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    • MVP
      MVP replied to the thread Kamala Harris for Pres.
      View: What is orange clown implying? That he will turn...
    • MVP
      MVP replied to the thread Kamala Harris for Pres.
      What fish said. Annoying is too nice to describe it. He is pathologic, evil, dumb narcissist.
    • MVP
      MVP reacted to fishonjazz's post in the thread Kamala Harris for Pres with Like Like.
      Trump isn't real (he lies more than anyone and is a notorious cheater)) and doesn't know what the **** he is talking about most of the...
    • MVP
      MVP reacted to Safetydan's post in the thread Kamala Harris for Pres with Like Like.
      I'll freely admit that Trump has charisma. I'd never vote for his stupid ***. He's genuinely entertaining and funny until he's the...
    • MVP
      MVP reacted to Bucknutz's post in the thread Kamala Harris for Pres with Dislike Dislike.
      That’s fine you don’t have to take me serious. Trump is genuine and real: View:
    • MVP
      MVP replied to the thread Kamala Harris for Pres.
      Sorry but I can't take anybody seriously who thinks Trump is genuine and real and knows more about topics when discussing them...
    • MVP
      MVP reacted to Bucknutz's post in the thread Kamala Harris for Pres with Dislike Dislike.
      Why do I need to post about Trump when there is about 15 posters letting us know everything about what he does or doesn’t do, say or...
    • MVP
      MVP replied to the thread Kamala Harris for Pres. View: Another couple...
    • MVP
      MVP reacted to LogGrad98's post in the thread Kamala Harris for Pres with Haha Haha.
      He isn't. He is voting for the brain worm controlling RFK Jr.
    • MVP
      MVP replied to the thread Kamala Harris for Pres.
      So if he is voting for Kamala why keep complaining about her here not stop? In a kingdom of blind even one eyed is perfectly suited to...
    • MVP
      MVP reacted to Bucknutz's post in the thread Kamala Harris for Pres with Hmmm Hmmm.
      If you want to win for sure, why play the bench?
    • MVP
      MVP reacted to Sardines's post in the thread Kamala Harris for Pres with Like Like.
      The process of picking someone other than Harris would have been complicated and it had a lot of potential to get messy. Some people...
    • MVP
      MVP reacted to Political Jazz Fan's post in the thread Kamala Harris for Pres with Haha Haha.
      Here's a link so you guys can contribute to Trump View:
    • MVP
      MVP reacted to Political Jazz Fan's post in the thread Kamala Harris for Pres with Dislike Dislike.
    • MVP
      MVP reacted to Political Jazz Fan's post in the thread Kamala Harris for Pres with Dislike Dislike.
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