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Zimmerman/Martin Jury

I'm sad beyond words

not surprised, but sad

why did he have to get out of his car in the first place...
what was he thinking?
he got away with something, I'm just not sure what to call it
I really don't know too much about this, haven't really been paying attention, but people on twitter and facebook are already starting in with the "they don't care because Trayvon was black".
29 year old black man shoots 17 year old white kid in self defense.
death penalty guaranteed
We may never know, but people who are just saying that without backing up anything with evidence are just ignorant.

The evidence for racism in our justice system is there in the conviction rates and harshness of sentences. There is overwhelming statistical evidence for it. The ignorance that is out there is people being unwilling to listen to the evidence that is available.
I'm sad beyond words

not surprised, but sad

why did he have to get out of his car in the first place...
what was he thinking?
he got away with something, I'm just not sure what to call it

Yup. It leaves me perplexed that someone can kill a kid who was truly up to no harm, until he tried to stand up for himself when he felt persecuted.

Zimmerman just never passed the eye/test with me. The dude seems like he has something wrong with him.

Well. I wonder how this all unfolds.
Yup. It leaves me perplexed that someone can kill a kid who was truly up to no harm, until he tried to stand up for himself when he felt persecuted.

Zimmerman just never passed the eye/test with me. The dude seems like he has something wrong with him.

Well. I wonder how this all unfolds.

Probably not going to unfold well, people saying let the purge begin tonight on Zimmerman.
The evidence for racism in our justice system is there in the conviction rates and harshness of sentences. There is overwhelming statistical evidence for it. The ignorance that is out there is people being unwilling to listen to the evidence that is available.

Or maybe... Black people are more likely to commit a crime? That sounds harsh, but stereotypes exist for a reason. When your culture thinks it's cool to rape women, kill cops, kill whitey, lie, steal, and cheat then don't be surprised when the culture actually does those things at a higher rate than another culture.

Yes, we are still a racist nation, but if you want to bring up ignorance on one side, you better be willing to look at your own as well.

As for this story -- people who actually thought that Zimmerman was guilty, or that he would be found guilty, should really take a step back and reevaluate their existence. The Thriller thought he was guilty... 'nuff said.
^^^ I agree, 32% of black males will go to jail once in their life, compared to 17% of hispanic males, and 6% of white males.

It was funny when Rachel (Trayvon's girlfriend) was testifying how Trayvon was yelling "this cracker is following me", there is a double standard. Black people can call white people cracker and nobody blinks, but Paula Deen gets fired for saying the n-word.
Or maybe... Black people are more likely to commit a crime? That sounds harsh, but stereotypes exist for a reason. When your culture thinks it's cool to rape women, kill cops, kill whitey, lie, steal, and cheat then don't be surprised when the culture actually does those things at a higher rate than another culture.

Yes, we are still a racist nation, but if you want to bring up ignorance on one side, you better be willing to look at your own as well.

As for this story -- people who actually thought that Zimmerman was guilty, or that he would be found guilty, should really take a step back and reevaluate their existence. The Thriller thought he was guilty... 'nuff said.

I think the question then becomes "well, how did they adopt that culture?". Because it sure as hell wasn't there when Blacks first started coming to America.

And if we figure out who is responsible, then maybe they should put concerned efforts to pull them out of this outcasted cultural rut of us against America.
^^^ I agree, 32% of black males will go to jail once in their life, compared to 17% of hispanic males, and 6% of white males.

It was funny when Rachel (Trayvon's girlfriend) was testifying how Trayvon was yelling "this cracker is following me", there is a double standard. Black people can call white people cracker and nobody blinks, but Paula Deen gets fired for saying the n-word.

Because there is centuries of revolting connotations that are tied with the N-word. Come on man, I hate to be OneBrow here but any idiot should understand the difference between the two.
Wow, with what I have seen and by the letter of the law it is the right choice. Regardless of how you fell about it. Beyond a reasonable doubt...

I agree. Definitely reasonable doubt is there. I have it and I think Zimmerman was in the wrong in this.
Because there is centuries of revolting connotations that are tied with the N-word. Come on man, I hate to be OneBrow here but any idiot should understand the difference between the two.

Oh my bad, we should feel sorry for the black people and let them call us crackers because of all the years we did it to them. Back when nobody really cared about it and when whites were treated superior to blacks. Now that we are even it is alright for them to do it. I got you.
I really don't know too much about this, haven't really been paying attention, but people on twitter and facebook are already starting in with the "they don't care because Trayvon was black".

That's silly. The only reason this case went to trial is because of public and media pressure after the media presented a false narrative. I followed this trial quite a bit and IMO there was never enough evidence to convict if you stuck to the evidence(Maybe Kicky can weigh in on this and offer some personal opinions as well as legal). I don't think we hear about this case at all if Zimmerman doesn't have a gun and is beaten to death. The media jumped to conclusions IMO. This case should have never been brought to trial.