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Furthermore, what's her background? How was her home life growing up? Is there any trauma there? I think a lot of times, mental manifestations in adult life stem from experiences when we were younger. Yeah, I know, well duh. Sometimes people can't see the obvious. This is the only reason I bring it up.
Its a solid thought...
She has very loving parents and was well nurtured. No trauma at all. However, her mom is a total worry wart extreme... similar to my wife.
However, her mom is a total worry wart extreme... similar to my wife.

Well, there you go. Sometimes, certain parental idiosyncrasies are either rejected or adopted by the offspring. I think in this case she's adopted it. If your wife thinks it's a problem the way she is and she's willing to change, I think sometimes a few deep breaths and a standing 10 count do wonders to clear the mind quickly and gain back some relative footing.

When I feel anxious, I usually exercise and that usually helps me clear the mind.
I've wanted to try kava but I have heard there are issues with purity and actually getting the real thing. Is that the extract you use? Is it effective, and how long does it last? Is it quick onset, or does it take a while to hit you, and do you build up a tolerance?

There is issues with purity as kava peel, stem, and leaf aren't supposed to be used.
I use Herb Pharm Kava extract that is prepared from only the rhizome and root.
I was scared to use it at first, but finally did as it helps me with anxiety and staying away from drinking binges ha.....
You basically feel it immediately, and it actually has a reverse tolerance, as you need less and less of it to take an effect.

So I got my kava over Christmas, the same one Silencer listed, exactly the same actually. I tried the recommended dosage and it did basically nothing beyond what I get from a good cup of chamomile tea. Tried doubling the dose later, and nothing. Afraid to go much higher than that. I did half the dose another day, and felt nothing. Not sure exactly what to expect, but maybe the fact that my stress levels were already fairly low due to being off of work for a while, and the fact that the horrible air quality in Ogden made me feel sick every day I was there anyway had something to do with it. I put it away and will try it again in a couple of weeks while we write annual reviews. That always ramps up the stress levels.
Wow..... I've never met anyone in my life that absolutely felt nothing from kava.
I sometimes don't even take the 40 drops because it will effect me at work.
How much caffeine are you consuming bro?
I occasionally only have a cup of coffee in the morning and never drink soda, energy drinks, or any other type of caffeine.

Chamomile tea is a very good one as well, but the kava extract is great on the go.
Wow..... I've never met anyone in my life that absolutely felt nothing from kava.
I sometimes don't even take the 40 drops because it will effect me at work.
How much caffeine are you consuming bro?
I occasionally only have a cup of coffee in the morning and never drink soda, energy drinks, or any other type of caffeine.

Chamomile tea is a very good one as well, but the kava extract is great on the go.

I don't use much caffeine. Maybe a coke now and then, nothing regular, rarely have an energy drink, and especially on vacation when I am catching up on sleep had almost no caffeine at all.

I am not surprised. I have been told by a couple of different pain doctors that I have a high natural resistance to certain groups of drugs, like narcotics. When I was undergoing treatment for cancer, I had a major surgery where they removed the tumor from my spine and fused together 6 vertebrae in my neck and upper back. It was a 16 hour surgery and the pain was unbelievable afterward. My doctor had me on a morphine drip, but he said he could tell from my vitals and my reactions even while nearly unconscious that it wasn't working well. When I came to he asked me my pain level (the standard 1-10 scale, 10 being worst pain imaginable) and he said he expected me to say 5 or 6 with the morphine in place. When I told him 9 he was really worried. They checked everything out with the surgery, found it was all what it should be, and that I just wasn't responding to the morphine. He ended up upping my dose on the machine to the max he could safely give me and it took my pain down to about a 7. And it never really gave me that euphoria or "high". I mean I felt it for sure, but not like others describe it. I have also been on strong regimens of percocet and methadone after other surgeries, and always end up with much higher doses to take care of the pain. Oxycontin was the only thing I have found that really hit my pain very well, and that was at the highest dose they could give me and still didn't do what it should have. As a result, I have a very high tolerance for pain.

I have kind of wondered if my reaction with kava was tied to that. Not sure how kava works actually, but valium does nothing for me, literally nothing. Doesn't even make me tired, same with codein.
I get really, really anxious about driving in snow. I hate it. I drive like an old lady, hands clutched to the wheel, driving way under the speedlimit. Nobody else I know feels this way, except for old ladies. For everyone, snow is just a minor annoyance. But I spend all season worrying it's going to snow when I have to commute.

*deep breath*

There. I said it. I feel better now.

**** you, snow.
I get really, really anxious about driving in snow. I hate it. I drive like an old lady, hands clutched to the wheel, driving way under the speedlimit. Nobody else I know feels this way, except for old ladies. For everyone, snow is just a minor annoyance. But I spend all season worrying it's going to snow when I have to commute.

*deep breath*

There. I said it. I feel better now.

**** you, snow.

You should smoke pot while you drive in the snow to help calm you down
I don't use much caffeine. Maybe a coke now and then, nothing regular, rarely have an energy drink, and especially on vacation when I am catching up on sleep had almost no caffeine at all.

I am not surprised. I have been told by a couple of different pain doctors that I have a high natural resistance to certain groups of drugs, like narcotics. When I was undergoing treatment for cancer, I had a major surgery where they removed the tumor from my spine and fused together 6 vertebrae in my neck and upper back. It was a 16 hour surgery and the pain was unbelievable afterward. My doctor had me on a morphine drip, but he said he could tell from my vitals and my reactions even while nearly unconscious that it wasn't working well. When I came to he asked me my pain level (the standard 1-10 scale, 10 being worst pain imaginable) and he said he expected me to say 5 or 6 with the morphine in place. When I told him 9 he was really worried. They checked everything out with the surgery, found it was all what it should be, and that I just wasn't responding to the morphine. He ended up upping my dose on the machine to the max he could safely give me and it took my pain down to about a 7. And it never really gave me that euphoria or "high". I mean I felt it for sure, but not like others describe it. I have also been on strong regimens of percocet and methadone after other surgeries, and always end up with much higher doses to take care of the pain. Oxycontin was the only thing I have found that really hit my pain very well, and that was at the highest dose they could give me and still didn't do what it should have. As a result, I have a very high tolerance for pain.

I have kind of wondered if my reaction with kava was tied to that. Not sure how kava works actually, but valium does nothing for me, literally nothing. Doesn't even make me tired, same with codein.

Wow. You sure do complain a lot for not really going through much...

I'm a lot like you except the fact that I have zero pain tolerance. I've had four liver surgeries and pancreatitis in the last four years to go along with several awesome GI problems and I've simply built up a resistance to most drugs. I tore a ligament in my elbow while grappling a few months ago and they gave me 7.5 perc's; four at a time pretty much does nothing, and I don't dare go over that amount. So I just complain a lot.

I get really, really anxious about driving in snow. I hate it. I drive like an old lady, hands clutched to the wheel, driving way under the speedlimit. Nobody else I know feels this way, except for old ladies. For everyone, snow is just a minor annoyance. But I spend all season worrying it's going to snow when I have to commute.

*deep breath*

There. I said it. I feel better now.

**** you, snow.

Wait, I thought you were a guy? How do you think Gordon feels about all of this?
Wow. You sure do complain a lot for not really going through much...

I'm a lot like you except the fact that I have zero pain tolerance. I've had four liver surgeries and pancreatitis in the last four years to go along with several awesome GI problems and I've simply built up a resistance to most drugs. I tore a ligament in my elbow while grappling a few months ago and they gave me 7.5 perc's; four at a time pretty much does nothing, and I don't dare go over that amount. So I just complain a lot.

Wait, I thought you were a guy? How do you think Gordon feels about all of this?

You have to build up on the percs. Go 4 at a time for 3 days, then bump it to 6. At about 8 10's I get a good amount of pain relief. Now going the other way is the hard part.
You have to build up on the percs. Go 4 at a time for 3 days, then bump it to 6. At about 8 10's I get a good amount of pain relief. Now going the other way is the hard part.

That's funny! Part of the reason I stopped at 4 was because it didn't matter how many stool softeners (ya, spelled it wrong, bite me) I took, I was still giving birth to a watermelon every three days. Mix in some spicy food along the way, and you've got a burning problem.
When I play in basketball games and shoot ft's, my anxiety flares up and I get a lil light headed and my arms feel like feathers. Needless to say, I shoot in game ft's like Ben Wallace.
When I play in basketball games and shoot ft's, my anxiety flares up and I get a lil light headed and my arms feel like feathers. Needless to say, I shoot in game ft's like Ben Wallace.

Typical bro excuse. "If I can't just dunk it, I get like, you know, scared n' stuff." Word to the wise: You're not good at basketball.