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    • SteakNEggs
      This is f* up no matter what side of the aisle you are on. Though I can't directly blame braindead Brandon for this, it does have at...
    • SteakNEggs
      SteakNEggs reacted to Political Jazz Fan's post in the thread Kamala Harris for Pres with Like Like.
    • SteakNEggs
      SteakNEggs replied to the thread Kamala Harris for Pres.
      Has she done a press conference like Trump yet? Dude took some tough questions...
    • SteakNEggs
      SteakNEggs reacted to Political Jazz Fan's post in the thread Kamala Harris for Pres with Like Like.
    • SteakNEggs
      You fish mocking Christians again? That's nothing new.
    • SteakNEggs
      Let's be honest... You talk about Trump faaar more than these people. You should look into a mirror.. I know these people you hate with...
    • SteakNEggs
      SteakNEggs replied to the thread Tim Walz.
      Lol i knew you were going to go that route. I'm am adult I can talk about important issues without making it something it's not. We are...
    • SteakNEggs
      SteakNEggs replied to the thread Tim Walz.
      What if that 18 year old trans male is minding his business? Do you genuinely think a younger woman should feel safe? This goes for...
    • SteakNEggs
      SteakNEggs replied to the thread Tim Walz.
      Let's get back on topic as you're a terrible troll trying to muddy up the actual conversation. You go to bullying instead of being an...
    • SteakNEggs
      SteakNEggs replied to the thread Tim Walz.
      Ok those accusing me of being a troll. This is just the last 2 pages. I see Cy scattered when I decided to get back to actually...
    • SteakNEggs
      SteakNEggs replied to the thread Tim Walz.
      Lol see who's the child here? What a childish post. You mean tampons for biological women? No I as a male have absolutely no need for a...
    • SteakNEggs
      SteakNEggs replied to the thread Tim Walz.
      Lol how melodramatic... Im pointing out that you are far worse than me. I have absolutely no will of harming anyone or hurting them like...
    • SteakNEggs
      SteakNEggs replied to the thread Tim Walz.
      Where do you work? I'm sure they would love to see you openly advocating to kill people and assassinate Presidents. Many people lost...
    • SteakNEggs
      SteakNEggs replied to the thread Tim Walz.
      It's just funny how you guys are just sitting here being extremely hateful and mean and bullying but accusing others of doing EXACTLY...
    • SteakNEggs
      SteakNEggs replied to the thread Tim Walz.
      I already bet you $5000 dollars that I have no current alt and you responded that you were just lying to impress Thriller. Anyways this...
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