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Religious wife was waiting 6 month for God to resurrect her dead husband at home....

sounds like she was punished, dude.

Also, the State should sterilize teh retards, amiright???

Also, trollthread.
Anyone know what the sign says?
All I could make out was 'Fornication' and 'Judgement'

Well then, screaming like a 7 year old girl and flailing around like a 2 year old was completely justified...I guess.
sounds like she was punished, dude.

Well she should have been placed in mental institution and her children should be taken away IMHO. She is dangerous and has no right to raise them.
That kid is clearly struggling with something. But... yeah... mock him if you must.

To be fair, the kid was attacked first, and he doesn't seem like the fighting type. But if he's going to get in people's face like that, he should probably learn some self defense. Or he should at least learn how to kick people in the balls and then run as fast as possible.