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    • MVP
      MVP replied to the thread JD Vance.
      you mean he is the best liar?
    • MVP
      MVP replied to the thread JD Vance.
      Right on, but was the fish biting?
    • MVP
      MVP reacted to Mongoose's post in the thread JD Vance with Haha Haha.
      well said by this independent voter- I feel very much the same View:
    • MVP
      MVP reacted to str8line's post in the thread JD Vance with Like Like.
      That's an awesome setup.
    • MVP
      MVP reacted to fishonjazz's post in the thread JD Vance with Like Like.
      That is awesome! I'm super jealous! Here is a picture I took from my fishing trip Monday. Sent from my CPH2451 using Tapatalk
    • MVP
      MVP replied to the thread JD Vance.
      Nothing beats sleeping in the boat on the river in wilderness though;)
      • IMG_2017.jpeg
      • IMG_4181.jpeg
    • MVP
      MVP replied to the thread JD Vance.
      I drive a truck. But I fish and need to tow the boat pretty much every weekend during summer and no SUW( except of maybe Expedition )...
    • MVP
      MVP reacted to Sardines's post in the thread JD Vance with Like Like.
      You can Vance if you want to You can leave good sense behind 'Cause your friends don't Vance and since they don't Vance Well, they're...
    • MVP
      MVP replied to the thread JD Vance.
      Vance just showed he is just a better lying , more smooth, better poker face crook than Trump. He is slick snake oil salesman, that is...
    • MVP
      MVP replied to the thread Take the Political Typology Quiz.
      I thought I will be ambivalent right but this quiz made me democratic mainstay. Must be repulsive effect Trump had on me since 2016.
    • MVP
      I really disagree with this. I think if suicide can be done through a spur of the moment, impulsive decision, it's a lot more likely to...
    • MVP
      Here is another interesting breakdown for more context...
    • MVP
      Ok, so let's just lay it out there. I posted a rant recently about gun control and school shootings and I thought it would be...
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