jazz will be seeded lower than last season.

But when you had only 7 games separating the #1 from #8 seeds and all winning 50 or more games, really you can just toss darts at the board to pick the 2-7 slots. Only Phoenix should slip and they'll probably be replaced by either Memphis or Houston.
On paper, the jazz look worse. This is because most of the stats are offensive. The current Jazz lineup may not have the offensive numbers that they had last year. However, they are much better on the defensive end. Plus Utah appears to have gotten improvement from Miles, Price, Ak and Fes. The real key to the Jazz season will be Jefferson to a large extent. Can he produce in the jazz system? Preseason indicates that he can.

I see the Jazz being in the top 10 defensive teams this year and could be on offense as well. The thunder are missing an inside presence so they will rely on driving the lane and shooting. Effective but not reliable. Nuggets who knows what they will look like, but the added length in utah matches up better with them. Portland, They have a lot of talent, but do they have a team? Spurs could be really scary even with a slowed duncan. Dallas similar to denver. The clippers could be good, but they are the clippers and will find a way to loose. LA is still the team to beat, but if you stop gasol you increase your chances of winning. Make them a one dementional team (kobe).
Its funny how a lot of them are saying Dwill is the best PG, and Jefferson is a huge upgrade from Booze, yet we still get ranked low. Our supporting cast isnt getting the cred the deserve.
These "experts" only know about the Lakers and the Thunder in the west. All the rest is just a bunch of ************ doing what they do best: bullshitting.

1) So you don't get an infraction, you may wanna change that.
2) How the **** do you have four reps points? I thought it wasn't even possible for us laymen.